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Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda

Well, reverse hizrat from dar-ul-Islam to dar-ul-harb has not worked for some it seems.

They can always choose to do the straigh hijarat.
same can be said about your millions of dharmic brothers who do their hijrat from their dharmic ashram to the rich lands of the mid-east & the gulf region to make a buck or two because it seems like, after all your ancestors ( many of whom were made to swallow the bitter pill of getting converted ) native dharmic place is not the land of milk ,honey &"OIL" as you would have liked it to be

What happened in Australia was a general xenophobic acts of some idiotic neighbourhood bullies...no way Govt sponsored or not even supported by the majority of the Australians..

I'm not trolling...just stating the facts as they were...Truth is muslims dont integrate into other societies and think that integrating means anti-islam..I have seen people in this forum itself define "integration" as a synonym of "conversion"...thinking so you try to build more walls around you and with the acts of some of the crazzies from your community its fuels the hate of the natives..and why not ?

Please look inward why the world at large is growing wary of Muslims instead of silly conspiracy theories about the zionist world planning to persecute the innocent momin.

If Muslims are discriminated in America even by courts, they should leave it and go back to their native lands.

It's in simple English. Tell me if you did not understand.

Muslims can live where ever they want & whether they integrate or not its for them to decide & not you, as it is none of your business just as your opinion in this matter is of little or no value & is insignificant , because when it comes to rolling the petro-dollar the "OIL" for it runs through the mid-east & central Asia & not the native land of your "dharmic" cultures

sorry to sound rude but you asked for it
Muslims can live where ever they want & whether they integrate or not its for them to decide & not you, as its none of your business just as your opinion in this matter is of little or no insignificance because when it comes to rolling the petro-dollar the "OIL" for it runs through the mid-east & central Asia & not the native land of your dharmic cultures India

sorry to sound rude but you asked for it

Yeah I agree.. Muslims can live anywhere and chose whether to integrate or not with the society.. But since your guys have created so much Islamophobia is common people's mind by their actions that such living on your own terms and not integrating well with locals is seen negatively by others.

So you should then not be complaining about having rights or not having your rights.. After all, you get what you ask for. Isn't it?
Muslims should not live in this racist country and they should return to their native lands as a sign of protest.

I guess blacks should have done the same thing in the 50s & the 60s, the likes of MLK & others should have returned to their native African countries. We would have never had Obama at the helm today.

There is a concept which probably you're not familiar with, called 'struggling for your rights', which the Muslims in the US are doing. A weak person expects/demands his rights from others, a strong person fights for his rights. Please curb some of your anti-Muslim bias, & do not make it so obvious.
Yeah I agree.. Muslims can live anywhere and chose whether to integrate with the society.. But since your guys have created so much Islamophobia is common people's mind by their actions that such living on your own terms and not integrating well with locals is seen negatively by others.

So you should then not be complaining about having rights or not having your rights.. After all, you get what you ask for. Isn't it?

What islamophobia? There are over 2 Million Muslims living in America, no one bothers them. Its not like they just picked a random Muslim guy and framed him.

He was doing propaganda work for Al Qaida and was calling to wage jihad against American troops in Iraq. Why should there be any sympathy or benefit of doubt for him?
Yeah I agree.. Muslims can live anywhere and chose whether to integrate or not with the society..
What about Hindus then? Why do they have the right to live among themselves without integrating into the society, even learning the language as it happens here?
lol its not limited to muslims only, after the PATRIOT Act no US citizen have their full rights...
What about Hindus then? why can they chose to live among themselves without integrating into the society, even learning the language?

That's not the case, Mate!! Indians have been one of most integrating and peaceful community in America. And who told you that Indians do not learn the language..
Yeah I agree.. Muslims can live anywhere and chose whether to integrate with the society.. But since your guys have created so much Islamophobia is common people's mind by their actions that such living on your own terms and not integrating well with locals is seen negatively by others.
As if we give a flying fukc.

So you should then not be complaining about having rights or not having your rights.. After all, you get what you ask for. Isn't it?
& in which case who the prick in hell are you guys to tell us what to do or not to do ? anyways who even gives a $hit to what you guys have to say
Muslims can live where ever they want & whether they integrate or not its for them to decide & not you, as its none of your business just as your opinion in this matter is of little or no insignificance because when it comes to rolling the petro-dollar the "OIL" for it runs through the mid-east & central Asia & not the native land of your "dharmic" cultures

sorry to sound rude but you asked for it

Well you don't see us opening threads on PDF and whining..can you ?

