Spoke to my father who served in PIA as a Boeing engineer for 40 odd years, also my cousin who also served in PIA engineering and now very senior GE, this unfortunate plane had a history of LEFT engine issues and it was flagged many times by the technicians. It seems there was landing gear issue on initial approach and pilot had to abort the landing which mean full throttle climb out at 500 feet. There was a step climb till 3000 feet. It's a normal proceed to take the aircraft around 5k 6k feet for manual checks and try manual landing gear deployment under gravity. There might not have been any issue at all and it could be just a false electrical reading about landing gear issue. and in this stage the left engine might have given up.
Now at this stage, it's not confirmed , it seems the pilot may have mistakenly pulled the right engine fire handle. Which lead to both engine going offline and at that altitude it is impossible to restart the engine. RAT deployment is clear sign that both engines were offline.
This is the same situation which happened in ATR crash unfortunately.