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Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III returned from a five-day state visit to China Saturday night, triumphantly announcing nearly US$13 billion worth of actual and planned Chinese investments in the Philippines.

Aquino said the 36 meetings he had with Chinese businessmen over the course of his visit had resulted in $1.3 billion in new investments, $3.8 billion in "almost certain" investments and another $7.9 billion worth of possible investments from corporations that have shown interest in the country.

"We succeeded in putting across the message we want to bring: the door of the Philippines is open to investments from China," Aquino said in remarks on his arrival at Naia 2 with his delegation that included many of the country’s most prominent business leaders.

"With our economic managers, we showed them the business opportunities in the Philippines. In agriculture, infrastructure, energy, tourism, the two governments saw the good results of Chinese continuing to look for investment opportunities," he added.

Building strong foundation

The President said that 2012 and 2013 have been set as the "Philippines-China Years of Friendly Exchanges".

"Our visit to China was about building a strong foundation for development: where our goals are clear; and where the two governments will provide the mechanism so that we could increase our trade and tourism within five years," he said.

During his visit, he said China and the Philippines had signed agreements covering trade, economic and technical cooperation, tourism, media, sports, culture and information.

"This is proof that in many fields, the Philippines and China are in agreement and share the same goals," he said.

Aquino said he and Chinese President Hu Jintao were glad that two-way tourist arrivals between the two countries had breached the one-million mark.

Trade target of $60b

"We agreed that we will try to achieve two million tourist arrivals by the year 2016. China and the Philippines will also seek to strengthen our bilateral trade by meeting the target of $60 billion in two-way trade by 2016," he said.

Spratlys dispute

Aquino also said that Beijing and Manila have agreed to peacefully settle the disputes over territories in the West Philippine Sea.

"About the West Philippine Sea, I am excited to tell you that our exchange of ideas with them on how to move forward and agree on differences of the two sides on this issue went well and was meaningful," the President said.

"And the better news is that our view matched with them on the importance of preserving the peace in this area. They are also ready to cooperate on the implementation of the Asean Declaration of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea," he added.

Thanks to Fujian kin

The President also reported about his visit to his ancestors’ Hongjian village in Fujian, where he saw the tree his mother, the late President Corazon Aquino, had planted 23 years ago.

"Many of the ancestors of the Chinese Filipinos who reside in our country came from the province of Fujian and one of these include my family," Aquino said.

"We have a saying that those who don’t know where they came from, won’t arrive at where they are going, so I made it a point to visit and give thanks to my relatives in Fujian who also expressed their support for our aim to take the straight path," he said.

The President said he also visited the Filipino communities in Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen and was impressed with their contributions to China’s economy.

"Our Filipino workers there and in other parts of China—whether they’re engineers, teachers, media practitioners, musicians—are known for their craft," Aquino said.

"They might be in a foreign country but, they wave the blue, red and yellow of our flag with heads held high. This is one of those that strengthened my resolve to improve the governance of this country so that in the future, they will use and share their craft and talents here and with their fellow Filipinos," he added.

Reconnect with relatives

Earlier Saturday in Fujian, Aquino met again with Chinese businessmen at the Philippines-Fujian Business Conference in Zhangzhou City.

He told the forum, his third in his five-day visit, that Chinese President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and National People’s Congress leader Wu Bangguo had assured him that China would encourage Chinese investments in the Philippines.

He said the discussions with the Chinese leaders showed "a shared commitment to market rules, and a shared interest in agriculture, water conservation, energy distribution and renewable energy generation, infrastructure and tourism as sectors that have great opportunities for mutual cooperation and profit."

Journey’s single step

"I encourage all of you to get to know those you are seated with. Perhaps you may even reconnect with a distant relative, or find a potential partner in business. I invite you to get in touch with the Philippine Consulate in Xiamen, as well as the Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Guangzhou," Aquino said.

"It is my hope that the spirit of achievement of the past will be demonstrated again: this time, in a new generation of entrepreneurs and corporations from China, who will invest in the Philippines for the benefit of Filipinos and Chinese alike. The journey to success begins with a single step: the one we have taken today," he said.

The Island
Spratlys dispute

Aquino also said that Beijing and Manila have agreed to peacefully settle the disputes over territories in the West Philippine Sea.