Look dude I don't give a **** if you try to sound rude or not. I speak the truth and you can take it in any way you want. Least of my concerns. Muslims are discriminated (first of all, personally, I dont think so, because I too am in NY and I have seen first hand how the people are so open and chilled out here) because some of the crzzies from your own community. Blame them...not anyone else..

And I dont understand the relevance of your post to mine. As always.
Lol I've been to gulf states Indians are treated really bad in Dubai
Lol I've been to gulf states Indians are treated really bad in Dubai

The hierarchy in Gulf is mostly like this - The hierarchy goes like this - Goras > Native Gulf Arabs > Northern/Levant arabs > Egyptians > Indians > Pakistanis > Bangladeshis/Lankans > Philipnos.

This is,

A brief explanation from Tarek

2 Votes

“Since the end of my trial, I’ve been asked repeatedly about particular aspects of my case. Rather than respond to each individual inquirer, I figured it to be more practical to address those points publicly so that the general public may also be aware of some of the background information often buried under headlines:

Yes, I was charged by the government after refusing to become an FBI informant.

In April of 2008, as I was nearing my college graduation date, I was in the process of obtaining a position as a pharmacist at a large hospital in Saudi Arabia. Days after I sent an email to the employer accepting the job offer, the FBI (who were monitoring my communications) were waiting for me outside my workplace in Natick, MA and revealed that they were aware that I was moving to the middle East, but that they wanted to file terrorism charges against me, and that ‘we could either handle this the easy way or the hard way.’ I was told to get a lawyer, and he would explain what the ‘easy way’ was.

I hired a lawyer that week, and he called the U.S. Attorney’s office as I sat next to him. Jeffrey Auerhahn explained to him that the government wanted me to work as an informant, and that if I did not, I would be arrested and charged with terrorism. Since I wouldn’t agree to do this, my lawyer at the time (Norman Zalkind) told Auerhahn that if they wanted to arrest me, I was more than willing to turn myself in at a time and place of the government’s choosing. We even documented this offer of surrender in a letter sent to the government (this letter can be read online as an attached exhibit to my Feb. 2011 bail motion). The government responded that they were not interested in my surrender, and were planning to arrest me at my upcoming college graduation ceremony. This didn’t happen, and I in fact heard nothing from the government for the following seven months.

Finally, in November of 2008, after seven months of silence, I decided to begin working at the hospital that had hired me in the capitol of Saudi Arabia. I had to move on with my life at some point. So my parents and I booked plane tickets, went to the airport, passed a search, and once we were given our boarding passes, I was arrested by the FBI inside the plane’s terminal.

I was charged not with terrorism, but with giving a false statement to an FBI agent years earlier. I was taken to jail, where I spent 44 days before being released on $1.2 million bail, in December of 2008. I was out on bail for approximately nine months when, in September of 2009, I was approached by a man who was sent by the prosecutors to tell me that I had one final chance: if I became an informant, they would drop the false statement charge, and i would eventually be let go to move on with my career plans. Again, I refused. One month later, on October 21st, 2009, I was arrested a second time, this time with all of the terrorism charges that I was threatened with back in April 2008, and convicted on in 2011. And here I am today, having chosen ‘the hard way.’

(The judge would not allow my lawyers to mention any of this background information to the jury at trial.)

Yes, I was offered numerous plea deals by the government. The most recent on offered before trial was that they would drop all of the terrorism charges, except that I would plead guilty to translating a book (’39 Ways’), and we would jointly seek a sentence of five to ten years, as opposed to the life sentence I currently face. These deals were offered by the government of their own accord to avoid a trial, and were never sought by me. I refused each deal and insisted on going to trial.

It should be noted that during these discussions between my lawyers and the prosecutors, the prosecutors admitted that they do not think I am a ‘terrorist.’

All of this contrasts with Carmen Ortiz’s statement to the press outside the courthouse following my conviction that my arrest was necessary to ‘catch terrorists,’ as well as the initial government claims that I was a maniac bent on shooting up a shopping mall.”
I guess if we were living in the post WW2 times, the Indians on this forum today would be justifying the Japanese-Americans being put into concentration camps.
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