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Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea

So here's the thing:

Either the Great Leap Forward didn't happen, or the Soviet weapons were not free. You're free to pick 1.
BBC News - Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea



Is China claiming this girl also, i knew girls are always the reason of all the wars somehow:confused::smitten::bounce:
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2808953 said:
Is China claiming this girl also, i knew girls are always the reason of all the wars somehow:confused::smitten::bounce:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And you will be involved because of that?
China And USSR already split by 1971, ironically it was for abandoning Stalinist ideals, and warming with more liberal states in Eastern Europe and the west amongst other things.

"The PRC gained admission into the UN in 1971. This was the 21st time there was a vote on the PRC's admittance. The U.S. tried to expel the PRC, which required a two-thirds vote, but the motion failed and the PRC was admitted into the UN on a vote of 76 in favor, 35 opposed, and 17 abstentions.[9]"

It was a majority vote, it was inevitable, RoC was a sinking ship.

You said it, Indians of the British empire, they are two different people, and you have to understand the tail doesn't wag the head. People's Republic of China, Republic of China both Chinese.
"Yang notes that local party officials were indifferent to the large number of people dying around them, as their primary concern was the delivery of grain, which Mao wanted to use to pay back debts to the USSR totaling 1.973 billion yuan."

During the Great Leap Forward, the failed economic policies caused mass starvation in addition to debt repayment was another nail in the coffin thanks to the USSR. Why didn't China and USSR get along you ask?

PRC gained admission because US pulled the diplomatic weight behind PRC as part of the Nixon's changed policies. Otherwise, it would not have been possible as I said in 1971, China was diplomatically isolated with Sino-Soviet split.

Again for the British empire, though two different races of people involved, should it matter when talking about majority?

The civil war post ww2 happened between 1946 to 1950.

1. KMT was supported by US and US airlifted KMT to major cities in the north to prevent the CCP from taking over the cities while they were strong in the villages as they had promised the land reforms. The crucial one here is the US support.
2. USSR was holding on to Manchuria until CCP took over. If USSR had moved away from Manchuria, KMT would have taken over and the resources in Manchuria would have helped KMT.
3. USSR provided CCP with the captured Japanese arms in tons. This played a crucial role

Do you think with the above 3 factors, with just the farmers and no support from USSR, CCP would have won the civil war?

Granted my understanding is that USSR removed the industrial machinery from Manchuria as payback for the support. But beyond that I did not find anywhere that Mao payed back USSR for the support during the civil war as I mentioned before.

Again the topic about the Great leap forward, it started in 1949 and more or less ended in 1957/1958.
The Korean war again happened between 1950-1953 where China was a major player.

Considering that China was heavily involved in a war against US, imagine the resources it would have spent. So in my opinion, the Great Leap Forward failed due to the Chinese involvement in the Korean war. Why China wanted to be a player when they were struggling to get up and running as a nation with the civil war just ended? Isn't it pointless in blaming USSR?

Again I could find 1 link

The Causes of the Victory of the Chinese Communist Party

They have indicated Soviet aid (mind it - not loan) as a crucial piece.
China should invite Russia to balance USA's interference in the South China Sea
The problem isL Russia always support VN in SCS(east sea).China backstabbed communist bloc by allying with US in 1979 to destroyed communist system, so now, it's time for Russia to teach China a hard lesson.
China asks Russia to stay away from South China Sea Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 18:30 [IST]



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Beijing, Apr 10: After its spat with India over the oil exploration in blocs claimed by Vietnam in the disputed South China Sea, China today asked Russia to stay away from taking up similar operation at the invitation of Hanoi.

Asked about reports that Vietnam and Russian companies inked a deal for oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea, (SCS), Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Liu Weimin told a media briefing here that countries that were not concerned with the dispute should stay away.

"China's enjoys indisputable sovereignty over SCS. We hope the disputes can be solved through negotiations by countries concerned", he said. "We hope the parties concerned can reach half way and avoid having countries outside the region get involved in the dispute", he added. At the same, China also hopes that companies from countries outside the SCS region could avoid getting involved in disputes in the region, he said.

Reaffirming China's indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters, Liu said China was committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes through direct negotiation and friendly consultation with countries concerned based on respect for historical facts and international law.

Similar remarks were made last year by China about ONGC taking oil exploration in the blocs claimed by Vietnam. Taking strong exception, China has asked India to stop taking up such activity, which New Delhi brushed aside asserting that its cooperation with Hanoi is under the international law.

China had also reacted to External Affairs Minister, S M Krishna's statement few days ago that "SCS is the property of the world and those trade-ways must be free from any national interference". China said that despite disputes, the navigation in the area was never disrupted.
China asks Russia to stay away from South China Sea
Who got spanked???

1n 1979, our military was miles away from vn's capital and we then announced that we would withdraw to the border, since the spanking/punishment of vn was done successfully.

Do you consider this spanking of China or spanking of vn???

Are you going to tell me in 1962, india spanked China as well??? :)

We rotated our military troops from 1979 to the middle 90s to keep vn at bay, while we grew more than 10% annually.

How about vn for those miserable 15 years??? While grew like turtle walking, vn's leaders came to beijing and kowtowed to China's leaders, begging for relation normalization and asking economics help from China.

