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Petition to expel all Afghans out of Pakistan

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But yeah afghans need to leave, Pakistan has a ton of issues and we don't need afghans burdening Pakistan even more.
Now this is BS...Afghans need help , they do the Arnold's work here..Plus majority of them are engaged in what we call is rizk-e-halal. Afghans on the whole should not be categorized for the sick actions of a handful few..!
If you guys are still having problems with the site then i suggest you create a new petition on another site and I'll be the first to sign.
I signed it but I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon. These afghanis need to be kicked out of Pakistan and the border needs to be fenced and mined. Afghanis are the biggest traitors to Pakistan. We gave them shelter, food and jobs in return they blow themselves up here, get involved in mafias like land mafia and transport mafia. They are murderers and thieves.
Brother don't you think you are going overboard creating this thread it's racist to me not all afghans hate us they are victims just like us they need help just like we do please stop spreading hate don't brand a nation bad just for the mistakes of few
I signed it but I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon. These afghanis need to be kicked out of Pakistan and the border needs to be fenced and mined. Afghanis are the biggest traitors to Pakistan. We gave them shelter, food and jobs in return they blow themselves up here, get involved in mafias like land mafia and transport mafia. They are murderers and thieves.

now how would you like it if Americans start deporting Pakistanis because Faisal shezad was going to blow up time square?? What if Brits start kicking out Pakistanis because of the 7/11 bombers were Pakistanis???

You guys would probably labels Americans and Brits as "racist white people" but you deem it alright to treat all afghans like sh!t and kick them out just because of what a few criminal afghans did??

Double standards and hypocrisy at it's best!!!
Brother don't you think you are going overboard creating this thread it's racist to me

I personally dont think it is racist. Pakistan is pakistanis' home and they should be able to decide over its fate and policies. The refugees need to go back one day, the sooner they do this the better for themselves.
Let's just move the camps back into Afghanistan now. No need to "kick" anyone. Just close up shop and move it to Afghanistan.

now how would you like it if Americans start deporting Pakistanis because Faisal shezad was going to blow up time square?? What if Brits start kicking out Pakistanis because of the 7/11 bombers were Pakistanis???

Well, then. How about we push them back simply because they're

A. Illegal
B. Involved in extremism
C. No papers
D. All of the above.

If they immigrated legally, they can stay.
This petition should be ignored IMHO. Its just spreading hatred, let things settle down in Afghanistan within the next <3-5 years before you even start thinking about this. If people want to stay than let them. They are our Muslim brothers and we should help them in there time of need. Maybe have a cap limit to how many Afg nationals can settle if Pakistan?
This petition should be ignored IMHO. Its just spreading hatred, let things settle down in Afghanistan within the next <3-5 years before you even start thinking about this. If people want to stay than let them. They are our Muslim brothers and we should help them in there time of need. IMO

But what about the needs of Pakistanis? At this time we're in no position to help out others, especially help out a group of people who have nothing but hatred for Pakistan. Pakistan should always come first.
now how would you like it if Americans start deporting Pakistanis because Faisal shezad was going to blow up time square?? What if Brits start kicking out Pakistanis because of the 7/11 bombers were Pakistanis???

You guys would probably labels Americans and Brits as "racist white people" but you deem it alright to treat all afghans like sh!t and kick them out just because of what a few criminal afghans did??

Double standards and hypocrisy at it's best!!!

Tell me one Afghani that came to Pakistan legally. Pakistanis in America are working for America and also contributing to the economy. Most Pakistani-Americans are not drug dealers, serial killers, thieves or land grabbers. Pakistani Americans do not call for America to be destroyed or annexed.

It's not double standards or hypocrisy. Pakistan and Pakistanis have done a lot for Afghanis and in return we were showered by their heroin, ak 47's and terrorism.

These Afghanis in Pakistan here are illegals and refs. They need to be kicked out sooner or later. I still remember when these animals were smashing cng buses so their bus mafia can thrive.
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