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How can one show scientific and economic power in a parade?
This is a MILITARY parade and the point here is that China got nothing except the military as her pride and joy.
On the Previous page, DF-31, ?????, What is a DF-31

Really nice, Salutations to China our dear brotherly country and our Chinese brothers on such a nice Military Parade on this 60th anniversary​


I rally liked this one, These Ladies showed such a well organized Parade !! :agree:





Gambit you are distroying this thread by ur unnecessery brain farts. a senior member like you should refrain from getting into such debates,cause you know the outcome of such debate.
I wont debate the divine revelation to America by god to nuke Japan to save the commies and end the war; i've heard and read enough justification of this sadistic genocide; and dont start on China's human rights violations; the history of the US is fraught with it; from employing black people as slaves to denying women the right to vote; you took more than 2 centuries to fix your shortcomings; its been only 6 decades for China (and Pakistan if you view the larger picture).


If you are going to make the beginning of that sixty years time span as the criteria to give China a rather feeble excuse, then be honest and give the US the same courtesy. In that same sixty year time span, which pretty much begin with the end of WW II, the US made far more progress than China in terms of human rights and everything else.

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to government statistics, there were 15 million excess deaths in this period. Unofficial estimates vary, but are often considerably higher. Yang Jisheng, a former Xinhua News Agency reporter who spent over ten years gathering information available to no other scholars, estimates a toll of 36 million.
Fifteen millions dead in a land known for fertility. Families broken up with husbands and wives forced to live in separate quarters in the name of communism in those collective farms.

Amazon.com: Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine (9780805056686): Jasper Becker: Books

Becker detailed how children were too terrified to go to sleep at night for fear that one child would be killed by his/her parents for food. Let me know which chapter you would like me to quote. Something to be so proud of in those sixty years.
Save the commies? The A-bombs ended the war the fastest way possible. But God had nothing to do with how most of China was spared the fate that befell Manchuria. The Flying Tigers ring any bells?

and we have a lot of them that can reach any of your population center. Face the harsh truth: when we kick you back to the south of the 38th parallel, China even couldn't build a truck on his own.

Why not indeed? So if the US did it, why not China? What you failed to understand is -- So what if much of American technological advances came from military projects? It was the civilian sector that turned those technological advancements into common household items, like the microwave oven for example. Or how about the simple transistor? Face the harsh truth...Communism is cause of China's lag behind the West. Not even a toaster equivalent came out of the communists.

you stupid moron didn't realise the fact that China even couldn't build a truck when communist party took China?

sure, currently the US is still the No. 1, here my suggestion is you should keep yourself fit and have less junk food, so you can see us kick the US out of the No.1, we will do it for the GDP first, then the GDP per capita of our east coast (which already have 300 million people).
If you are going to make the beginning of that sixty years time span as the criteria to give China a rather feeble excuse, then be honest and give the US the same courtesy. In that same sixty year time span, which pretty much begin with the end of WW II, the US made far more progress than China in terms of human rights and everything else.

And we give America that credit for all the advancements in technology; but we do not understand the sadistic; hungry war machine that has fuelled America's economy for most of its life.

Learn to live side by side with a different opinion than yours (Capitalism vs Communism); it is this american mentality of imposing their will on everybody else on the planet and going to war with almost 70 percent of the world over democracy and installing their puppets which makes them no different than the medieval taliban. Then you wonder why people hate you and your imperialistic objectives :disagree:

Oh and China doesn't lag behind the US; they're keeping you afloat by buying up your treasury; dont be jealous now because they're richer than you are :cool:
Oh and China doesn't lag behind the US; they're keeping you afloat by buying up your treasury; dont be jealous now because they're richer than you are :cool:

that is not a lot of money, the US can pay the money back in just two years if they shut down their army/navy/airforce, for just two years.
that is not a lot of money, the US can pay the money back in just two years if they shut down their army/navy/airforce, for just two years.

I agree; if only they keep to themselves and do not dick around in other countries affairs which is next to impossible. Theres a word in Punjabi; most of Pakistanis here will get it; "America ko khurak hoti hai".
Sixty years in power and the only thing the commies has to show is military prowess. Sad.

Compared with the Times, your comment is much less in provocation and retardation, but pathetic to the same degree.

China reaches out on 60th anniversary - Times Online

The parade is meant to consummate the transformation of the PLA from a revolutionary guerrilla movement into a sophisticated military using smart weapons and space-based surveillance systems.

“It is an extraordinary achievement,” said Liang Guanglie, the defence minister, in an interview published on his ministry’s website.

Extraordinary measures to repress any opposition to the party at the end of its sixth decade in power suggest that despite having 2.3m men under arms, the leadership still fears foes at home.

Does suppression of dissidents need cruise missiles? Need KJ-200? Need DFs? If this writer doesn’t have mental problem, who would have it? :lol:

Jay, one of the US founding fathers, said in his Federalist Papers No. 2 ( Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence For the Independent Journal.):

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. It is well worthy of consideration therefore, whether it would conduce more to the interest of the people of America that they should, to all general purposes, be one nation, under one federal government, or that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies, and give to the head of each the same kind of powers which they are advised to place in one national government.

