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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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@Horus follows me on twitter and he knows exactly what I feel about this incident. This is the highest of crimes that can ever be perpetrated by anything. I am firmly against the Death Penalty however, reinstating the death penalty in pakistan against people convicted of joining terrorist parties might be the need of the hour.

Also I hope no one in this thread tried to use this tragedy for political purposes and used the still warm bodies of the dead children to score points against any other one nation. This is a crime against all of humanity first and foremost.
...What started off as an attempt by the Saudis and Israelis each with their own independent agenda to remove an Iranian backed regime in Syria -
The unsupported and unsupportable slurs against Israel detracts from both your analysis and your credibility, Oz.
Great to see you are back to the analytic person most of your posts show you to be. The use of proxies is a well known strategy in guerrilla warfare. The issue now that is facing Pakistan is how to pursue long term peace. I do not think border incursions will help the cause because it will alienate the locals which is something we can not do. Rather an improved presence in FATA with no more tribal areas is what is needed. And a long term plan restricting the role of religion in the state needs to be found. I want to know what you think about the long term solutions ?

Never left it. Also , I do not think of myself an analyst, but a change agent.

The long term solution lies in removing the root causes.On which I do not agree with the public "intellectual" narrative are as simple and miraculous as creating jobs and infrastructure.
@Horus follows me on twitter and he knows exactly what I feel about this incident. This is the highest of crimes that can ever be perpetrated by anything. I am firmly against the Death Penalty however, reinstating the death penalty in pakistan against people convicted of joining terrorist parties might be the need of the hour.

Also I hope no one in this thread tried to use this tragedy for political purposes and used the still warm bodies of the dead children to score points against any other one nation. This is a crime against all of humanity first and foremost.

That is unfortunately the case that at the end the money trail or leads will end somewhere. Whether sanctioned at a state level or not, there is a very high possibility that the attack was perpetrated by people on another soil with the tacit "approval" or "looking the other way" of the other state.

The same goes for the root cause of terror in Pakistan and otherwise.
The long term solution lies in removing the root causes.
the question is how you remove them. The issue of poverty and illiteracy were not mentioned by me either because they are not really solutions to proxy wars. The issue was how to deal with the roots, we have killed alot of the leadership but how to stop it from regrowing is what i asked. As far as ur kill 1000s was concerned that is why i said returned
The unsupported and unsupportable slurs against Israel detracts from both your analysis and your credibility, Oz.

Not slurs at all. As I said in that very post, if there were martians they would laugh at this proclamation of self-righteousness by you...and then the Iranians if they proclaimed innocence on Hezbollah and Hamas.. and so on.

UN reveals Israeli links with Syrian rebels - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
Exclusive: Israel Is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels |
UN details Israel helping Syrian rebels at Golan Heights — RT News
Death penalty is not enough for those ba*tards...give them slow death in-front of their fellow pigs in prison ...first cut all their fingers one by one, by those they'd pull trigger against innocent people, then cut their tongue...then cut their arms...their toes...their foot, their legs...their ears, lids, eyes and every organ...then cut their throat...
You sick dogs of hell...they were just innocent kids... :'(
Actually they can blame India as much as they want, this doesn't affect India. India is known around the world and its reputation speaks for itself. This wake up call is for Pak, not for India. India will continue to deal with Pak on its own terms. Also India though capable, is not involved in any form with any terror orgs any where.

Even if RAW is financingTTP or any other other nut job org. and is using them to hit out at well guarded strategic navy and AF bases, in such a case how easy would it be to plant a device right under Dawood's butt without him knowing it. We practically know what he has eats daily for meals. If India using RAW and TTP is so capable of hitting out at well secured targets of Pak Mil establishment, how easy would it be for RAW to get Hafiz while he is on the crapper in the morning.
You have studied in Pakistan, I presume? If yes, can you tell me what exact school? Because the ones that I am aware of, even the missionary ones, teach Islamic education as an inherent part of their curriculum. Unless of course, we now wish to expand upon all the jurispudence, hadith, tafseers for little kids.
The schools which I attended treated Islam just like another subject instead of a cultural ideology. And of them are apparently good English medium schools.

My mother had a lengthy career in the schooling system and she revealed to me that some principles attempted to abolish Islamic education completely from the schools. I was genuinely surprised when I came to know this.

Islamic teachings should be integral part of education in Pakistan, not just another subject. Unfortunately, Pakistani students know much more about other subjects then Islam in current times.

Indeed, we should send all the children to Madarsas from now on! These people know the religion better than you, even if they dont have the actual faith inside or interpret the religion wrongly. This isn't a matter of lack of religion, the state's been teaching a certain brand of extremist Islam for too long, indoctrinating people.
By "these" you mean Madrasah students? I have not studied in a Madrasah, so I will not comment about knowledge of Madrasah students in general.

However, it is common for young individuals in Pakistan to read Holy Quran in its original language and don't have an iota of idea about its revelations and content. The so-called religions tutors hired by parents to teach their children Holy Quran only teach children about how to read Arabic, nothing more. And parents don't give a damn either.

