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Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea

Difference is China never wanted to be part of any bloc permanently but it's own, the SCO. The US was a stepping stone as well as the Soviets, it's not the equivalent of inviting them to occupy the country with bases, which is defacto colonialism. Can Southeast Asia even stand on it's own without sucking on someone's tit, does it even want to?

It is because the history worked out that way for you - It was not a deliberate intention on your part.

And for the second bolded part does Vietnam ring a bell?
It is because the history worked out that way for you - It was not a deliberate intention on your part.

My part? Are you dumb? So how you make Shining India into what it is today? Everything is intentional and deliberate when it comes to politics, that's why they are the rulers and you are the ruled.

And for the second bolded part does Vietnam ring a bell?

Has a habit of biting the hand that feeds them, still a dependent despite that.
Good. I applaud your confidence. v.n. does have guts. I admire that.

I hope after several rounds bombing and many ships sunk, you still are in such happy mood.

We only need US to stay neutral in the conflict between VN, ASEAN against China, in 1979, we fought against both US-China and still won , still defeat Pol Pot and beat up Thai Land, but we also suffered high casualties and super inflation(600-700 %).

Now, it'd better to convince US to stay neutral, and China alone will be a dead meat in SCS(east sea) :coffee:
My part? Are you dumb? So how you make Shining India into what it is today? Everything is intentional and deliberate when it comes to politics, that's why they are the rulers and you are the ruled.

Has a habit of biting the hand that feeds them, still a dependent.

Now Now - Looks like I have touched a raw nerve in you. India since 1947 has always had an independent foreign policy. Again let me refresh the memory for you. India was part of the Non-Aligned movement and still has an independent foreign policy. We are friends with Israel/US and at the time we are with Iran. But you were part of the communist bloc and came out of the communist bloc and sided with US and the reward? permanent security council seat. whereas India was offered the security council seat (as claimed by Washingtonpost) by US and USSR but India turned it down wanting to be non-aligned(though in my opinion again was a dumb thing to do). So tell me now who rules who?

Wasn't it USSR who was behind the CCP capturing the power in 1950 but you bit them in 1971 - Again pot calling the kettle black.
Oh, still No 5? LOL
If you block the Red River (Sông Hồng), water from upstream will engulf you and bring away your body to the East China Sea.

No chinese will raze down the lively hood of millions of its own citizens , due to the flooding of waters.

The chinese will say to its citizens to take a hike and move to the deserts...just like they did with 3 gorges dam.
Now Now - Looks like I have touched a raw nerve in you. India since 1947 has always had an independent foreign policy. Again let me refresh the memory for you. India was part of the Non-Aligned movement and still has an independent foreign policy. We are friends with Israel/US and at the time we are with Iran. But you were part of the communist bloc and came out of the communist bloc and sided with US and the reward? permanent security council seat. whereas India was offered the security council seat (as claimed by Washingtonpost) by US and USSR but India turned it down wanting to be non-aligned(though in my opinion again was a dumb thing to do). So tell me now who rules who?

Wasn't it USSR who was behind the CCP capturing the power in 1950 but you bit them in 1971 - Again pot calling the kettle black.

You're reading way too much into this, I'm merely pointing out that you referring a country as you is quite idiotic, a country is not a person, I am not China, if you you're slow. China already had seat in UNSC, the RoC, it was inevitable that PRC replaced the RoC as they succeeded them. India was no where near the position as the seat was only for the victors of WWII, and India was still merely a colony of the British Empire at the time. And yes India is very independent to host the commonwealth games to celebrate their colonization that they were so desperately freed from.

It was the peasants and the volunteer army that were responsible for the overthrow of the KMT. The Soviets did what they did best, cheering you on at the sidelines as you killed each other, the weapons weren't free either. China was allied with Stalinist USSR, China didn't change, USSR changed when Khrushchev came in, a little bit of history for you.
its pretty simple... 200mile from each country is THEIR OWN territory!! and for those countries which cant get 200 miles territory due to being too close to other countries... that is split 50/50.... the rest... is international waters
You're reading way too much into this, I'm merely pointing out that you referring a country as you is quite idiotic, a country is not a person, I am not China, if you you're slow. China already had seat in UNSC, the RoC, it was inevitable that PRC replaced the RoC as they succeeded them. And yes India is very independent to host the commonwealth games to celebrate their colonization that they were so desperately freed from.

It was the peasants and the volunteer army that were responsible for the overthrow of the KMT. The Soviets did what they did best, cheering you on at the sidelines as you killed each other, the weapons weren't free either. China was allied with Stalinist USSR, China didn't change, USSR changed when Lennon came in, a little bit of history for you.

