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PHOTOS: Arjun Mk.2 In Desert Trials

No, it doesn't hurt that much. Some people wear noise cancellation headphones even while firing pistols. :)
Have you ever fired a pistol or been near one being fired? I am pretty sure you wouldnt laugh at the sight of those earphones/plugs.
I'm no expert but I believe the mine plough will be fixed on not all But some tanks in a unit depending on threat levels, mission, unit size -whatever. The leading tanks will have the plough and will clear a path for the others in the unit to follow so,no, not EVERY tank will have a plough- they don't need to.

All tanks need mine ploughs.

Those in the lead can & should never forever be in the lead. The Order or March changes continuously based on tactics, terrain & logistics.

This is not negotiable and a necessity.
Hey wont that guy on top of the tank go deaf ? he seems to have no protection for the ears ....

Most tank crews suffer from two problems - dryness of the eyes & loss of hearing.

Headsets fitted in the headgear serve to muffle the sound. Also, if exposed like the Coach on the turret in the picture is, one should sit where he is sitting - with the main gun pointing straight ahead of your nose. That the impact on eardrums due to firing is the least.

The guy would I am sure stuffed his ears with ear plugs and / or cotton.
They had a slope design for this tank way back in the god damn 80s.


This was the direction US, Britain, Italy, etc, etc, etc were heading.




eventually Germany as well

Who is buying tanks these days ... can we look for an export possibility in future?

I must add.. in the world of ballistic missiles and deep penetrating air force, full fledged wars (when fought by decently armed countries) will not be fought at the borders alone.

Hence, tanks no longer make a "war-winner" like Germans used the panzers.

We can't take Arjun across Himalayas into China... a bit tooo heavy to transport by air too !!!

Against pakistan, this may be an overkill in some sense.. and even there a full fledged war (like 1965 or 1971) means war not at the border alone.

Good to have Arjun ... but tanks alone don't win wars, unlike 50 years ago.

Perhaps, we should look to export it .. to make some bucks. And save some bucks by stop buying anything after the T-90s currently in production.

Even the best tanks were useless against allied air superiority and economic might.
Have you ever fired a pistol or been near one being fired? I am pretty sure you wouldnt laugh at the sight of those earphones/plugs.

Not pistol, but .303 rifle. Couple of times during NCC days in school. Without any ear protection.
Kanchan is not a reactive armor.

I believe Arjun M1A/M2 does not have any reactive armor at all. Those plates I think are composite armor (non-
reactive) arranged in a sloped degree, as an addition to the much stronger Kanchan armor inside.

I think same.

Thus in total thickness of frontal armor of MK 2 is 1200 MM at least(1,000 MM thick Kanchan Armor)

Arjun Mk II

They had a slope design for this tank way back in the god damn 80s.


This was the direction US, Britain, Italy, etc, etc, etc were heading.




eventually Germany as well


CVRDE evaulated a large no. of armor shaping patents. And selected the one they thought would work the best, remember Arjun M1 was developed keeping in mind PA's contemplating purchase of US M1 Abrams tanks at that time.

I think Kanchan is designed to work best like Leo2A4's armor. Arjun M1's turret is very similar in looks to Leopard 2A4, although much larger and stronger.

The sweet thing about Arjun's turret is that there adequate side-protection for the occupants - this is a point where most contemporary tanks in the neighbourhood lacks.

Here's a something I found on China Defense Forum -

^^That's a very unique armor design. If we look in detail, you'll see it's just not like any other sloping armor. This one slopes to different degrees at different points. Somewhat similar to what's being used on a few versions
of Merkava MBT.
Is it Al Khalid-II? Has it come out yet? What are the specs?

I thought Pakistan only had Al Khalid-I, which is , as we were discussing, superior to Indian Arjun-I...

I'd be eager to see what Al Khalid-II carries...will Al Khalid series maintain its superiority over Arjuns? or will Arjuns come back? Interesting little competition in the sub-continent...

Right,a tank that in all probability can't even penetrate arjun's frontal armour is superior.Compared to the 65 ton hulking beast AK is a medium sized 45 ton tin can truth be told.
Right,a tank that in all probability can't even penetrate arjun's frontal armour is superior.Compared to the 65 ton hulking beast AK is a medium sized 45 ton tin can truth be told.

IMO AK's 125mm gun throws a normal HEAT round at a velocity of 950m/s.

Arjun's 120mm rifled gun throws the round at 1,650m/s, thats only 100m/s lesser than M1A2's velocity.
Enough to blast through most types of tank armor, ERA, RHA etc. with a single hit.

And im only talking about Mk-1 Arjun...
^^That's a very unique armor design. If we look in detail, you'll see it's just not like any other sloping armor. This one slopes to different degrees at different points. Somewhat similar to what's being used on a few versions

Not all that different from the ones on T-90s.


The reactive armor on mark 2 looks more tighter however.


Where are the guns (AA nd 7.62mm) and the commander's panoramic sight ?

Like I have been saying- the full spec MK.2 has not been seen or even rolled out yet. individual components of the MK.2 are being tested on select MK.1s.
Like I have been saying- the full spec MK.2 has not been seen or even rolled out yet. individual components of the MK.2 are being tested on select MK.1s.

Not individual, its the integration of component which tested in mk1.
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