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PIA fligt diverted just to drop Senior officer daughter


Nov 27, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: A Pakistan International Airline flight which took off from Karachi for Islamabad early on Wednesday was diverted to Lahore allegedly to drop a PIA officer’s daughter, CNBC Pakistan reported.

The situation was unexpected and quite annoying for passengers when PK-562 landed at Lahore airport. The passengers were told that the landing is meant for refueling, sources said.

The plane later took off for Islamabad allegedly after dropping a lady who was daughter of a PIA officer. -- CNBC Pakistan
Islamabad-bound flight lands in Lahore for PIA officer
If it was a normal citizen having a medical condition they would not even discuss the option of diverting to the nearest airport.

Long live Pakistan's democracy and long live the educated, capable, honest, highly efficient people running the country be it be those sitting in the parliament or running the government departments.

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistan International Airline flight which took off from Karachi for Islamabad early on Wednesday was diverted to Lahore allegedly to drop a PIA officer’s daughter, CNBC Pakistan reported.

The situation was unexpected and quite annoying for passengers when PK-562 landed at Lahore airport. The passengers were told that the landing is meant for refueling, sources said.

The plane later took off for Islamabad allegedly after dropping a lady who was daughter of a PIA officer. -- CNBC Pakistan
Islamabad-bound flight lands in Lahore for PIA officer

Well, if we really buy the bolded part, If the airport officials do not even know how much to refuel an aircraft at Karachi, then which airline will want to come to that airport.
seriously want leader who will hang all these MQM, PPP, PML-N loterras and all so called bureaucrats

My friend no one will come to clean this mess for us and wanting alone wont help we will have to do it ourselves but how thats the big question...One thing is forsure we are running out of time now and I m not very optimistic about PTI I feel a list of about 5000 people need to be made who should either be killed or jailed and all their assets be confiscated...Just read the news today that Pak tax exepmtions is last four years has surpassed IMF loans
http://www.defence.pk/forums/econom...akistan-tax-exemption-surpasses-imf-loan.html in other words had we collected that tax there was no need to take the loan from IMF and if can manage that in such times of poor stability and energy crisis where will stand once all is order and the real use of pak locations as an energy and goods corridor serving 50% of worlds population(china,india on one side and iran,central asian republics and russia on other side)....This is the reason alone why all the world players are in pakistan tryin to destabilize us but just blaming them wont help as we have own weaknesses like this news as well that needs to be rectified along with thousand other things ...
We should add another P in PIA and it will become People's Party International Airline
Thats ridiculious
Lets get rid of PIA and all govt nationalised assets and privitise them like PIA, RAILWAY, STEEL MILL ETC ETC
there is too muc corruption, mismanagement
Seriously; the plane ran out of fuel on a flight from Karachi to Islamabad and then landed in Lahore to refuel ! :lol:
What aircraft was it, a Fookker?

Or may be the gas-pump prices of fuel in Lahore are cheaper perhaps?

did you fail to read the heading perhaps??
No wonder we are a laughing stock and no wonder PIA (an airline that should be floating in cash) is not profitable

This is the haal in the so called "Islamic Republic"

This is the cultural values we want our future generations to learn? I'm disgusted.
just vote the right people.

the people that matter (the masses, the people on the streets) wont change so why should the leaders? The "leaders" (crooks) wont change so why should the people

something drastic and close to home would have to happen to shake people and wake them up.....

the politicians dont pay their bills, they misdeclare their assets, they use state property and assets for personal expenditures; so who do we have to lead by example?

of course there are good and honest people too -- but they are powerless. The whole system is fcked up.

a man diverts a civilian commercial aircraft to "drop" his daughter.....he was loyal to his family but caused pain and grief to scores of passengers.....this is a new low for PIA

PIA is like the government because appointees are in bed with govt officials

The airline used to be a model Airline decades ago and the envy of many.....This was an Airline whose staff and techies trained and assisted world star performers like Emirates Air. Now its operating at a loss for God knows how many years -- even during season when overseas Pakistanis fly to Pakistan in HUGE numbers and even during Hajj season they report losses. A nation of 180 million people with millions travelling to and from Pakistan on PIA -- and they are operating at a loss. That is absolutely absurd and inexcusable.

Now everyone of Pakistan could see WHY; because of nonsense like this. Every manager of PIA needs to be fired and not even given pension. They can live off the money they've siphoned off.

this dishonest liar "Captain" doesnt deserve to be even selling vegetables on donkey cart
Out of those 200/250 passengers on board no one has the courage or feels responsibility to sue PIA over this? Someone has to take lead, someone has to show people are not sheep, they can see, feel, complain and fight back (legally). Our justice system may not be the best or ost efficient, but it is there, the morte we use it, the better it will become.
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