Again let me understand the history - Isnt it KMT which moved to Taiwan who allied with US and USSR in second world war? Japan had occupied Chinese territories - the defeat came after US bombed Hiroshima/Nagasaki and USSR moved into Manchuria. KMT lost their major forces fighting Japanese and so lost the civil war and moved to Taiwan. So shouldn't Taiwan be the victors who deserve permanent seat?
Again being part of commonwealth does not mean we do not have independent foreign policy. For that matter, even Pakistan/Bangladesh/Srilanka are part of the commonwealth. Are you claiming that these countries too does not have independent foreign policy?
Again without the help from USSR, CCP would not have won the civil war whether you paid for it or not.
Sending 3 floating coffins with limited range and 18,000 sailors aboard is a bad military strategy.
Baghdad Bob, is that you? :lol:

Difference is China never wanted to be part of any bloc permanently but it's own, the SCO. The US was a stepping stone as well as the Soviets, it's not the equivalent of inviting them to occupy the country with bases, which is defacto colonialism. Can Southeast Asia even stand on it's own without sucking on someone's tit, does it even want to?
No. But China will force us 'inferior' Asians to submit to China.

Damn...A bunch of Chinese conscript rejects talking tough about wars.
Again let me understand the history - Isnt it KMT which moved to Taiwan who allied with US and USSR in second world war? Japan had occupied China territories - the defeat came after US bombed Hiroshima/Nagasaki and USSR moved into Manchuria. KMT lost their major forces fighting Japanese and so lost the civil war and moved to Taiwan. So shouldn't Taiwan be the victors who deserve permanent seat?
Again being part of commonwealth does not mean we do not have independent foreign policy. For that matter, even Pakistan/Bangladesh/Srilanka are part of the commonwealth. Are you claiming that these countries too does not have independent foreign policy?
Again without the help from USSR, CCP would have won the civil war whether you paid for it or not.

Taiwan is not a country but a province of the RoC. RoC lost the civil war to the PRC as a result the PRC succeeded as "China" and the right to represent the country according to succession rights. The RoC did retain it's seat for a while after they retreated to Taiwan, but as they no longer governed a billion Chinese people it made no sense for them to keep on representing China. USSR did help, but if you paid for it do you really owe them? Pakistan/Bangladesh/Srilanka - They don't put on a show to please their colonizers like they miss them.
Taiwan is not a country but a province of the RoC. RoC lost the civil war to the PRC as a result the PRC succeeded as "China" and the right to represent the country according to succession rights. The RoC did retain it's seat for a while after they retreated to Taiwan, but as they no longer governed a billion Chinese people it made no sense for them to keep on representing China. USSR did help, but if you paid for it do you really owe them? Pakistan/Bangladesh/Srilanka - They don't put on a show to please their colonizers like they miss them.

The price China got in 1971 for siding with US and Britain against USSR - US voted against Taiwan eliminating from security council. By the same token - Indian army had 2.5 million volunteers during the second world war as part of the British army which totalled about 3.5 mil. Indian army was the largest within the British army. British was the Indian govt. during the second world war but was eliminated from India in 1947 after losing the "independence war" . So they no longer govern the the billion Indian people or for that sake major portion of the British empire. So aren't we one of the victors too in the second world war?

Can you provide me links stating that CCP paid for its weapons it got from China? I have looked around but none is available.

The third part is something I am going to ignore as I do not see a sense in responding to it and that is where the trolling starts.
its pretty simple... 200mile from each country is THEIR OWN territory!! and for those countries which cant get 200 miles territory due to being too close to other countries... that is split 50/50.... the rest... is international waters

But the chinese did not think so, although they have signed and approved the Law of the Sea UNCLOS 1982. They think they are entitled to privileges, their EEZ extend thousands of km from their coastline....
It is the cause of all the disputes in the East Sea (south china sea).

The price China got in 1971 for siding with US and Britain against USSR - US voted against Taiwan eliminating from security council. By the same token - Indian army had 2.5 million volunteers during the second world war as part of the British army which totalled about 3.5 mil. Indian army was the largest within the British army. British was the Indian govt. during the second world war but was eliminated from India in 1947 after losing the "independence war" . So they no longer govern the the billion Indian people or for that sake major portion of the British empire. So aren't we one of the victors too in the second world war?

Can you provide me links stating that CCP paid for its weapons it got from China? I have looked around but none is available.

The third part is something I am going to ignore as I do not see a sense in responding to it and that is where the trolling starts.

China And USSR already split by 1971, ironically it was for abandoning Stalinist ideals, and warming with more liberal states in Eastern Europe and the west amongst other things.

"The PRC gained admission into the UN in 1971. This was the 21st time there was a vote on the PRC's admittance. The U.S. tried to expel the PRC, which required a two-thirds vote, but the motion failed and the PRC was admitted into the UN on a vote of 76 in favor, 35 opposed, and 17 abstentions.[9]"

It was a majority vote, it was inevitable, RoC was a sinking ship.

You said it, Indians of the British empire, they are two different people, and you have to understand the tail doesn't wag the head. People's Republic of China, Republic of China both Chinese.

"Yang notes that local party officials were indifferent to the large number of people dying around them, as their primary concern was the delivery of grain, which Mao wanted to use to pay back debts to the USSR totaling 1.973 billion yuan."

During the Great Leap Forward, the failed economic policies caused mass starvation in addition to debt repayment was another nail in the coffin thanks to the USSR. Why didn't China and USSR get along you ask?
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