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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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I would prefer a confirmed evidence that is one. Now don't get me wrong I haven't a doubt in my mind that Saudi Arabia did spread the Jihadist mentality in Pakistan at the same strength it did at home during the soviet invasion to support the US in the US-Soviet cold war babblings. I whole heartedly agree 100% with you and I have seen the evidence with my own eyes of the Jihadi idea spread in case of Afghanistan and later Bosnia and Shishan.

But today I know for a fact that Saudi Arabia does not have a single link with established Islamist organizations, you might believe that Arabs are stupid all you want but no one is stupid enough to support an ideology that seeks to destroy them most of all. Why would the regime support the people who actively try to assassinate them and attacks them at every turn?

Brother Afghan Jihad and The Frankensteins They Created Were A Mistake Committed By All Of Us.It Was Not Just Saudia But USA Europe And Most Of All Our Own Government
No Matter What Mode You Use You Throw Stones At Your Neighbours Do Not Expect Rose Petals In Return.Remember Tamil Tigers You Created Them and Then They Assassinated Your PM.

It Is Too Early To Point Fingers So It Would Be Stupid Of Me To Jump To Conclusions But It Is Known Fact That They Have Massive Support In The Form Of Weapony and MoneyFrom RAW and NDS.Uptil Now It Has Been Revealed That The Perpretators Had Been Receiving Instructions Through Cell Phone From Nuristan and Kunnar

There were leaks in our own Intel agency... we fixed it and now LTTE is gone.

But are you serious enough to check those leaks in your intelligence agencies who are Taliban , qaida sympathisers ? Right now a news came on your channel that target only those militants who are threat to Pakistan and don't touch others. (Yeah wait till they become a threat). This is what you should take care of. You use militants to do proxy war in India and then you let them go so that they target school in Peshawar and you do discussions on PDF , blame RAW.. Insane!
Your assumption is based on the idea that religion belongs where you deem it fit to be. That is based on your understanding of religion and NOT necessarily the right opinion.

I don't see anything wrong in his opinion. Its just different from yours which makes it wrong for you. All religions from their inception have had differing interpretations. What was promoted and practised depended entirely upon what was deemed suitable by the ruling class of the time.

The most prominent thinkers of Islam like Ibn Rushd or Ibn Sina to Al Ghazali had their own different understanding of Islam. The former ushered in unprecedented intellectual growth while the latter stunted it without wanting it to.

The whole world is moving forward and advancing in the fields of science, technology and art, while we sit here and debate a religion that is mostly man made.
LOL! So much intellectual dishonesty here, Uncle! In talking to you, I can easily see what Nixon meant when he said that the Indians are "slippery treacherous people".

I have stated that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies. I have explained why I think this. I am stating this because I want Pakistan to solve the problem of TTP's terrorism, by getting to the root of the problem, and this is one of the roots of the problem.

Some clarification:
I really don't care whether you believe this. I am not required to prove this to you. You are in no position of authority over me. I do not have any "burden of proof"; after all, this is not a law court, nor a debating society.You don't set any rules here.

I am here to address security issues for Pakistan that are raised by TTP after these Indian-backed thugs killed 132 children. We all intend to do whatever is needed to solve the problem, and meeting a burden of proof set by you, or any other Indian Pakistan-hating troll, is just irrelevant. Those who are serious about Pakistan's security (i.e. not you) can easily figure out that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies

There are other bits of evidence for this, besides Musharraf's convictions. For example, a TV interview with a TTP captive recorded him saying, in passing, that they would get instructions from Indians in Afghanistan. (He didn't say they were RAW or anything, but why would the TTP be getting instructions from Indians in Afghanistan if not for some Indian intelligence agency?) Another bit of evidence: a TTP leader famously became a whistle-blower and explicitly revealed the RAW connection. I could dig up the videos which have these details; but you have access to the internet yourself, so do your own homework.

As for Vajpayee, the tone and attitude you display here, of trying to imitate my style, gives whatever you say about Vajpayee no credibility at all. You are not being serious in this discussion, and you are merely trying to score points, Uncle Troll! (I believe Musharraf, but I do not believe you at all!) So there is no parallel here to what I say about Musharraf.

On Musharraf's trial: there is no point arguing about words. No decision has been reached in Musharraf's trial, and hence no conclusion can be drawn from it. The fact that the trial is happening proves nothing about Musharraf. In fact, we know the trial is purely political, a form of revenge by Nawaz Sharif.

You didn't get what I said about the ISI and the TTP. The TTP famously used to bomb the offices of the ISI themselves. Intelligence agencies do not set up false flag operations by bombing their own staff! Hence, the ISI does not support the TTP. Your attempt to imitate me just fell flat on its face.

I say that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies because this is the best explanation of the evidence available to me. And it fits very well with information I have about the way Indian intelligence agencies work, as given in the memoirs of people like B. Raman and Maloy Dhar.