Well, who got spanked actually???

There are indeed so many jokers here. :)

Its part and parcel of wars. What about your spanking in 1979?
So Russia will ally with vn to be against China???

Russia has already got a foe in U.S. already. It wants China to be on the opposite side just for the sake of vn???

If that is russia's policy, well, it must be either dumb or totally stupid.

BTW, russia always supported you??? Where was russia when our canons was miles away from your capital in 1979??? Where was russia when China was torturing you from 1979 to the mid 90s before you begged us to normalize the relationship after your kowtow tour in China?

If you consider lip-service as support, there will be nothing I can say.

Just look at how russia treated n.k., you think russia will put vn's interest in its mind??? :)

The problem isL Russia always support VN in SCS(east sea).China backstabbed communist bloc by allying with US in 1979 to destroyed communist system, so now, it's time for Russia to teach China a hard lesson.
PRC gained admission was due to most third world countries support. You dumbaxx need check history about how PRC got admission in to U.N. to replace ROC then.

China and the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the admission of newly independent developing nations in the 1960s gradually turned the General Assembly from being Western-dominated to being dominated by countries sympathetic to Beijing. In addition, over the years increasing numbers of Western countries chose the PRC over the ROC (notwithstanding the position taken by the USA).

As a result of these trends, on October 25, 1971, Resolution 2758 was passed by the General Assembly, withdrawing recognition of the ROC as the legitimate government of China, and recognizing the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China. PRC received support from two-thirds of all United Nations' members including approval by the Security Council members excluding the ROC.[citation needed] The ROC lost not only its Security Council seat, but any representation in the UN.

Why are there so many dumbaxx here???

PRC gained admission because US pulled the diplomatic weight behind PRC as part of the Nixon's changed policies. Otherwise, it would not have been possible as I said in 1971, China was diplomatically isolated with Sino-Soviet split.

Again for the British empire, though two different races of people involved, should it matter when talking about majority?

The civil war post ww2 happened between 1946 to 1950.

1. KMT was supported by US and US airlifted KMT to major cities in the north to prevent the CCP from taking over the cities while they were strong in the villages as they had promised the land reforms. The crucial one here is the US support.
2. USSR was holding on to Manchuria until CCP took over. If USSR had moved away from Manchuria, KMT would have taken over and the resources in Manchuria would have helped KMT.
3. USSR provided CCP with the captured Japanese arms in tons. This played a crucial role

Do you think with the above 3 factors, with just the farmers and no support from USSR, CCP would have won the civil war?

Granted my understanding is that USSR removed the industrial machinery from Manchuria as payback for the support. But beyond that I did not find anywhere that Mao payed back USSR for the support during the civil war as I mentioned before.

Again the topic about the Great leap forward, it started in 1949 and more or less ended in 1957/1958.
The Korean war again happened between 1950-1953 where China was a major player.

Considering that China was heavily involved in a war against US, imagine the resources it would have spent. So in my opinion, the Great Leap Forward failed due to the Chinese involvement in the Korean war. Why China wanted to be a player when they were struggling to get up and running as a nation with the civil war just ended? Isn't it pointless in blaming USSR?

Again I could find 1 link

The Causes of the Victory of the Chinese Communist Party

They have indicated Soviet aid (mind it - not loan) as a crucial piece.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2808953 said:
Is China claiming this girl also, i knew girls are always the reason of all the wars somehow:confused::smitten::bounce:

Why would China claim that girl when China can have this girl ?

BBC News - Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea

'Vital area'
Protecting an oil rig will be one of the exercises the Philippines performs with the US military this spring. A Philippines delegation visited Washington in January to talk about enhanced US military support in the South China Sea.

"This area is vital to the United States," Chief of US Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said recently. "It's been an area vital to our navy and our focus for decades, because of… the trade routes, the large economies."

Adm Greenert said the challenge was to keep trade routes open - and peaceful - while keeping belligerence to a minimum.

China's view is that the US should mind its own business.

"Any interference from outside forces or a multilateral discussion will only complicate matters, rather than resolving them," Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin said in November.

China points out that the $30bn in trade the Philippines has with China could double in a couple of years. Or China could punish the country, as the Communist Party-owned newspaper The Global Times suggested, for turning to the US for more military muscle.

Another Global Times editorial warned that "small countries" like the Philippines and Vietnam should stop challenging China's interests or "they will need to prepare for the sound of cannons".

Not surprisingly, this kind of talk irritates Gen Sabban. He says he has doubled patrols of nearby waters over the past 18 months, but has not increased armed presence. He would prefer a peaceful solution. Still, he says, China should think before getting any more aggressive in these waters.

"Remember the Vietnam war, where a smaller country defeated a superpower," he says. "It's about the determination of a people to defend themselves."

And it does not hurt that another superpower stands ready to come to their aid.



:offtopic: who's the girl in that pic? :smitten:
May be Sino challenger will tell us ?

He is very Knowledgeable person
You have answered correctly, grasshopper :azn:

She is the Philippines' "Miss Spratly Islands" or something like that. A mixed blood Filipina who declared herself a "resident" of a reef with no inhabitants, just to get famous or something like that in her poor country and then eat a full belly meal.
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