In the paper No 3, Jay continued with the same subject:

Among the many objects to which a wise and free people find it necessary to direct their attention, that of providing for their SAFETY seems to be the first. The SAFETY of the people doubtless has relation to a great variety of circumstances and considerations, and consequently affords great latitude to those who wish to define it precisely and comprehensively.

At present I mean only to consider it as it respects security for the preservation of peace and tranquility, as well as against dangers from FOREIGN ARMS AND INFLUENCE, as from dangers of the LIKE KIND arising from domestic causes. As the former of these comes first in order, it is proper it should be the first discussed. Let us therefore proceed to examine whether the people are not right in their opinion that a cordial Union, under an efficient national government, affords them the best security that can be devised against HOSTILITIES from abroad.

China today faces many foreign influence and threats. Without a full deterrence, China will never be free from the “dangers from FOREIGN ARMS AND INFLUENCE, as from dangers of the LIKE KIND arising from domestic causes.”

One of today’s foreign influences is that voting is a panacea. Look at the same clownish article in the Times:

A lone anonymous citizen responded on the website of Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV, which is read by millions on the mainland: “Since you are so great, glorious and correct, why don’t you dare give the people the vote?”

The foreign influence is obvious palpable: vote = great and correct.

Many countries in the world allow people to vote, but they are still subject to foreign arms and influences. They can’t preserve their peace and tranquility at home, and their people’s daily life is poor, desparate…


Today’s PLA is still too week: in the East it can’t deter the separation of Taiwan, in the South, it can’t keep islands from being encroached, in the West ZN still in dispute…

China must build a much stronger army, which “affords them the best security that can be devised against HOSTILITIES from abroad”, perhaps at par with that of USA. Then China will be free from foreign influence, be more confident, and their people will have more say on their own affairs.

Believe me or not, only then will Sino-US relationship be improved to an unprecedented height.
Save the commies? The A-bombs ended the war the fastest way possible. But God had nothing to do with how most of China was spared the fate that befell Manchuria. The Flying Tigers ring any bells?

Why not indeed? So if the US did it, why not China? What you failed to understand is -- So what if much of American technological advances came from military projects? It was the civilian sector that turned those technological advancements into common household items, like the microwave oven for example. Or how about the simple transistor? Face the harsh truth...Communism is cause of China's lag behind the West. Not even a toaster equivalent came out of the communists.

I personally believe that the Sovereign stands behind Empires and Republics alike - they all fall and rise by His Grace, and according to His Will.

But let's leave that aside ...

Now I agree that on a day like yesterday, the citizens of PRC would do well to commemorate the blood spilled by Americans - sailors, Marines, and most of all, the "Flying Tigers" whose remains still scatter across the Himalayas, for their sacrifices that saved China as a nation.

I don't think anyone here disputes that.

I would also acknowledge that your statements on "Commie underachievement" - perhaps ill-occasioned, but are generally not disputed by most people as pertaining to the bulk of the developmental path taken over the last 6 decades by China.

However, Mr. Gambit, have you no idea that the PRC's military budget was literally and comparatively paltry throughout the 80's and most of the 90's?

Deng was in fact a believer of "beating the sword into the plow" - so much so that he ordered the PLA to "take up business opportunities" while cutting its funding globally, which resulted in a disastrous, utterly corrupt, poor man's "Military-Business Complex", if you will ...

Anyhow, if it wasn't for the 2nd Iraq War, and the bombing of Belgrade preceding it - by none other than the Great Plutocracy Itself, it would've been better indeed if all this DF-this-and-that were taken apart, and scrap-metaled into toasters.
Sixty years in power and the only thing the commies has to show is military prowess. Sad.

China is showing the military power through a parade while the US is actually dropping bombs all over the world killing innocent ppl and occupying territories of other countries buy throwing shameless lies.

Looks like Americans are more of a "doer" and love the taste of blood in stead of posing before the camera.

Well, that's sad, of course not for US, but for the rest of the world


If you are going to make the beginning of that sixty years time span as the criteria to give China a rather feeble excuse, then be honest and give the US the same courtesy. In that same sixty year time span, which pretty much begin with the end of WW II, the US made far more progress than China in terms of human rights and everything else.

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fifteen millions dead in a land known for fertility. Families broken up with husbands and wives forced to live in separate quarters in the name of communism in those collective farms.

Amazon.com: Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine (9780805056686): Jasper Becker: Books

Becker detailed how children were too terrified to go to sleep at night for fear that one child would be killed by his/her parents for food. Let me know which chapter you would like me to quote. Something to be so proud of in those sixty years.

Dude you are losing your last bit of common sense.
What do you expect to see from a book written by a right wing extremist and a Chinese hater?
You are quoting from someone that give you the idea rooted in your mind to prove your own point. Does that make any sense?
Give yourself a break and think like ordinary ppl.
This is a MILITARY parade and the point here is that China got nothing except the military as her pride and joy.

I have one world for you "Wal-Mart" , next time you go there like millions others do, you will find other Chinese exports being sold like hot cake in USA :coffee:

Happy Anniversary China
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