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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calls Barack Obama 'son of a wh*re'

China should stand for Asia....
America's puppet regimes should be eliminated, and let locals build their real nations with pride.
Lol, we don't need China to stand For Asia, this is somekind of jokes, if not because of Kissinger, all of you Chinese still live in poverty, yes you hate America so much but the same America that open the gate to prosper China,
I am aware Obama is weak as a president and only won way back in 2008 and in 2012 because of the fallout of the Bush Jr. Administration.

But a head of state insulting another head of state should be avoided and should be kept private.

It's different. This is about the relation of two countries. You can call him as a rude man. while the one who call Mexican rapist and banning Muslims is pure racist.

Fair enough. I do however think that Obama's legacy is partly to be blamed for the way he is being treated both at home and abroad. He should have shown proper leadership. Instead he cowered under the CIA and the Pentagon. The warmongers and corporations rule the US.
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And yes, Duterte is A dumb clown, he doesnt have bravado only stupidity, perhaps US and its allied (Japan) should let the Chinese rape Philippine sovereignity,, just don't give aid anymore for the pinoy will do
And yes, Duterte is A dumb clown, he doesnt have bravado only stupidity, perhaps US and its allied (Japan) should let the Chinese rape Philippine sovereignity,, just don't give aid anymore for the pinoy will do

So, now China is the enemy? The Americans aren't doing anyone any favors. Stop believing in fairy tales. The US has only interests. Currently they happen to coincide with certain countries in your region. They couldn't care less about the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia or Timbuktu for that matter. Besides, Chinese soldiers didn't rape Japanese women. We know which soldiers literally committed that heinous act. Don't for a moment think that the sovereignty of countries in the region is safeguarded by the Americans. If you are really that naive, you are in for a very rude awakening. It is funny to observe how certain countries in Southeast Asia are willing to put all their eggs in the American basket.
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This is a immature behavior from Duterte and totally uncalled for. It doesn't suit the head of state of any nation to hurl insults to another politician, diplomat or head of state of another at any time. Not really classy at all. You would expect him to remain professional at all times. I am not defending Obama don't get me wrong, I hate the guy just as much as the next person but I am talking about the character and attitude a head of state should observe giving utmost importance to professionalism. Otherwise if they all begin to hurl insults to each other the world diplomatic relations become a childs playground.
Grow some skin and stop acting like it is the end of the world. Words don't hurt. Consider it freedom of speech.

You'd make a terrible diplomat. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences of said speech. (beyond legal actions from the government). In the world of International politics, words DO have consequences, just as they do in every level of life.
So, now China is the enemy? The Americans aren't doing anyone any favors. Stop believing in fairy tales. The US has only interests. Currently they happen to coincide with certain countries in your region. They couldn't care less about the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia or Timbuktu for that matter. Besides, Chinese soldiers didn't rape Japanese women. We know which soldiers literally committed that heinous act. Don't for a moment think that the sovereignty of countries in the region is safeguarded by the Americans. If you are really that naive, you are in for a very rude awakening. It is funny to observe how certain countries in Southeast Asia are willing to put all their eggs in the American basket.
The Rude awekening already happen, not from america, but from a hostile Chinese act in scs, and trust me, we don't need U.S or PRC to stand and fight For us.
You'd make a terrible diplomat. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences of said speech. (beyond legal actions from the government). In the world of International politics, words DO have consequences, just as they do in every level of life.
You are right, because of one man stupidity (Duterte) the whole Philippine may ended up to paid the price
The Rude awekening already happen, not from america, but from a hostile Chinese act in scs, and trust me, we don't need U.S or PRC to stand and fight For us.

You haven't even seen half of it yet. I think you have forgotten the Vietnam war, the napalm bombings wiping out Vietcong's etc. How about the Hirsohima nuke bombing? You are living in fantasy land.

You'd make a terrible diplomat. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences of said speech. (beyond legal actions from the government). In the world of International politics, words DO have consequences, just as they do in every level of life.

Really? I wish you Americans displayed the same vigor in your condemnations towards Trump and his supporters.
You haven't even seen half of it yet. I think you have forgotten the Vietnam war, the napalm bombings wiping out Vietcong's etc. How about Hirsohima nuke bombing? Something you can never accuse China.
Ask the vietnamese and japanese whom they favor more, U.S or China now??!!
You are right, because of one man stupidity (Duterte) the whole Philippine may ended up to paid the price

I see he's expressed regret, so I don't know the situation might be salvageable... we'll see.
Ask the vietnamese and japanese whom they favor more, U.S or China now??!!

I know who they favor more, but I also know who struck these nations with an A-bomb and napalm bombings. It wasn't China I can assure you.
Really? I wish you Americans displayed the same vigor in your condemnations towards Trump and his supporters.

I'm very anti-Trump, I think he'd be a terrible president, and I hope he will lose by a landslide come November. He'd be a disaster for this country.

The problem is the partisan politics. He could be a rotting corpse and he'd still get at least 40% of the Republican vote.

I think he's going to lose though, in most of the polls he's at a disadvantage, and he's done almost everything he can do to alienate minorities. That should boost turnout for the dems.

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