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Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

What is PR stage? Explain.

And yes I have told some of them People's Armed Police. Notice the captions that I have given, once again please. And yes some of them are firefighters who also get training in PLA campuses. I know that. But some of them are not mere fire fighters, they are soldiers wearing gas masks and special jackets getting training to fight against chemical weapons.

Man, just enjoy the photos, all of them get training in PLA camps.

Post in front of the camera, not a record of the real combat training. they are way too clean. They are fine for being Public Relations (PR) photos, just don't call it "Combat Training".

First one, PLA's 52nd Mountain Brigade in Tibet
second set of three. PAP's 1st anti-terror Brigade, Beijing City. The snow wolf SAWT is also a member of the 1st brigade.

the last set of photos are Forrest firefighters, not military.

Man, forest fire fighters also recruited from PLA.
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