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Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea

You're wrong. China has no control over any islands in the Spratly Islands. Vietnam controlled most of the island. Taiwan, the Philippines and Malaysia control some islands in the Spratly Islands.

Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is that how you were brainwashed by your Vietnamese government? You don't even know how we turned dozens of Vietnamese sailors into fish food in the South China Sea? Watch this video clip where we mow you guys down with machine guns!


Did you forget how we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days? :) This was an even more intensive conflict per day than the US recorded in its 10+ year conflict which included spraying you guys with napalm and agent orange.

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that Taiwan has returned to China's embrace, punishment is coming for thieves of South China Seas soon!
Vietnam is going to get its beating in due time. They can take comfort in the fact they know it's coming.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is that how you were brainwashed by your Vietnamese government? You don't even know how we turned dozens of Vietnamese sailors into fish food in the South China Sea? Watch this video clip where we mow you guys down with machine guns!


Vietnam Government always propaganda that China is "good friend", "good comrades", "good brothers" ... When as a child, I still believe it until I accidentally see youtube video about Chinese army killed our building-soldiers, who had no weapons, with the transports had no weapons ...
Unlike previous years, today most Vietnamese know about true face of China by Internet. We no longer believe the propaganda of the Communist two countries, that "sixteen letters of gold" and "four good" is just nonsense...

Did you forget how we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days? :) This was an even more intensive conflict per day than the US recorded in its 10+ year conflict which included spraying you guys with napalm and agent orange.

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that Taiwan has returned to China's embrace, punishment is coming for thieves of South China Seas soon!

Your "strong" PLA were defeated miserably by our protect borders militia. Even if you do not believe, but it is true that all the world have known.
i think usa should let philippines start some kind of conflict with this.. and then bail on them..

for so long philippinas hav screwed over westerners, they are the most immoral, dishonest, decietful people i have EVER known in my life!!! ... they deserve nothing less then destruction
i think all countries who has problem with the South China Sea should meet and solve the crisis peacefully Philippines and Vietnam
China etc.. that is the best way no need to bring the USA into it better
We should send a few Aircraft Carriers to the area and do some drills with Japan, SK, India, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam to show China we wont allow any attacks to these good nations.

China and its smart people know that any attack on any nation will be there down fall.... Lets see if Obama can grow some balls and stand up to these Chinese Communist Scum.
We should send a few Aircraft Carriers to the area and do some drills with Japan, SK, India, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam to show China we wont allow any attacks to these good nations.

China and its smart people know that any attack on any nation will be there down fall.... Lets see if Obama can grow some balls and stand up to these Chinese Communist Scum.

Beat you to it. We just held drills with Russia off the coast of Japan.
This dispute is very interesting to study.

So far it has remained peaceful.

The Americans have warned the Chinese not to use violence to enforce their claim.

I wonder if the Chinese will use violence, and if they do, if the Americans and other nations actually fight back or just appease the PRC.
This dispute is very interesting to study.

So far it has remained peaceful.

The Americans have warned the Chinese not to use violence to enforce their claim.

I wonder if the Chinese will use violence, and if they do, if the Americans and other nations actually fight back or just appease the PRC.

China is a peaceful country that has never started a conflict.
Beat you to it. We just held drills with Russia off the coast of Japan.

and u just gave a warning to them to not drill in SCS... :lol: so u hold military drills u drill in SCS ?

China is a peaceful country that has never started a conflict.

they always warns first.. i know :lol: China: we want ur terriroty. we warn give to us.

Other Nation: I wont. Ok today is very hot let me go out swim in my sea.

China: my SEAAAAAA. ATTACK the aggressive nation for swimming in my seaaa

Chinese Citizens: China never started a conflict.
world: But u attacked the nation which went for swim in its sea.

CHina: r u foolish world. they encroached my territory. :lol:

Chinese paid trolls: China never started a conflict and NO ONE BELEIVES as never anyone have :lol:
and u just gave a warning to them to not drill in SCS... :lol: so u hold military drills u drill in SCS ?

they always warns first.. i know :lol: China: we want ur terriroty. we warn give to us.

Other Nation: I wont. Ok today is very hot let me go out swim in my sea.

China: my SEAAAAAA. ATTACK the aggressive nation for swimming in my seaaa

Chinese Citizens: China never started a conflict.
world: But u attacked the nation which went for swim in its sea.

CHina: r u foolish world. they encroached my territory. :lol:

Chinese paid trolls: China never started a conflict and NO ONE BELEIVES as never anyone have :lol:

If you go swimming in the romantic beaches of Malaysia or Brunei, most likely China will send you "warning"! Now they are busy "warning" sent to Vietnam and the Philippines, next they will send "warning" to all those who go swimming in beaches of Malaysia, Brunei and even Indonesia...:lol:

If you go swimming in the romantic beaches of Malaysia or Brunei, most likely China will send you "warning"! Now they are busy "warning" sent to Vietnam and the Philippines, next they will send "warning" to all those who go swimming in beaches of Malaysia, Brunei and even Indonesia...:lol:

LOL China already resolved disputes with our allies Indonesia and Malaysia. Only Vietnam and Philippines are still China's enemy. Now you two will lose everything.
LOL China already resolved disputes with our allies Indonesia and Malaysia. Only Vietnam and Philippines are still China's enemy. Now you two will lose everything.

Your allies? LOL
They are keeping silent because there was Vietnam and the Philippines in the front lines against the badboy. Keep in mind that Indonesia has also strongly opposed the greed of your statement; Malaysia has been working with Vietnam to submit to the UN the maps of the two countries' EEZs delimitation.
Your allies? LOL
They are keeping silent because there was Vietnam and the Philippines in the front lines against the badboy. Keep in mind that Indonesia has also strongly opposed the greed of your statement; Malaysia has been working with Vietnam to submit to the UN the maps of the two countries' EEZs delimitation.

When we have wiped out Vietnam and Philippines, they will become our faithful allies.

This is called "killing a chicken to scare the monkeys". :coffee:
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