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PIA ‘sacrifices black goat’ before flying ATR plane

If you want To critisize something, critisize PIA. Not the concept of Sadaqah.
@Mentee @Zarvan @Hell hound @Khafee @django @Zibago @war&peace @RealNapster @GreenFalcon @Morse_Code @Zaki @WAJsal @User @MastanKhan

Lo Bhai Ye Din B Anay Thay PIA pay....:sick:

Rather than insuring the safety by taking standard measures PIA slaughtered a black goat to defeat all those bad omens causing the bad days for Airline...

Who could believe this is the same Airline who helped Emirates Airlines in starting their operation... Sigh !!!
So if they couldn't find a black goat, and had to do with a white one, what would happen?

I remember the saying is that you tie the animal and put your faith in the Lord. In this case it just seems like faith and ignore all else.
Has the meat been given to the poor and needy?
Biryani party at PIA's top honchos home, come on over. Just make sure it's not PIA you are flying in on :p:

Why a black goat?
Racism. Something to do with Rastafarians.
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There has to be a sacrifice of "black sheeps" within PIA. Only their offerings will resurrect this once great airline.
Whoever decided to fly the planes should be kicked in the ***. If goat sacrifice can replace proper maintenance than another goat sacrifice can also take care of the position that idiot works in. Lets fire all the incompetent ninkumpoops from PIA and just sacrifice a goat everyday things will workout themselves.

ISLAMABAD: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) may have cleared the ATR planes for flying operations, but mere clearance seemed a half-job done for the authorities as they resorted to slaughter black goat to ward off any ‘untoward happening’ in view of looming fear, ARY News reported.

According to our correspondent Salahuddin, sacrifice of the goat was given at Islamabad airport on behalf of the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

And the goat was slaughtered moments before the jet took off for first time after shakedown tests. The ‘ritual’ took place before Multan-bound flight left the Islamabad airport.

The PIA had grounded all of its 10 ATR aircrafts after the Civil Aviation Authority ordered shakedown tests of the planes.

The directions came after an ATR aircraft reportedly caught fire while on runway of Multan Airport before taking off on Sunday.

The PIA airplane PK-581 with 48 passengers on board was set to take off from Multan to Karachi when it suffered a blaze incident.

According to PIA: “It has been decided to keep all 10 ATR aircraft grounded till they are cleared after thorough examination.”

The statement said the “temporary suspension of ATR operation” will affect PIA’s flights to smaller airports like Gwadar, Turbat, Panjgur, Mohenjo Daro, Zhob, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Chitral and Gilgit.

May the ghost of the goat carry all passengers safely to their destination.
are you sure you wanna sit in a plane piloted by the goast?

A sacrifice is one way of telling evil spirits take this life and spare us instead. Well thats why its named as bakra!
Shocking to see how much ignorance is displayed by what I'm assuming, are Pakistani Muslims. This slaughter is not acceptable and DOES NOT fall under the category of Sadaqa.

This backward practice of slaughtering a black animal is to ward off evil and bad luck. That makes it both an act of shirk and bid'ah and therefore sinful. That is a fact, irregardless of what good comes of the meat.

What are PIA going to do when they crash a B777 or A320? Slaughter a 100 black goats? :crazy:

Only if a non-descript (colour) animal was slaughtered with the intent of only pleasing God would the sacrifice be acceptable.
Man... How can people be so retarded??? N just before someone jumps in about India.. I'm talking about all of humanity.. Including Indians, Americans etc..
So if they couldn't find a black goat, and had to do with a white one, what would happen?

Biryani party at PIA's top honchos home, come on over. Just make sure it's not PIA you are flying in on :p:

Racism. Something to do with Rastafarians.
I know many rastafarians and voodoo priests but never heard of such a thing
Animal Sacrifice is completely normal , fantastic gesture to give some meat to poor families donation. For good luck

My only concern is when Corporate taxes are due they don't claim these Goat expenses , as reason for their yearly loses

It is about time they for sake of God made one year with Profit margins
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