"About the West Philippine Sea, I am excited to tell you that our exchange of ideas with them on how to move forward and agree on differences of the two sides on this issue went well and was meaningful," the President said.

Mr. President of Philippine should learn the lesson from Cambodia-Thailand , small coutries in ASEAN should not make trouble with VN territories. Philippine have No envident over those despute islands in SCS(East sea).

Our Navy is get stronger, so we're comming closer to you Philippino , let welcome VNese also :cheers:
So you Viets and the Philippino's are not exactly friends eh? ^^
Mr. President of Philippine should learn the lesson from Cambodia-Thailand , small coutries in ASEAN should not make trouble with VN territories. Philippine have No envident over those despute islands in SCS(East sea).

Our Navy is get stronger, so we're comming closer to you Philippino , let welcome VNese also :cheers:

Cambodia maybe, but I failed to see how Thailand is small compared to Vietnam. They are around the same.
Mr. President of Philippine should learn the lesson from Cambodia-Thailand , small coutries in ASEAN should not make trouble with VN territories. Philippine have No envident over those despute islands in SCS(East sea).

Our Navy is get stronger, so we're comming closer to you Philippino , let welcome VNese also :cheers:
You're going to feed your sailors to fish near Philippino waters?
So you Viets and the Philippino's are not exactly friends eh? ^^

Beware Vietnam.
Vietnam is the most ungrateful country. Without China help, Vietnam would not have beaten United States.

After wining with China help they immediately turned against China. Even kick out all the ethnic Chinese from Vietnam. Resulting in the thousands of miserable boat refugees flooding the original ASEAN 5 countries.

After Vietnam agreed with signed documents that the Sparatly Island belongs to China, they now say that it is not true.

They even go as low and try to use their former enemy, United States against China. The same United States that drop more bombs on Vietnam than the entire WW2. Not to mention agent orange.

Then when ASEAN allowed Vietnam membership they go against the main principle of ASEAN and open a back door to involve super power rivalry into South East Asia.

Then after signing the code of conduct, they used the opportunity to grab more islands than any other country. They now hold the most islands.

Yet Sparatly island are way beyond the 200mile EEZ of Vietnam.
So you Viets and the Philippino's are not exactly friends eh? ^^

Philippino change their side so fast, first they colaborate with CHina to drill oil in dispute are, but when CHina keep bullying them, they chaned to ASEAN side , and now, they turn back to CHina's side .

They make trouble themself bcz of changing side so fast.
no_name said:
Cambodia maybe, but I failed to see how Thailand is small compared to Vietnam. They are around the same

Thailand also want to set up their influent in Laos-Camb and also had some dispute in Gulf of Thailand with VN, they make us got angry and killed lots of Thai's soldiers pushed them out of Laos-Cam and Gulf of Thailand also.
Beware Vietnam.
Vietnam is the most ungrateful country. Without China help, Vietnam would not have beaten United States.

After wining with China help they immediately turned against China. Even kick out all the ethnic Chinese from Vietnam. Resulting in the thousands of miserable boat refugees flooding the original ASEAN 5 countries.

After Vietnam agreed with signed documents that the Sparatly Island belongs to China, they now say that it is not true.

They even go as low and try to use their former enemy, United States against China. The same United States that drop more bombs on Vietnam than the entire WW2. Not to mention agent orange.

Then when ASEAN allowed Vietnam membership they go against the main principle of ASEAN and open a back door to involve super power rivalry into South East Asia.

Then after signing the code of conduct, they used the opportunity to grab more islands than any other country. They now hold the most islands.

Yet Sparatly island are way beyond the 200mile EEZ of Vietnam.

We don't need to be aware , but CHinese living in ASEAN need, bro.

When we beat Camb-Thailand, Malaysia-Indonesia did No thing but sit and watch, you know why ? bcz they consider VN is a buffer zone between them and CHina, and Indonesia even take a chance to killed lots of CHinese after that bcz they knew CHina could not harm them when VN still stay strong.

So, if some ASEAN nations try to make trouble with VN by following CHina, Malaysia-Indonesia will support VN to kick their azz again, we VN-Indonesia-Malaysia considering to buy a Carrier now, so, Philippine must do the right thing for the benefit of ASEAN ....or they will be punished.
"the door of the Philippines is open to investments from China"
-Benigno Aquino III, 2011

a wise man with wise words who can teach Vietnam a few things.
U.S. cable says Philippines’ Aquino ‘diffident’

Saturday, September 3rd, 2011 -- 10:56 am

Philippine president Benigno Aquino was described by the former United States' envoy as "diffident and unassertive", secret cables published by anti-secrecy website Wikileaks reveal.

