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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Love this Picture..... a hand protecting & save guarding the future of Pakistan...against those who are trying to destroy the future of Pakistan
I was controlling my tears but my eyes get wet, too big to cry but:sad:
All Pakistan crying we not need days or five days yome sog we need an action and prompt effective one. Our sog never finish till we end and finish this cancer.
I just read comments of times now and other indian media pages.

Do you know what was common between them all? Hatred and celebrations at the death of our children.
Was there any need to visit those sites to find that out? Thats pretty much a common knowledge.
I get ur frustration but ur not understanding my point. Stop discussing about meaningless shit right now, theres 130 dead children. ur going off topic thats all I'll say so stop it.
Those chldren martyred were like my children as well, who will answer the parents of those Staines children. This is insane.
"My son was in uniform in the morning. He is in a casket now," wailed one parent, Tahir Ali, as he came to the hospital to collect the body of his 14-year-old son Abdullah. "My son was my dream. My dream has been killed."

who will answer to him.....
my heartfelt condolences to the victim family...
brought tears to my eyes....
sadest to humanity,the very fabric of our societies...
1500-1800 bags of blood are received by the Hospital still more people are coming in the hospital to donate the blood.... Express News

That is good news. Even more is required, most of the injured children are in critical condition. Even more blood will be required.
This is not just one day Incident, today's attack will have a deep impact - psycologicaly on these Children, how will they sit in same classroom --- they have final exams coming in next few months, how will they take those... Pathetic, am really pissed.
Told my friend in Operation area who is already pissed and furious, to bomb the shit of militant hideouts....
Met my Pakistani neighbor just now. She was so upset.

They still have hostages inside the school, cant there be negitiations to bring them out safely? I hope there're no more casualities.
very very very very sad event. horror event. those children will be scarred forever and attacking kids now. How can those pigs justify this. backlash from all the progress of zarb-e-azb but know this that we will not be afraid. We will not stand back and watch their brutality, we will answer back and we will not rest till every single one of these terrorists are not dead.

My prayers go out to the injured and to the families of those that have been effected by this. MAY ALLAH GRANT THEM PATIENCE AND MAY ALLAH GRANT THOSE INNOCENTS PARADISE.

This must be investigated and we must strike back.
Whats happening now ? How many Terrorists left ?
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon
It's not about blame game, look the way they treat our fellow countrymen in their country, nothing more than slaves, why we tolerate because these basturds are the so called custodians of the holy land.

These basturds finance and promote their ideologies just to have a proxy on our land while they enjoy all the peevish lives at their homes.

The Saudis are the most corrupt people in the world, the fcuking hypocrites.

You can't stereotype a whole bunch of people this way. The same can be said about Pakistani's for other things, but you would disagree with that.

I get what you are saying, but lashing out @al-Hasani won't change a thing and comes across as intolerant.
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