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PIA has 860 registered pilots out of 40 percent has fake degrees.262 licenses fake. Minister

Same PIA was turned into profit by Pervez Musharraf and had offers for privatizations, but Imran Khan came to streets along with his best friend Asif Ali Zardari.

Are you part of some social media cell? Every one of your posts desperately tries to force some connection to IK, and its more sad than anything.

PIA was already a bloated mess during Mushraffs time and was banned from the EU in 2007, followed by 10 years of PPP/PMLN incompetence and mismanagement. Clearly nothing to do with Imran Khan, and more the doing of the three idiots that preceded him.
Are you part of some social media cell? Every one of your posts desperately tries to force some connection to IK, and its more sad than anything.

PIA was already a bloated mess during Mushraffs time and was banned from the EU in 2007, followed by 10 years of PPP/PMLN incompetence and mismanagement. Clearly nothing to do with Imran Khan, and more the doing of the three idiots that preceded him.
In mid 90s was Nawaz was in power, because of this son of ***** , me and hundreds passenger stuck in Germany and PIA paid for our stay. BECAUSE , Ganja went to Europe and his plane engine failed, so our plane went to pick him up and drop him Pakistan.
@BATMAN always try connect Imran Khan, Iran, IRGC, Zardari, to anything wrong thing happened in Pakistan. He love KSA so much, becareful ..lolzzz.
During Nawaz era PIA and Steel mill destruction was started. Steel mill was sacrifice for his own steel factory. Used to import duty free scrap for all over the world for his factory.
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I think 860 is the total number of pilots in Pakistan - PIA, all commercial airlines, chartered flights, flying clubs.
Sack every single person with false qualifications. It doesn't matter if flights are grounded. During the Corona epidemic its the perfect opportunity - impact will be limited.
Are you part of some social media cell? Every one of your posts desperately tries to force some connection to IK, and its more sad than anything.

PIA was already a bloated mess during Mushraffs time and was banned from the EU in 2007, followed by 10 years of PPP/PMLN incompetence and mismanagement. Clearly nothing to do with Imran Khan, and more the doing of the three idiots that preceded him.

I simply stated a fact that it was Imran Khan at the helm of agitation against privatization of PIA, railway, Steel Mills and PTCL, one went through.
While Imran Khan has pulled Pakistan down, more than than Zardari, India and Iran united.
Every misery Pakistan is facing today is because of him, it was him who created political environment for the return of BB and NS, it was him who brought upon Zardari and it was him who sowed the seed of division in society, by the tools of blaming, slandering using his own media cell, starting with vindication of Musharraf.

Still you can go in any street of Pakistan wearing PTI cap and when any one try to hold Imran Khan responsible, tell him he belong to the media cell of someone.

While when you make wrong statements on Musharraf, i strongly believe you are part of PTI media cell.
Allow me to expose falsification and truth.

Since 2001, PIA posted profits only in 2002 to 2004 period. Like all the legacy carriers, be it Air India or Lufthansa, PIA has suffered from ever-increasing fuel costs, inherent inefficiencies and lack of capital injection when it was needed the most.

Ahmad Saeed was the last MD to steer PIA into profits. “We asked General Pervez Musharraf to support us and let us do what we wanted to do. Our loans were restructured and from a loss of Rs2.2 billion in 2001, the airline made a profit of Rs1.8 billion in the following year,” Saeed said.

RAWALPINDI- Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan today warned of holding protests at all airports in the country, arguing that Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) should not be privatized.

Opposing privatisation of Pakistan International Airlines, he announced that his party would continue to resist the government move.

Sack every single person with false qualifications. It doesn't matter if flights are grounded. During the Corona epidemic its the perfect opportunity - impact will be limited.

Whom shall we look upon for doing that?
I simply stated a fact that it was Imran Khan at the helm of agitation against privatization of PIA, railway, Steel Mills and PTCL, one went through.
While Imran Khan has pulled Pakistan down, more than than Zardari, India and Iran united.
Every misery Pakistan is facing today is because of him, it was him who created political environment for the return of BB and NS, it was him who brought upon Zardari and it was him who sowed the seed of division in society, by the tools of blaming, slandering using his own media cell, starting with vindication of Musharraf.

Still you can go in any street of Pakistan wearing PTI cap and when any one try to hold Imran Khan responsible, tell him he belong to the media cell of someone.

