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Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

1. when have the viets ever stopped anyone in the seas?

2. oh no 6.5% good lord the sky is falling in china, might move to Vietnam where there is no inflation.... oh WAIT
BBC News - Vietnam's inflation rate rises to 23%

also VN...lol SSF will have fun with that one.

1. We stoped CHina-Phil oil drilling in Reed Bank one time already.


This Agreement is entered into on this 1st day of September 2004 by and between China National Offshore Oil Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CNOOC"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the People's Republic of China, having its headquarters domiciled in Beijing as one part; and Philippine National Oil Company (hereinafter referred to as "PNOC"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, having its headquarters domiciled at Fort Bonifacio, Taguig, Metro Manila, as the other part.

CNOOC and PNOC are collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as "Party"

Another oil field being explored today is Reed Bank, which exploration was halted in 1980's after China's objections. The concession is currently awarded to Forum Energy plc, a UK-based oil, gas and coal company. The Reed Bank concession is located in the South China Sea west of Palawan Island. The licence is located to the southwest of the Shell-operated Malampaya Gas Field.[51]

The concession was first awarded to Sterling Energy plc (which later merged with another company to form Forum Energy) in June 2002. In 2003 Sterling reprocessed 250 km of 2D seismic data and completed a feasibility study on the gas-to-liquid options for the gas field. The seismic work and the gas-to-liquid study fulfilled the initial work commitments on the concession and Sterling was granted a 12 month extension in June 2004. In 2005 Forum acquired new 3D seismic data over the licence area fulfilling its work commitments required under the 12 month extension. In September 2006, results of the interpretation of the 3D seismic programme at the Sampaguita (an area inside Reed Bank) gas discovery indicated a world class gas accumulation with potential reserves of up to 20 trillion cubic feet (3.56 trillion oil barrels).[51]

Unlike Malampaya, Reed Bank is claimed by the People's Republic of China, Republic of China, and Vietnam. There is still no news on whether these countries are disputing this exploration or not.
Philippines and the Spratly Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


( Reed-bank is Red area on the left )

2. We jsut stoped some CHina's project in VietNam such as China Merchants Group in VUng Tau, so we need time to welcome more Japan investor to VietNam, our inflation rate will reduce soon :)
Oil deal with China will destroy Spratlys’

‘By Kristine L. Alave
Philippie Daily Inquirer
12:59 am | Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

For environmentalists, the deal between the Philippines and China to search for oil in the vast waters surrounding the Spratlys stinks like a dead fish.

Marine environmentalists on Monday expressed wariness over the joint cooperation between the two countries to explore for oil and gas in the disputed Spratlys chain of islands in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

The deal was part of the agreements that were hammered out during President Aquino’s state visit to China last week.

Dr. Perry Aliño, a professor at the University of the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute, said there should be proper environmental management in the Spratlys because the rich marine life there had been under stress due to maritime activities.

“Regardless of any joint exploration, environmental safety should be considered. It’s the biggest coral assemblage in the region. It has 20 percent of the coral reefs in the country. That is very helpful in sustaining Palawan and the northwest Luzon area,” he said.

Aliño noted that there was a proposal to make the Spratlys an international marine-protected area to be overseen by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

But that idea, he said, was killed by China. “They claim it (chain) as their own,” he said.

The Spratlys, a group of islands believed to hold oil and gas deposits, is claimed in whole or in part by China, the Philippines and four other countries.

Over the years, the claimants’ military forces had made forays into the islands and had built naval facilities there.

Jose Ma. Lorenzo Tan, chief executive officer of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Philippines, expressed disappointment over the joint cooperation, saying it appeared that the area had been “sold.”

Tan noted that there had been efforts to protect the marine archipelago, but “it only exists on paper.”

Last week, Trade Undersecretary Cristino Panlilio said the Philippine government had allowed Chinese government-owned firm Sino Petroleum Corp. to conduct an oil exploration in the disputed waters.

According to WWF, the Spratlys islands are a rich eco-region that contains over 600 coral reefs, atolls, rocks, banks and cays. It is a major habitat for various seabirds as well as green and hawksbill turtles.

Aliño said it was crucial that the Spratlys’ waters should be protected because of the threat against the sea species of the reef.

