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Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

lonelyship said:
Shelling on water to get water , lol, Gulf of Thailand EEZ resolve later, much later , in 199x, you can shelling in the sea to get water claim too.
They never have their control on that land to begin with, in fact, they tried to exploit the time to claim that land, but failed, and both sides keep their de facto control.
Oh, but you said you get water from Thailand, which island ?
It seems you claim first , then try to find resource , lol, the Viet.
Hehe, we have No dispute islands there, how can we take it from another ASEAN nations ?? but we required to have fair EEZ in ovelap zone, Thailand seem did not like this idea, so we had to shell them to have easer negotiation.

dispute land means No one know which side it belong to,Laos -Thailand don't have the clear map about those ares, then we fought and Thailand lost bcz you refuse to help them when USSR keep supporting VN, you're very bad to your allies , bro:P
Hehe, we have No dispute islands there, how can we take it from another ASEAN nation ?? but we require to have fair EEZ in ovelap zone, Thailand seem did not like this idea, so we have to shell them to have easer negotiation.

dispute land means No one know which side it belong to, then we fought and Thailand lost bcz you refuse to help them when USSR keep supporting VN, you're very bad to your allies , bro:P

Oh, so China cut your cable to have easier negotiation lol, because you shell some one, then have nothing gained, and you have favor water claim decades later, back by what, huh, Viet ?
They never have, and thus can't lost, lair all the time , lol
Remember the "little" island lost during USSR backed, lol, get it back, you talk, and dream like all coward. :smokin:
lonelyship said:
Oh, so China cut your cable to have easier negotiation lol, because you shell some one, then have nothing gained, and you have favor water claim, back by what, huh, Viet ?
They never have, and thus can't lost, lair all the time , lol
Remember the "little" island lost during USSR backed, lol, get it back, you talk, and dream like all coward.
China is biger than VN 20 times at least , there is no shame if small coutry like us can not fight with them, but Phil-Thai is diffrent , they're just small like us and they need your help in dispute areas, but you just so coward to help them to fight with us :lol:

We gain the fair EEZ from Thaland in dispute water now, what do you want us to show more ??robe their islands even when they dont belong to VN ?/
China is biger than VN 20 times at least , there is no shame if small coutry like us can not fight with them, but Phil-Thai is diffrent , they're just small like us and they need your help in dispute areas, but you just so coward to help them to fight with us :lol:

We gain the fair EEZ from Thaland in dispute water now, what do you want us to show more ??

Ask the US, not us , lol, Lao have that land, in the end, Lao still have it, what lost the Thai have, huh ?
But we're not talking about the Lao, huh Viet, after you claim big, you let other do that for you and that's the definition of "Coward". lol

A fair is no gain, that's fair for both, and you see that' a gain ? lol
Both side want more, it's you who lost your claim to the Thai, after failure to take any lands from them.
A gain is when you take a island, like china did.
lonelyship said:
Ask the US, not us , lol, Lao have that land, in the end, Lao still have it, what lost the Thai have, huh ?
But we're not talking about the Lao, huh Viet, after you claim big, you let other do that for you and that's the definition of "Coward". lol

A fair is no gain, that's fair for both, and you see that' a gain ? lol
Both side want more, it's you who lost your claim to the Thai, after failure to take any lands from them.
A gain is when you take a island, like china did.
I clam big ?? in where ??I just wanna take back our island from Phil , same like taking back the fair EEZ from Thailand, we just want to take what belong to VN, that's all, check again the comment , bro

hehe, but we love to wait, Phil have US and we have US now also, we showed in Thailand-Camb already, and No one care about helping Thailand-Camb (include your Canada), we don't need to show right now

Why did not you bring your powerful NATO to help Thailand that time ??

back to 1976-1991 or even stone age like during VN war is not our big problem, but people know how coward are you to ignored Thailand when they beged for help...and soon may be Phil if they don't hand off our islands.

About Thailand, they wanna push the Vn influent in Laos-Camb back to avoid the communist expansion, why did not you help them ??and if you refuse to help Thailand, you will do the same to Phil, so we don't need no be hurry , but we surely will shell them like Thailand if they refuse to give it back.

for the dispute in Gulf of Thailand, we only wanted to have fair share 50-50, but Thailand wanted to have more, and we shelled them to forces them to agree with that share.

Cuộc họp tiếp theo tại Hà Nội từ ngày 20 - 23/5/1993, nhằm thúc đẩy đàm phán, phía Việt Nam đã đề nghị chia 50/50 vùng chồng lấn 1971 - 1973, nhưng phía Thái Lan vẫn giữ lập trường cũ.

at the meeting in Hanoi from 20-23 may/1993 Vn offer to share 50-50, but Thailand refused this offer
I clam big ?? in where ??I just wanna take back our island from Phil , same like taking back the fair EEZ from Thailand, we just want to take what belong to VN, that's all, check again the comment , bro
wow, sound like Vietnam want to be China... look like the rest of ASEAN will need to gang up on Vietnam too...
akinkhoo said:
wow, sound like Vietnam want to be China... look like the rest of ASEAN will need to gang up on Vietnam too...
Hehe, we only wanna take back what belong to us, and we have lots of Russia weapons buying by credit to shell the robers now, Laos-Camb is our special friends, Malaysia-Indonesia will sit and watch the show again , so who in ASEAN want to support the robers now ??