While when you make wrong statements on Musharraf, i strongly believe you are part of PTI media cell.
Allow me to expose falsification and truth.

Since 2001, PIA posted profits only in 2002 to 2004 period. Like all the legacy carriers, be it Air India or Lufthansa, PIA has suffered from ever-increasing fuel costs, inherent inefficiencies and lack of capital injection when it was needed the most.

Ahmad Saeed was the last MD to steer PIA into profits. “We asked General Pervez Musharraf to support us and let us do what we wanted to do. Our loans were restructured and from a loss of Rs2.2 billion in 2001, the airline made a profit of Rs1.8 billion in the following year,” Saeed said.

RAWALPINDI- Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan today warned of holding protests at all airports in the country, arguing that Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) should not be privatized.

Opposing privatisation of Pakistan International Airlines, he announced that his party would continue to resist the government move.

Whom shall we look upon for doing that?

The only Pakistani government who hasn't hired these crooks and has instead exposed them.
In mid 90s was Nawaz was in power, because of this son of ***** , me and hundreds passenger stuck in Germany and PIA paid for our stay. BECAUSE , Ganja went to Europe and his plane engine failed, so our plane went to pick him up and drop him Pakistan.
@BATMAN always try connect Imran Khan, Iran, IRGC, Zardari, to anything wrong thing happened in Pakistan. He love KSA so much, becareful ..lolzzz.
During Nawaz era PIA and Steel mill destruction was started. Steel mill was sacrifice for his own steel factory. Used to import duty free scrap for all over the world for his factory.

I'm not like you tribals talk from hipps.... i give reference.

Do you need fresh references on IRGC crimes against Pakistan and minister of current regime meeting IRGC commanders?

Imran Khan is mentally impaired and hijacked by the Iranian mafia in Pakistan.
Zardari and Imran Khan are two sides of same coin, but Imran Khan deliver solid blow to the foundations of Pakistan.
Let me know if you need references on economics and foreign loans and what exactly is meant by economic hit man, while Imran Khan's biggest crime will remain division in society and lowering it's social values.

While it's alright for you tribe to curse General retired Zia ul Haque in every post! Every moderator and think tank have done this more than you. So it's legal here.

More than 600 airline staffers including pilots possess fake degrees, reveals Sarwar
  • Minister says almost 40 percent pilots have fake licenses and lack flying experience
Fahad Zulfikar Updated June 24, 2020

(Karachi) Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar transpired that there are more than 600 staff members in airlines including pilots possessed fake degrees and licenses.

Highlighting details of the plane crash investigation report in Islamabad on Wednesday, he said that PIA took action against the pilots and dismissed them over the matter. "There are 860 active pilots in the country and of them, 262 pilots did not even take their exams themselves."

He revealed almost 40 percent pilots have fake licenses and lack flying experience. He added that the government had started to take action against all such pilots.

He said the pilot and the Air Traffic Controller did not follow the procedure that led to the Pakistan International Airline (PIA) crash incident. He claimed the plane was 100 per cent okay and in working condition.

Sarwar said that the pilots were not “focused” because of the coronavirus outbreak. "“The pilots discussed about coronavirus pandemic in the last half-an-hour. They were not focused as their families were affected," he stated.

PIA plane carrying 99 on-board crashes in Karachi

He maintained that both the pilot and co-pilot were fit and experienced. "There was no technical fault in the plane while data from the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) was decoded in the presence of foreign experts," he highlighted.

He said the plane took its first flight on May 7 and the crash happened on May 22. In between, it completed six flights successfully; five to and from Karachi and one to Sharjah.

"The pilot on the final approach did not identify any technical fault as well. At a distance of 10 miles from runway, the plane should have been at an altitude of 2,500 feet but it was around 7,220 feet. This was the first irregularity," he mentioned.

The aviation minister said the ATC told the pilot thrice that the plane was too low to land but he refused to listen. Another important factor was that the pilot closed the landing gears at a distance of five nautical miles from the runway even though they were open before, he added.

PIA plane crash: Airbus investigation team arrives in Karachi

Khan said that the plane was on auto-landing but the pilot brought it back to manual landing before the crash. It should have come in at 40 degrees but it dived at 60 degrees, he added.

The minister also blamed the pilots' "overconfidence and lack of focus" for the crash.

