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Peshawar's luscious BBQ cuisine - a major attraction for meat-lovers in Pakistan

All right. I will find and post.

.Muzaffer Hussain, a Padmashri, an eminent Muslim lawyer, and a writer has a chapter entitled ‘the cow & the Koran’ in his latest book ‘Islam and Shakahar’ (vegetarianism). According to Hussain, there is NOT a SINGLE SURAH (chapter) in the HOLY QURAN that allows any killing of cows or bulls.

The famous Iranian Islamic philosopher and scholar Alghazali ( 1058-1111 A.D) who established the Islamic Academy of Baghdad says in his book ‘Ahya ul Deen’( Revival of Religious Science) : “The meat from cows is an illness (marz), its milk is pure (safa) which means good for health and its ghee is a medicine.

My friend, this is the nature of mankind that once a messenger of Allah(SWT) conveys his message, a group among them find excuses in it or tries to manipulate some facts.The case above is the same.I want you to trust me in this regard because I read Quran everyday and alhamdullilah am in touch with such people who have better knowledge on this matter in this regard.
First and most importantly, Quran has enlisted those animals and things are forbidden because they are few in number and there is no verse in Quran that says that eating cow is forbidden nor highly discourages it.Infact, there are several revelations related to events occurred with cow.The second surah Al-Baqra literally means "The cow" and it includes all important commands and events that occurred during the time of Mosses and other important events:
1) One incidence reported about Prophet Abraham(AS) when he was visited by angels.According to Quran, Prophet Abraham did not recognized them at first and cooked cow meat for them and served to eat.
2)Another incidence reports the event of Moses(AS) when he was helping his nation against Pharaoh.When his nation reached the river nile, they found pharaoh's forces chasing them.Hence, Prophet Mooses(AS) was told to hit the river with his stick which tore apart the river and Allah paved the way for them.When they were crossing the river, a man called Samiri who used to practice magic saw Arch Angel Gabriel standing between two rivers because of his power.When pharaoh's forces reached the Nile river Gabriel flew away and Samiri quickly picked up the sand below his blessed feet.
When nation of Moses crossed the river, they found a nation worshiping a cow and demanded Moses to make an idol like it which Mosses denied.When they reached their destiny Allah(SWT) called Moses for providing them commands where he stayed for 40 days. Samiri in his absence took benefit and told them that Moses has left his nation and collected jewelry from them.They mold it into golden cow, in which he blow the soil he picked below the feel of Gabriel.The cow produced sound: People, unaware of Samiri's trick fall on their knees.
Allah(SWT) told Moses what horrendous sin their nation has committed.He told them to go down and uncover the culprit. Moosa (AS) went down and scolded his nation.His people got embarrassed and prayed for forgiveness. Samiri was given punishment by Allah(SWT) that he had the feeling of burning and heat.He used to run away from people screaming for not to touch him.
3)For the word cow and sheep, the umberella word "cattle" was used in Quran.Surah Taha says:

Eat (for yourselves) and pasture your cattle:
verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding. (Surah Ta Ha, 54)

Cattle includes cows, sheep, buffalo and other herbivore animals.
Hence, Quran no way on earth forbids upon eating cow.It simply forbids eating and driniking those animals that is mentioned in my earlier posts.Once again Quran only mentions those animals that are forbidden since they are few in numbers and mentions permissible animals in terms of major groups rather than individually.

4)Quran also mentions the event of Abraham, when he saw a dream of sacrificing his beloved son.He again sacrificed cattle but after seeing it thrice, decides to complete the dream.He ask his son about the dream and son out of love becomes ready to be sacrificed.However, when he was about to Arch angel Gabriel appears and replces it with other animal and Prophet Abraham was told that it was just a test.That is why we celebrate Eid ul Adha and sacrifice different animals such as cows, sheeps, camels etc.
There are other verses of Quran as well that describe commandments of sacrificing animals in masjid al haraam.It is a very detailed topic and I need time to write about all this, unfortunately.

5)There are numerous verses in Quran about it.Another event includes the son of Adam(AS) who present their sacrifice to Allah.Habeel represents cow and Qabeel represents a thin wheat stalk.So, Allah accepts Habeel's sacrifice.
Hence, some people try to manipulate verses of Quran for temporarily world benefits but we are commanded to speak the truth.
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My friend, this is the nature of mankind that once a messenger of Allah(SWT) conveys his message, a group among them find excuses in it or tries to manipulate some facts.The case above is the same.I want you to trust me in this regard because I read Quran everyday and alhamdullilah am in touch with such people who have better knowledge on this matter in this regard.
First and most importantly, Quran has enlisted those animals and things are forbidden because they are few in number and there is no verse in Quran that says that eating cow is forbidden nor highly discourages it.Infact, there are several revelations related to events occurred with cow.The second surah Al-Baqra literally means "The cow" and it includes all important commands and events that occurred during the time of Mosses and other important events:
1) One incidence reported about Prophet Abraham(AS) when he was visited by angels.According to Quran, Prophet Abraham did not recognized them at first and cooked cow meat for them and served to eat.
2)Another incidence reports the event of Moses(AS) when he was helping his nation against Pharaoh.When his nation reached the river nile, they found pharaoh's forces chasing them.Hence, Prophet Mooses(AS) was told to hit the river with his stick which tore apart the river and Allah paved the way for them.When they were crossing the river, a man called Samiri who used to practice magic saw Arch Angel Gabriel standing between two rivers because of his power.When pharaoh's forces reached the Nile river Gabriel flew away and Samiri quickly picked up the sand below his blessed feet.
When nation of Moses crossed the river, they found a nation worshiping a cow and demanded Moses to make an idol like it which Mosses denied.When they reached their destiny Allah(SWT) called Moses for providing them commands where he stayed for 40 days. Samiri in his absence took benefit and told them that Moses has left his nation and collected jewelry from them.They mold it into golden cow, in which he blow the soil he picked below the feel of Gabriel.The cow produced sound: People, unaware of Samiri's trick fall on their knees.
Allah(SWT) told Moses what horrendous sin their nation has committed.He told them to go down and uncover the culprit. Moosa (AS) went down and scolded his nation.His people got embarrassed and prayed for forgiveness. Samiri was given punishment by Allah(SWT) that he had the feeling of burning and heat.He used to run away from people screaming for not to touch him.
3)For the word cow and sheep, the umberella word "cattle" was used in Quran.Surah Taha says:

Eat (for yourselves) and pasture your cattle:
verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding. (Surah Ta Ha, 54)

Cattle includes cows, sheep, buffalo and other herbivore animals.
Hence, Quran no way on earth forbids upon eating cow.It simply forbids eating and driniking those animals that is mentioned in my earlier posts.Once again Quran only mentions those animals that are forbidden since they are few in numbers and mentions permissible animals in terms of major groups rather than individually.

4)Quran also mentions the event of Abraham, when he saw a dream of sacrificing his beloved son.He again sacrificed cattle but after seeing it thrice, decides to complete the dream.He ask his son about the dream and son out of love becomes ready to be sacrificed.However, when he was about to Arch angel Gabriel appears and replces it with other animal and Prophet Abraham was told that it was just a test.That is why we celebrate Eid ul Adha and sacrifice different animals such as cows, sheeps, camels etc.
There are other verses of Quran as well that describe commandments of sacrificing animals in masjid al haraam.It is a very detailed topic and I need time to write about all this, unfortunately.

5)There are numerous verses in Quran about it.Another event includes the son of Adam(AS) who present their sacrifice to Allah.Habeel represents cow and Qabeel represents a thin wheat stalk.So, Allah accepts Habeel's sacrifice.
Hence, some people try to manipulate verses of Quran for temporarily world benefits but we are commanded to speak the truth.

Thank you very much for addressing me so respectfully and with affection.

So far as I know, there is a verse which dircts to drink milk and avoid cow milk. If i find it, I will quote with reference.
Thank you very much for addressing me so respectfully and with affection.

So far as I know, there is a verse which dircts to drink milk and avoid cow milk. If i find it, I will quote with reference.
I will be highly thankful to you if you do so as I might be able to learn something new about my deen :)

Lamb Karahi



Meat lovers paradise: Namak Mandi


Craving some real bbq, karahi, Dum Pukht or in short real meat? Head north.

Peshawar. Ask anyone about the famous eatery or hub of social life, namak mandi would be the answer. For here, in the city of men, you would tumble upon a whole street dominated with meat grilled on charcoal, karahis prepared piping hot in front of the shop.


Subtle live kitchen.

Namak mandi. Its name originate from the time when it used to be a salt trading spot. Trading business diminished over the years, but the food unequivocally present.

Adjacent to this meat-lover food street, gems, from all over KP, are brought to be bargained. Still a trading spot, but of a different kind.
Namak-mandi is distinguished to such an altitude that various restaurants, with the same name, have popped up in other cities. From Islamabad to Karachi.

Half a kilometer-long road with both sides of it being engrossed with meat grilling business. Whole aura being monopolized with the sweet smell of BBQ.



It’s a hub for social gathering, or a get-away from a hectic routine.

Specialty of this place is Karahi, tikka and Dum Pukht. Appetizing flavor, surprisingly, has nothing to do with the spices. Minimal quantity of spice is added. Whole margination is carried with coarse salt. Coarse salt helps achieve the natural taste of meat.
Skinned lambs, goats and chicken are hung in front of the shop. Meat is chopped in front of you. Whether you like to go for ribs, undercut or you name it. Marinating in salt with a bit of spice, it’s good to go on the pre heated charcoal..
Awaiting the meal, engulfed in its aroma, is excruciating.


Meal is served streaming hot, with fresh baked Naan and mint sauce. Scrumptious feast it is, when devoured hot.
BBq, karahi and Dum Pukht is not whole menu. You can order freshly made ‘chapli kebab’, made in huge cooking pan, fried in animal fat. Round, pure meat patties.


Another forte of this bazar is its kalbi pulao. Don’t forget to order it with your Bbq. A dish that migrated along with the Afghanis, to Pakistan. Maintaining restraint on the spices, rice are boiled in stew of meat. Topped with some finely cut carrots and currants.

Presentation of kabuli pulao: Rice aggregated in a shape of mountain, with meat occupying the core of the mountain of rice.


For everyone detouring Peshawar, or going up north, namak mandi is a compulsion not to resist. Respite for the journey ahead or the way back home. Namak mandi caters to people of all walks, only condition is to be a meat lover and you have come to the right place.

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