Check our map during Nguyen dynasty, Spratly clearly belong to VN.

Hehe, we only wanna take back what belong to us, and we have lots of Russia weapons buying by credit to shell the robers now, Laos-Camb is our special friends, Malaysia-Indonesia will sit and watch the show again , so who in ASEAN want to support the robers now ??

Check our map during Nguyen dynasty, Spratly clearly belong to VN.


Are you sure that's vietnamese map..I saw chinese writting there over the top left corner...sound like Chinese map to me,
Are you sure that's vietnamese map..I saw chinese writting there over the top left corner...sound like Chinese map to me,
Hehe, we used Chinese writting that time, just same like using English this time, that's all.

But Phil have no map having those island at that time, so they're the rober, they can not colaborate with China to drill our oil. We stop your plot one time, and we will stop you again.

We're mordenizing our Navy now, and China inflation rate jump from 5% to 6,5 % now, seem like she will get weaker and weaker in the future then No one can stop us to take back what belong to VN :P
Give you a little hint. Even if China is weak these islands would have bigger bidders than Vietnam.
Hehe, we used Chinese writting that time, just same like using English this time, that's all.

But Phil have no map having those island at that time, so they're the rober, they can not colaborate with China to drill our oil. We stop your plot one time, and we will stop you again.

We're mordenizing our Navy now, and China inflation rate jump from 5% to 6,5 % now, seem like she will get weaker and weaker in the future then No one can stop us to take back what belong to VN :P

Big Mouth S.O.S Vietnam...the best you could do is send a distress signal throught out the world and cry for help.
no_name said:
Give you a little hint. Even if China is weak these islands would have bigger bidders than Vietnam.

hehe, we will unify ASEAN and make ASEAN get stronger first, after that VN-Indonesia-Malaysia will think about buying a Carrier. so with united ASEAN, those islands seem too small, maybe we'd better think about some bigger islands like Taiwan :lol:

Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
Big Mouth S.O.S Vietnam...the best you could do is send a distress signal throught out the world and cry for help.

The more the merrier bro, and CHina is so lonely to solve many problems, specaily their inflation rate :P
hehe, we will unify ASEAN and make ASEAN get stronger first, after that VN-Indonesia-Malaysia will think about buying a Carrier. so with united ASEAN, those islands seem too small, maybe we'd better think about some bigger islands like Taiwan :lol:

Unify ASEAN? Political alliance, or annexation? Taiwan? That is some dream. ROCN is a match for VN, and in this special case expect China to be on Taiwan's side.
Beware Vietnam.
Vietnam is the most ungrateful country. Without China help, Vietnam would not have beaten United States.

After wining with China help they immediately turned against China. Even kick out all the ethnic Chinese from Vietnam. Resulting in the thousands of miserable boat refugees flooding the original ASEAN 5 countries.

After Vietnam agreed with signed documents that the Sparatly Island belongs to China, they now say that it is not true.

They even go as low and try to use their former enemy, United States against China. The same United States that drop more bombs on Vietnam than the entire WW2. Not to mention agent orange.

Then when ASEAN allowed Vietnam membership they go against the main principle of ASEAN and open a back door to involve super power rivalry into South East Asia.

Then after signing the code of conduct, they used the opportunity to grab more islands than any other country. They now hold the most islands.

Yet Sparatly island are way beyond the 200mile EEZ of Vietnam.

This silly Chinese keep pretending crazy and stupid about all of the mentioned issues ( Why did China help Vietnam in US war ? In what way; China schemed to sticked Vietnam from behind by supporting evil Khmer Rouge ; How ridiculous with the way China claim almost whole of the sea...), which Viet guys and other Chinese guys in this forum argued last few months.

You know why there a lot of Viet members in this forum last few months ? Because of such silly guys like you. Talk true, don't talk sh...t.
But Phil have no map having those island at that time, so they're the rober, they can not colaborate with China to drill our oil. We stop your plot one time, and we will stop you again.

We're mordenizing our Navy now, and China inflation rate jump from 5% to 6,5 % now, seem like she will get weaker and weaker in the future then No one can stop us to take back what belong to VN :P

1. when have the viets ever stopped anyone in the seas?

2. oh no 6.5% good lord the sky is falling in china, might move to Vietnam where there is no inflation.... oh WAIT
BBC News - Vietnam's inflation rate rises to 23%

also VN...lol SSF will have fun with that one.

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