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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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The issue is the way these wars are now fought. I gave the ISIS example precisely as it is the FIRST public demonstration of how proxy wars and terrorism is backed and used on an almost freelance basis by anyone who needs to for an agenda.

What started off as an attempt by the Saudis and Israelis each with their own independent agenda to remove an Iranian backed regime in Syria, to take an example closer to your home.. take the recent Indian elections.. there are normal regular folk without any ideas of Akhand Bharat who supported NaMo in his election because they saw the potential for economic uplift, and then there are those who supported him because they wanted a temple at the site of the Babri mosque.. it is very likely that these two parties would normally not associate themselves with each other, but because the means would fulfil both their demands they joined hands.
The same way the Israelis and the Saudis joined in with the Rebels to achieve a goal they both found beneficial. The Saudis have the most potent strain of the terror virus stored away in their vaults(which ironically they've spent years on ensuring does not effect their own society as much) and they had the funds to push it in. Since the removal of Assad favours most of the GCCs agenda of having Iran out of the mix.. they all pitched in. The US finds out and decides to take over from Israel in providing the funds in this free for all against Iran. On the ground, you have the basic idea of rebels against Assad but as such its just a huge petri dish with each trying their brand of killer virus to see what kills Assad. Lo and Behold, just as with all viruses, it left the dish..and backfired..but the important point to note was the petri dish.. in this case the guinea pig of Syria and eventually Iran. So anyone who had any beef with Iran, found this nice open wound with semi-controllable viruses teeming in it, all willing to do the work for a few thousand dollars. To a state looking to settle scores or press its interests against another state.. this is the proverbial gold mine; a colony of multiple use mercenaries all willing to die for a very modest investment.

Take that same mirror and apply it to Pakistan and the TTP. Here is an opportunity(that India did not create) of anti-state elements in Pakistan(who are always on the lookout for funds and training) that are willing to do some work(via Afghan mediators) for a few thousand dollars. ANY , and I mean ANY smart state facing a neighbour like Pakistan would NEVER leave this opportunity be regardless of any pacifist ideals they may have held(hardly so considering the Indian reprisal attempts in the early 90s). In this case however, there is a massive need to avenge a wound called 26/11.. or is it?
IMHO, the issue may have a little sentiment with 26/11 but has more to do with the aforementioned need to keep Pakistan out as a border threat, out of the Kashmir issue.. and embroiled in its own survival with its own cancer where it just barely lives on.. and essentially ends up being a non-issue to India.

The issue was NEVER who fired the shot first, but who fired the shots thinking of self interest first.. and that was Pakistan. regardless of the rhetoric of Indian and Pakistani leaders, the Pk Establishment knows/knew it, the Indian Establishment/Think Tank knows it.. and its just a matter of who heads that establishment/Think Tank to bring about changes in that cyclic tit for tat "argument" on who fired the first shot and who got hurt more. Each out to act more self righteous than the other and( humorously to any martians observing) getting offended by the other's "self righteous" behaviour.

The only difference is that one Establishment/Think Tank has generally been more astute and aware of how to behave in the world "classroom", and while the other may have been more wily earlier... eventually the teacher has figured it out. Ill leave out who is who.

You believe in the idea that a supreme being exists who controls the universe and all in it.. and yet have issues believing that a man hunted for years lived right under your nose and was killed in an operation and his remains dumped?

Dear sir, a small addition to your post. all country keep a proxy force, but they use other people, they don't radicalized their own people. unfortunately not true in pakistan case.
Are we going to execute the 800 terrorists within the next week or just the moratorium has been lifted and executions will be carried out later???
So Saudi Arabia while supporting Pakistan politically and military on every level and venue in the world it is also supporting a rouge gang inside it to destabilize it? This is the kind of logic that is the hight of stupidity on every level. The one I can imagine coming from the apes in the movie Planet of the Apes alone (Which is a good movie). The money trail leads back to Indian, Malaysian and Indonesian hacker, spam and con offices as it has been for years now.

Good luck getting a single cent to Pakistan for any reason without disappearing without a trace in Saudi Arabia. But I feel no need to defend myself or Saudi Arabia, all I want is proof that proves this without any doubt, if you can not prove then stop your accusations and cease and dissect immediately, and no, articles on the internet are not proof.

That fact that you brought it up in a post that had little allusions to it makes me think you suspect the same?
The Saudis have their hands within the Jundullah and other anti Iranian activities but could care less what happens with the TTP. They may finance the Najdi philosophy to counter any Iranian proxies in Pakistan but whether the TTP kill a 100 children or sing praises for the GCC is irrelevant to them. So its not a matter of whether Saudia sponsors rogue activities in Pakistan, its about who they are against.
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian
Iran and Saudi Arabia have their proxy wars out in region , but that is limited to their own interests. The formation of the TTP may have input from ex-Saudi proxy assets, but I sincerely doubt that the Saudi state or any citizen would be appeased with this attack.

And sorry, you dont exactly have any rights to issue a gag order here and its rather laughable that you are on the internet and then have issues with articles on the internet? What would you prefer? scanned news papers?
The solution lies in a counter ideology whose proof of success lies well entrenched in our history. An ideology that is from the same core element that this rabid one is, but is more suited to the land, more adaptable and more accommodating. It is not uniform and yet is coherent enough to let its various flavours coexist in peace. It can be seen with the Ziarat Kakasahib in the northwest to dusty bowls of Bhit. It has suffered at the hands of wilfull ignorance by the state and establishment in their love affair for the imported virus that now plagues our society.

Sufism is no solution to this radicalization, Sir. Promoting it now will only create yet another venue for the extremists to further their stranglehold on Pakistani society.
Dear sir, a small addition to your post. all country keep a proxy force, but they use other people, they don't radicalized their own people. unfortunately not true in pakistan case.