The area’s biodiversity has suffered changes over the years due to maritime forays and poaching, he said.

“In the past, you could see sharks there every day. But now, when you dive, you would hardly see them anymore,” Aliño said.

The Kalikasan–People’s Network for the Environment also assailed the government’s plan to mine the area for oil with China, saying this would be a blow to the region’s biodiversity.

“The proposed oil exploration will bring much damage to this biodiversity-rich area. Spratlys islands are home to the few remaining intact coral reefs in Southeast Asia,” the group said in a statement.


Ops, look like CHina-Phil deal over Spratly will have same result like 2004 :)
Wow seems like Pakistan got competition to be China best friend. Never seen a major investment into Philipinne done in Pakistan yet.
Nasty habit of dragging Pakistan into every thread huh ?
US$13 bilion?
are they going to buy the Philippine?
1. We stoped CHina-Phil oil drilling in Reed Bank one time already.

2. We jsut stoped some CHina's project in VietNam such as China Merchants Group in VUng Tau, so we need time to welcome more Japan investor to VietNam, our inflation rate will reduce soon :)

1. my mistake i thought u meant militarily

2. that verifies or justifies this statement(below) how?

"We're mordenizing our Navy now, and China inflation rate jump from 5% to 6,5 % now, seem like she will get weaker and weaker in the future then No one can stop us to take back what belong to VN "

and about ur prediction of lowering inflation for vietnam

Vietnam raises 2011 inflation target, cuts growth | Reuters

^^ whats your definition of "soon"?

heres one for china


so what do you think about all this evidence?
clever chap.

collect the moolah from China and then scare the living hell out of China by calling in US warships!
Scare? No, raise tensions maybe, but not scare. China and the U.S will almost definitely not touch each other. U.S doesn't have the funds or public support, and China doesn't have the interest.
1. my mistake i thought u meant militarily

2. that verifies or justifies this statement(below) how?

"We're mordenizing our Navy now, and China inflation rate jump from 5% to 6,5 % now, seem like she will get weaker and weaker in the future then No one can stop us to take back what belong to VN "

and about ur prediction of lowering inflation for vietnam

Vietnam raises 2011 inflation target, cuts growth | Reuters

^^ whats your definition of "soon"?

heres one for china

Business Times Online

so what do you think about all this evidence?
1. No, we just joined the oil drilling plan as the third party and mess it up , then that plan had to delay until now. If CHina-Phil plan to drill oil again, we will join and mess up again.

2.Our inflation will reduce soon bcz we got a big deal with US now.

US giants plan big deals in Vietnam
Thứ năm, ngày 08 tháng 09 năm 2011 cập nhật lúc 16:20

Several US investors such as Chevron, Boeing and Mastercard have made plans for their big investment projects in Vietnam. The plans were presented at a meeting between Vietnam’s National Financial Supervisory Committee and US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC) on September 6.
USABC Chairman Alexander C. Feldman said US firms are greatly interested in seeking investment opportunities in Vietnam.
He said that he hoped Vietnam would soon work out measures to deal with its economic challenges in order to facilitate US investment in the market here.
An official from Chevron said they are cooperating with the state-owned Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) to carry out a gas-power-fertiliser project with a total investment value of USD7 billion, USD4 billion of this coming from foreign investors including USD2 billion from Chevron.
In order to put the project into operation by 2015, Chevron and PetroVietnam are stepping up negotiations to reach an agreement on gas prices.
Once operational, the project is expected to not only increase the power supply, but will also bring in revenues amounting to USD14 billion.
In the meantime, an official from Mastercard said the company is seeking opportunities in order to tie up with Vietnamese partners in the fields of e-payment.
According to an official from Boeing, corporation will continue to provide the Government of Vietnam with more loans in order to purchase seven more aircrafts by 2015.
Boeing proposed that Vietnam join the financing initiative which was worked out in Durban, South Africa, in order to receive the first USD25 billion of the total USD50 billion for buying aircraft during the participation period.

US giants plan big deals in Vietnam
inferior subjects are now using war, and destabilisation as blackmail. so far, we got taiwan, philipines, viet nam. any other takers? want to get Chinese investments? just threaten to go to war with China. thats post deng China for you
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