US ambassador to Manila Kristie Kenney filed the series of unflattering cables after then senator Aquino had declared his presidential candidacy and during the election campaign, the website said.

"Previous contacts with Senator Aquino, often accompanying his mother... left the impression of a diffident, unassertive man continuing a political tradition handed on by his parents but not carving his own legacy," said Kenney.

Wikileaks said the dispatch was made after the son of the late democracy icon and former president Corazon Aquino called on the US envoy at her home in January 2010.

"Senator Aquino's confident, energetic announcement today was a stark contrast his diffident performance last week," she wrote after Aquino announced his candidacy in September 2009.

"It remains unclear whether Aquino can turn his shy, reserved qualities into strengths," she said.

The cables suggested Kenney, who ended her Philippine posting last year, remained unimpressed to the end.

"Unlike other major presidential candidates... Aquino was vague on specific policies he would pursue if he won office," she said of the meeting at her home.

She conceded: "Aquino may be perceived as having had a lacklustre political career, but he also appears to have a relatively clean record with no baggage of scandals, which could be a distinct advantage."

Responding to the revelations presidential spokesman Ricky Carandang suggested Kenney had sided with the incumbent leader's predecessor Gloria Arroyo.

"We normally don't comment on purportedly leaked cables but it's quite consistent with talk that went on in the diplomatic community at the time that Ambassador Kenney had been co-opted by the Arroyo regime," he told AFP.

U.S. cable says Philippines’ Aquino ‘diffident’ | The Raw Story

US is also unhappy with Mr. Aquino

052C leads the battle formation.

052C equipped with Active Electronically Steered Arrays (AESA)

The advent of production Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) radar antennas represents one of the most important, if not the most important development in radar technology since the 1940s. With unprecedented reliability, superior performance and typically of the order of a one thousandfold improvement in beamsteering speeds, this technology will transform many aspects of air combat and strike operations.

Target acquired,ASM ignites. "Missiles are HOT HOT HOT!"

Share this fate if you still remain defiant.

052C sails back to shores after a succesfull operation.

Of all the Viets here, you are one of the dumbest.First you claim Pinoys are on your side,hell you even claim every other nation is on yourside.The Pinoys has chosen to talk,they are wise and this is the only option for VCP.Defy us,expect retaliation from land,sea and air.:sniper:

Patriotic and brave soldiers saluting while the China flag is raised with style."Long live China!":china:
Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

$1.3 billion in new investments, $3.8 billion in "almost certain" investments and another $7.9 billion worth of possible investments from corporations that have shown interest in the country.

Dear Lankan Ranger from Sri Lanka:

Love to discuss with you the favourite topic of mutual interest to both of us: So, what's dear China giving to Philipines in free gifts. How many million or billion dollars?

Unfortunately, there is no mention of that critical thing in the article :(

Btw .... your dear India gave quite a bit to your competitor "Bangaldesh" (err.. I mean only in competition for free aid).

India to loan Bangladesh 750m dollars under credit deal - Investors.com

(somehow you missed this notable news of mutual interest to both of us .... otherwise, I find you quite sharp in catching aid-related news).

Where is Sri Lanka in this race???? -- Any further news of infrastructure aid or JF-17 aid to Lanka?
We don't need to be aware , but CHinese living in ASEAN need, bro.

When we beat Camb-Thailand, Malaysia-Indonesia did No thing but sit and watch, you know why ? bcz they consider VN is a buffer zone between them and CHina, and Indonesia even take a chance to killed lots of CHinese after that bcz they knew CHina could not harm them when VN still stay strong.

So, if some ASEAN nations try to make trouble with VN by following CHina, Malaysia-Indonesia will support VN to kick their azz again, we VN-Indonesia-Malaysia considering to buy a Carrier now, so, Philippine must do the right thing for the benefit of ASEAN ....or they will be punished.

kEEP ON DREAMING, Nobody is going to support you. Consider buying a carrier? May be a general cargo carrier LOL.
Wow seems like Pakistan got competition to be China best friend. Never seen a major investment into Philipinne done in Pakistan yet.
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