I absolutely agree. Which is why I made a small reference to the early 90s and Indian attempts at reprisal for its massive pain in Kashmir at the time at the hands of Indigenous and Pakistani trained fighters. Sadly, now knowing what to do.. all India did was get its own people caught in the act. It tried fanning a sectarian divide in collusion with the Iranians but that too never really worked out. Quite simply because the field agents used were just very bad at their jobs. Come today, India's intelligence agencies have mastered the art of inflicting maximum damage without involving Indians directly in any of the activities.
It has learnt how to do what the CIA or GRU used to do.

Sufism is no solution to this radicalization, Sir. Promoting it now will only create yet another venue for the extremists to further their stranglehold on Pakistani society.

I do not call it an all in one solution but the main antibiotic, but Pray tell me how it will have no effect?
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That fact that you brought it up in a post that had little allusions to it makes me think you suspect the same?
The Saudis have their hands within the Jundullah and other anti Iranian activities but could care less what happens with the TTP. They may finance the Najdi philosophy to counter any Iranian proxies in Pakistan but whether the TTP kill a 100 children or sing praises for the GCC is irrelevant to them. So its not a matter of whether Saudia sponsors rogue activities in Pakistan, its about who they are against.
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian
Iran and Saudi Arabia have their proxy wars out in region , but that is limited to their own interests. The formation of the TTP may have input from ex-Saudi proxy assets, but I sincerely doubt that the Saudi state or any citizen would be appeased with this attack.

And sorry, you dont exactly have any rights to issue a gag order here and its rather laughable that you are on the internet and then have issues with articles on the internet? What would you prefer? scanned news papers?

I would prefer a confirmed evidence that is one. Now don't get me wrong I haven't a doubt in my mind that Saudi Arabia did spread the Jihadist mentality in Pakistan at the same strength it did at home during the soviet invasion to support the US in the US-Soviet cold war babblings. I whole heartedly agree 100% with you and I have seen the evidence with my own eyes of the Jihadi idea spread in case of Afghanistan and later Bosnia and Shishan.

But today I know for a fact that Saudi Arabia does not have a single link with established Islamist organizations, you might believe that Arabs are stupid all you want but no one is stupid enough to support an ideology that seeks to destroy them most of all. Why would the regime support the people who actively try to assassinate them and attacks them at every turn?
It all seems to be medical aid which Israel provides to Syrians regardless of political affiliation and contacts with border guards regardless of their political loyalties. You could more justly smear the U.S. for providing food aid to both sides than to somehow think Israel supports the rebels' removal of Assad.

If medicine was the only thing mentioned in the UN report.

I do not call it an all in one solution but the main antibiotic, but Pray tell me how it will have no effect?

The basic problem is not the branch or type of religious following that pervades Pakistani society these days. Replacing one virulent form with something more tolerant merely disguises the basic issue which will not go way, which is the fatal intermixing of religion with public and social life. That mistake has had decades to take root and will not go away easily. Ask yourself how Pakistani society can ever hope to confine religion to where it belongs - solely in the personal domain - and realize that the magnitude of change needed to bring that about is beyond its capabilities now, given the state of its social indicators.
If medicine was the only thing mentioned in the UN report.
One can't base analyses upon headlines; too many media organization lie in the headlines for shock value. When Zionists like me complain, say, to "reputable" organizations like the BBC or AP, their responses are that it's O.K. to lie in the headlines if the truth is buried somewhere in the story.
I would prefer a confirmed evidence that is one. Now don't get me wrong I haven't a doubt in my mind that Saudi Arabia did spread the Jihadist mentality in Pakistan at the same strength it did at home during the soviet invasion to support the US in the US-Soviet cold war babblings. I whole heartedly agree 100% with you and I have seen the evidence with my own eyes of the Jihadi idea spread in case of Afghanistan and later Bosnia and Shishan.

But today I know for a fact that Saudi Arabia does not have a single link with established Islamist organizations, you might believe that Arabs are stupid all you want but no one is stupid enough to support an ideology that seeks to destroy them most of all. Why would the regime support the people who actively try to assassinate them and attacks them at every turn?

Your own post has very little disagreement from me. Saudi Arabia has ALREADY realized what fire it was playing with. The early 2000 pings of extremist ideals scared the beejesus out of Riyadh to the extent that it went on that massive deradicalization program. Today there is little "extremism" in the population of Saudi Arabia(ourbursts of sectarian hatred against Shias by members of the Saudi populous has to do with its association with Iran than actual sectarian hatred).
However, Ive deliberately said that this refers to the Saudi domestic population and not what Saudia and GCC allies continue to promote. Take the example I gave of the US, whilst massively involved in a fight to keep drugs off its own shores it was actively involved in an alliance with elements in drug production and distribution.. because it found it to be in the best interests of the US.

Internally, Riyadh can condemn and actively act against anyone who gives even an inkling of following Osama, but outside is a very different matter. Especially if the person first promises to act against the Bidah and Shirk of the Shia(representing Iranian ideals).
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The basic problem is not the branch or type of religious following that pervades Pakistani society these days. Replacing one virulent form with something more tolerant merely disguises the basic issue which will not go way, which is the fatal intermixing of religion with public and social life. That mistake has had decades to take root and will not go away easily. Ask yourself how Pakistani society can ever hope to confine religion to where it belongs - solely in the personal domain - and realize that the magnitude of change needed to bring that about is beyond its capabilities now, given the state of its social indicators.

Your assumption is based on the idea that religion belongs where you deem it fit to be. That is based on your understanding of religion and NOT necessarily the right opinion.
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