Regarding past crashes, including the Air Blue crash in 2010, Bojha Airlines crash in 2012, plane crash in Chitral in 2016 and the crash landing of a plane in Gilgit in 2019, he said that Air Blu and Bojha Airlines crash occurred due to human error and various breaches of flying discipline.

He added that the technical fault in the Chitral incident was so complicated that the plane manufacturer itself has not been able to reach a conclusion yet.

However, he said that the reports of the accidents will also be made public after completing investigations.

On May 22, PIA flight PK8303, carrying 99 people including 8 crew members, crashed into a residential area near Karachi airport. There were only two survivors.



Thank ppp for hiring these fake people in return for votes

This is all known from years but Imran Khan don't watch TV and read news, hence he was oblivious of common knowledge. Like he was oblivious of the low oil price opportunity.

The only Pakistani government who hasn't hired these crooks and has instead exposed them.
Please explain? What are you referring too? and please read the references from my post above, may be you get answers to the argument you are trying to make.
The only Pakistani government who hasn't hired these crooks and has instead exposed them.
It is fact , atleast we now seeing the real faces. For example , a new release. You can start the thread for this documentary.

after the 40% statement our misaali service PIA is now a laughing stock thorough out the world.the real question is will they do anything solid to make it right???
Fake degrees, fire them why publicizing. Powerless government. IK talks something and does something else.
Fake degrees, fire them why publicizing. Powerless government. IK talks something and does something else.
raham dill quam... inka bachoo kia hoga... no problem if pilot hit ground and hundreds of families suffer and million ofs dollar assets face the junkyard .. because we are so fvcking corrupt to the core...
PIA is used to smuggle money, alcohol, drugs and everything in between. I've seen PIA pilots pick up alcohol whole- heartedly from Dubai Duty Free. Bonus points for telling where all of it goes. This facade of feeding families needs to be shut down. Company hai ya Edhi ka langar khana? Fire all of them and send them to bilawal house so he can employ them.
I simply stated a fact that it was Imran Khan at the helm of agitation against privatization of PIA, railway, Steel Mills and PTCL, one went through.
While Imran Khan has pulled Pakistan down, more than than Zardari, India and Iran united.
Every misery Pakistan is facing today is because of him, it was him who created political environment for the return of BB and NS, it was him who brought upon Zardari and it was him who sowed the seed of division in society, by the tools of blaming, slandering using his own media cell, starting with vindication of Musharraf.

Still you can go in any street of Pakistan wearing PTI cap and when any one try to hold Imran Khan responsible, tell him he belong to the media cell of someone.

While when you make wrong statements on Musharraf, i strongly believe you are part of PTI media cell.
Allow me to expose falsification and truth.

Since 2001, PIA posted profits only in 2002 to 2004 period. Like all the legacy carriers, be it Air India or Lufthansa, PIA has suffered from ever-increasing fuel costs, inherent inefficiencies and lack of capital injection when it was needed the most.

Ahmad Saeed was the last MD to steer PIA into profits. “We asked General Pervez Musharraf to support us and let us do what we wanted to do. Our loans were restructured and from a loss of Rs2.2 billion in 2001, the airline made a profit of Rs1.8 billion in the following year,” Saeed said.

RAWALPINDI- Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan today warned of holding protests at all airports in the country, arguing that Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) should not be privatized.

Opposing privatisation of Pakistan International Airlines, he announced that his party would continue to resist the government move.

Whom shall we look upon for doing that?

So let me get this straight Imran Khan, who never held a government position or had more than a single seat prior to 2013 is at fault for the incompetence of three prior governments and the sole reason why PIA is not privatised??

From an ideological standpoint I agree with him that some national assets must be maintained, a national airline is one of them. From a practical standpoint its clear that PIA was in debt and the state would get virtually nothing were it to be sold off, so it made no sense to sell it off.

Something that still makes no sense is why this is Imran Khans fault exactly. Musharaf, Zardari, and Nawaz all had at least 5 years and majority governments yet did nothing. Imran Khan is running a minority government and has only been in power for 2 years. How exactly is he at fault here?

Fake degrees, fire them why publicizing. Powerless government. IK talks something and does something else.

Cant fire them because of (PPP-run) unions and crooked courts.

Yes the govt is powerless, Pakistan is a parliamentary democracy which means that any government that doesnt have the majority of seats has to appease coalition partners and the opposition to do anything.
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