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Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

Thanks, but definitely they know which ammo is going to expire when, so they should use it as much of it they can a year or 2 before their expiry dates.

I know there is huge ammo in reserves, but why all should be left to expire and then destroyed, when 1-2 years left, use that ammo in live drills and get fresh stock and whatever left unused, should be then disposed off as per the practice.

Anyway, it was huge number of ammo which they are shown getting destroyed.

e.g barrel life of M1A2 is about 700, Aimless shooting only waste weapon's barrel and ammunition.
and the Simulation System is more effective,may be should have a war to destroy the ammunition:partay:~
e.g barrel life of M1A2 is about 700, Aimless shooting only waste weapon's barrel and ammunition.
and the Simulation System is more effective,may be should have a war to destroy the ammunition:partay:~

Yeah agreed, that is why i said whatever ammo can be used and which can't be that should be destroyed.

Do remember, live firing drills give lot of experience to soldiers compared to simple drills or simulators.

If not all tanks, few of them should be used extensively to give different tank crews in polishing their skills and refining their hunting skills, same case for other weapon systems, few of them should be designated and crews of different origin be trained on them, in that way, less wear & tear on the equipment, more trained staff and the replacement of used weapon systems, barrels would be low.

The wear and tear of equipment is a cost which an army should bear, if it needs good / experienced soldiers, who should be able to do their job during war effectively and efficiently.

You will find the difference between troops trained in mock firing drills / simulators compared to men who are trained well while firing live ammo and weapon systems.

And China has now the money and resources to make stuff at home and cheap also compared to western systems.



e.g barrel life of M1A2 is about 700, Aimless shooting only waste weapon's barrel and ammunition.
and the Simulation System is more effective,may be should have a war to destroy the ammunition

Modern gladiatorial games maybe? A light infantry division, a sniper vs sniper division, a combined arms division... think about it :lol:

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