The recognition that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies will be a key element of Pakistan's campaign against the TTP, (along with rooting out the Mullahs and gangsters and politicians inside Pakistan who support the TTP.)

If you actually have some verifiable evidence to challenge this, I will be very interested. But I doubt that will happen with you, Uncle, since all you want to do is troll. And I can't stop you from having your fun, now, can I?

so the blame game has started! Please, you should know that not just India Every single intell agency around the world is in touch with such groups even your Joint Intelligence miscellaneous and joint intelligence north.

If ISI boys are meeting TTP agents to take info on Indian boys in Afghanistan then that means TTP is working for ISI, what do you say about that?
Considering a law just recently passed that criminalizes anyone who spreads sectarian hatred with up to 5 years and jail with accompanying lashes, saying that Saudi Arabia would support someone going to fight against Bidah and Shirk is quite counter-productive don't you think? Anyways, I do not wish to turn this thread into a mindless blame game, we all condemn the attack equally, and I prefer not to dilute this thread into anything other than what it is currently. The savage and barbaric murder of school children that really angers me beyond anything anyone can imagine.

Little cosmetic changes don't make a difference. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and others are the biggest funders of Islamic terrorism. I don't gloss over Pakistan being implicit in terrorism against other countries by stating that it is fighting against the Taliban only because I know better.

Let me tell you this, as long as the Gulf states make money through oil, there will be funds available for terrorism.
Little cosmetic changes don't make a difference. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and others are the biggest funders of Islamic terrorism. I don't gloss over Pakistan being implicit in terrorism against other countries by stating that it is fighting against the Taliban only because I know better.

Let me tell you this, as long as the Gulf states make money through oil, there will be funds available for terrorism.

That is just having a big paint brush and brush away, at least the others tried to make an argument and you can try to do so too you know, if Saudi Arabia started making money tomorrow through huge amounts of Gold mines, then terrorist will stop? Your logic is just so ignorant it hurts.
...Here is a state that has mastered the art of survival amidst those out for its blood. Why would it give up any opportunity(when it never does as evident from the on and off air-strikes it carries out) to protect itself with little investment in terms of lives...
I expect you won't like or have trouble believing the answer, Oscar. I realize, Oscar, that you're limited in what you can say by the official diktat last month after the Model U.N. fiasco that Pakistanis may not represent Israelis' side of the story accurately as a matter of blind and unquestionable loyalty to the "Palestinian" cause.

Israel behaves as it does because it's leadership bases its actions upon moral and legal values, not blind strategic advantage. It's a very big difference between Pakistani and Jewish thinking, one I've seen Pakistani diplomats have great difficulty accepting, even though it fits Occam's Razor and all.

This conclusion is unacceptable, hence the resort to conspiracy thinking, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, and outright lies demeaning the Jewish State. But once a person thinks this way about anything, why not apply the same approach in everyday life? Why curse the Jews for everything and see a Zionist plot on every corner? Oscar, I think you can realize, now, that Pakistanis have been badly messed up in their heads this way. I think the best way to regain the sort of clear thinking required to analyze Pakistan's problems with accuracy is to fight for the right of free and open debate at all levels of society, in all subjects. Even if that includes having to argue that Pakistan has been in the wrong for generations and should seek the Jews of Israel as its friend, ally, and model and reject the false songs from the dreamhouse of the Arabs glorifying terror and the murder of young innocents.
so the blame game has started! Please, you should know that not just India Every single intell agency around the world is in touch with such groups even your Joint Intelligence miscellaneous and joint intelligence north.

If ISI boys are meeting TTP agents to take info on Indian boys in Afghanistan then that means TTP is working for ISI, what do you say about that?

The last part shows you didn't quite get what I said. Yes, the blame game has started, but don't think we have forgotten to blame the TTP-sympathisers inside Pakistan! We know exactly who they are!
There were leaks in our own Intel agency... we fixed it and now LTTE is gone.

But are you serious enough to check those leaks in your intelligence agencies who are Taliban , qaida sympathisers ? Right now a news came on your channel that target only those militants who are threat to Pakistan and don't touch others. (Yeah wait till they become a threat). This is what you should take care of. You use militants to do proxy war in India and then you let them go so that they target school in Peshawar and you do discussions on PDF , blame RAW.. Insane!

The Official Anouncement Of The All Parties Conference Is That No More Good Taliban and Bad Taliban.I Do Not Know What News You Heard.LTTE Is Gone Because The Sri Lankans Fought A 30 Year Long War.

LTTP,Shanti Bahini, Banga Bhumi ,Baloch Warma and Pakhtun Zalma(In The 70s) The List Keeps Going.Have A Heart and Admit That You Started The Culture Of Proxy Wars
Let me tell you this, as long as the Gulf states make money through oil, there will be funds available for terrorism.

Let me also add that the day oil is over, will mark the beginning of middle east collapsing into total anarchy (of the kind that is seen in some African countries). I just hope Pakistan is democratically a much stronger country by then (as a well wisher and also as it will buffer us from that anarchy).
LOL! So much intellectual dishonesty here, Uncle! In talking to you, I can easily see what Nixon meant when he said that the Indians are "slippery treacherous people".

I have stated that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies. I have explained why I think this. I am stating this because I want Pakistan to solve the problem of TTP's terrorism, by getting to the root of the problem, and this is one of the roots of the problem.

Some clarification:
I really don't care whether you believe this. I am not required to prove this to you. You are in no position of authority over me. I do not have any "burden of proof"; after all, this is not a law court, nor a debating society.You don't set any rules here.

I am here to address security issues for Pakistan that are raised by TTP after these Indian-backed thugs killed 132 children. We all intend to do whatever is needed to solve the problem, and meeting a burden of proof set by you, or any other Indian Pakistan-hating troll, is just irrelevant. Those who are serious about Pakistan's security (i.e. not you) can easily figure out that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies

There are other bits of evidence for this, besides Musharraf's convictions. For example, a TV interview with a TTP captive recorded him saying, in passing, that they would get instructions from Indians in Afghanistan. (He didn't say they were RAW or anything, but why would the TTP be getting instructions from Indians in Afghanistan if not for some Indian intelligence agency?) Another bit of evidence: a TTP leader famously became a whistle-blower and explicitly revealed the RAW connection. I could dig up the videos which have these details; but you have access to the internet yourself, so do your own homework.

As for Vajpayee, the tone and attitude you display here, of trying to imitate my style, gives whatever you say about Vajpayee no credibility at all. You are not being serious in this discussion, and you are merely trying to score points, Uncle Troll! (I believe Musharraf, but I do not believe you at all!) So there is no parallel here to what I say about Musharraf.

On Musharraf's trial: there is no point arguing about words. No decision has been reached in Musharraf's trial, and hence no conclusion can be drawn from it. The fact that the trial is happening proves nothing about Musharraf. In fact, we know the trial is purely political, a form of revenge by Nawaz Sharif.

You didn't get what I said about the ISI and the TTP. The TTP famously used to bomb the offices of the ISI themselves. Intelligence agencies do not set up false flag operations by bombing their own staff! Hence, the ISI does not support the TTP. Your attempt to imitate me just fell flat on its face.

I say that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies because this is the best explanation of the evidence available to me. And it fits very well with information I have about the way Indian intelligence agencies work, as given in the memoirs of people like B. Raman and Maloy Dhar.

The recognition that the TTP is covertly backed by Indian intelligence agencies will be a key element of Pakistan's campaign against the TTP, (along with rooting out the Mullahs and gangsters and politicians inside Pakistan who support the TTP.)

If you actually have some verifiable evidence to challenge this, I will be very interested. But I doubt that will happen with you, Uncle, since all you want to do is troll. And I can't stop you from having your fun, now, can I?

It is a pity that you have nothing better to do than to present your own personal prejudices and assert that these are incontrovertible facts. "If you actually have some verifiable evidence" for your weird statements, everyone will be very interested. But I doubt that will happen to you, son, since all you want to do is troll. And neither I nor anyone else can stop you from having your fun even on this dismal occasion, can we?
Little cosmetic changes don't make a difference. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and others are the biggest funders of Islamic terrorism. I don't gloss over Pakistan being implicit in terrorism against other countries by stating that it is fighting against the Taliban only because I know better.

Let me tell you this, as long as the Gulf states make money through oil, there will be funds available for terrorism.


My 2nd Cousin Has Died In This Terror Act I Came To Know This Afternoon So Am Not In The Mood To Argue Right Now Perhaps Some Other Time.13 Year Old Child and Most Eldest Among His Siblings :cry::cry::cry::frown::frown::frown:
The last part shows you didn't quite get what I said. Yes, the blame game has started, but don't think we have forgotten to blame the TTP-sympathisers inside Pakistan! We know exactly who they are!
I have been following all the news, Zaid Hamid, Mubasshar Luqman.. creating war hysteria blaming India and RAW. They are the biggest sympathisers of Taliban in Pakistan but I bet, ISI won't let TTP disappear because ISI also get lot's of Info from TTP. And TTP is not just one person organization... there are 100 affiliated groups. Which are operated by ISI which are funded by unknown who knows?
No Matter What Mode You Use You Throw Stones At Your Neighbours Do Not Expect Rose Petals In Return.Remember Tamil Tigers You Created Them and Then They Assassinated Your PM.

It Is Too Early To Point Fingers So It Would Be Stupid Of Me To Jump To Conclusions But It Is Known Fact That They Have Massive Support In The Form Of Weapony and MoneyFrom RAW and NDS.Uptil Now It Has Been Revealed That The Perpretators Had Been Receiving Instructions Through Cell Phone From Nuristan and Kunnar

Dear sir, you have just supplemented my point. assassination of rajiv gandhi was in response of shanti sena sent by India. India would not do anything. we won't gain anything out of it. I will hold myself till pakistan present the proofs.
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