Is it the seculars or liberal, that you see blowing up practically everywhere, taking arms against the state, killing or maiming people or forcing some true religion down their throats?
Secularists and so-called liberals conveniently order regime change in nations which they deem as threats to their national interests. Such actions and strategic blunders disrupt and destroy lives of millions of people which is even worse.

The menace of terrorism is an outcome of strategic blunders of several nations in history, bro. Terrorists conduct their nefarious activities under the façade of Islam, they aren't genuine practitioners of this faith, their actions prove their ignorance.

Jamal uddin Afghani once said, "every Muslim is sick and his only remedy is in the Koran." To which an Irish parliamentarian replied, "unfortunately the sickness gets worse the more the remedy is taken". Forget the Islamic values, what about learning the basic human values first that predate the best ever written Arabic book by several centuries?
Islamic values cover basic human values as well.

Islam introduced societal reforms centuries ago when barbarism and violation of basic human values used to be norm in pagan societies.

Problem is that people do not concentrate on the suffering of those who are affected by wars. People also do not understand the ground realities of sponsors of terrorism and root-causes of this phenomenon.

The phenomenon of the terrorism has occurred due to socio-economic injustice, political disparity and quest of selfish individuals and groups to retain the power for their vested interests (Michael, 2007).

Their are some brilliant and informative papers that attempt to explain the phenomenon of terrorism such as this one: http://www.biztek.edu.pk/downloads/research/jmss_v3_n1/4 terrorism a socio economic and.pdf

Unfortunately, people do not bother reading informative stuff. This shortcoming extends to leaders and strategists who need to devise a plan and long-term strategy to combat the menace of terrorism.

Terrorism is not a Pakistan-specific problem, it is a global problem and is very complex in nature. The entire International Community needs to work to address the global fault-lines that fuel the menace of terrorism.

How many terrorists attacks were being carried out in the 60's and 70's when we used to be secular (or more non religious than we are now)? Why exactly did these problems of radicalization and sectariarnism only crop up when the state experimented mixing politics with religion and selling extremism to common folks to prepare them for Afghan Jihad? I am sorry but it really doesn't seem that the lack of religion is the problem, its the abundance thats hurting the nation most. Its not the duty of the state to spoon fed the people with religion and humanity. The Pakistani problem is no moderation, simple blind following of the Mullahs!

Yes, typical national habit of passing blame and absolving themselves of all sins. You have done exactly that, congratulations. With one hypocrisy, you forgot to add the most dominant of all, the Arab influence. The influence is there, no doubt, however that is no explanation for where things have gone.
This nation had much better values back then, people weren't materialistic, politics of division were not in effect, status-quo and corruption weren't prevalent. Simply put, Pakistan was a much better nation back in 60s then it is now.

Who is responsible for promoting Afghan Jihad? The secular WEST which you and other secularists worship. Here is the whole story:

Since its independence Pakistan has remained in the focus of attention of world powers to gain their politico economic interests. Pakistan was created for the oppressed people of sub-continent. It started its journey of socio-economic and political development according to the aspiration of its creators. Although there remained political instability and manifold problems, it emerged quickly as a strong country. The society of Pakistan was considered to be the most peaceful society, but since 1979 after the Russian invasion in Afghanistan the society saw great twist in the social fabric and politico economic system. The world super powers encouraged the militant organizations to promote the culture of Jihad (Islamic holy war) to defeat Russia. The world powers provided their huge support to the government of Pakistan and related militant organizations in the form of money, weapons and politico moral support. In eighties Pakistan became fertile land for the militant groups where extremist mentality was promoted both by the government and other stake holders to attract the youth to fight against the Russian forces. The government of late Zia-ul-Haq, president of Pakistan (1977-1988) and related subgroups continued to enjoy the blessing of the world powers but soon after the evacuation of Russia from Afghanistan these militant groups scattered. The international community pulled back its support from these militant organizations and their agenda was completely changed. These groups which were very resourceful in terms of money, weapons and religo-political influence in the region started to fight against each other. During the afghan war the huge quantity of arms and ammunition came and stored in Pakistan which was later used by these groups in sectarian tribal and political violence. Meanwhile, political instability, corruption, social injustice and economic disparity added fuel on fire in giving rise to different forms of manifestation of terrorism. With the collapse of Russia from the world order the geo-political situation of Pakistan changed. In this changed scenario the terrorism strongly gripped and swiftly spread in Pakistani society. Its most visible manifestation was sectarianism in 1990s triggered by religious extremism. After 9/11 Pakistan once again became the front line state in war against terror in international community. Pakistan played its role effectively to curb terrorism and militant groups which increased the acts of terrorism in Pakistan. The terrorism further enhanced intolerance and fear among the masses. These days terrorism is one of the social evils not only for Pakistan but also for all over the world. This is how the phenomenon of terrorism occurred in Pakistan and negatively hit the society as a socio-economic and political problem. The social workers who are considered to be the catalyst for social change are required to think and work on the subject to defuse the fear and effects of terrorism for social well being (Michael, 2007)..

The same secular WEST does nothing to address the issues of Palestine and Kashmir, two additional fault-lines that promote radicalism and make it easier for sponsors of terrorism to de-humanize victims of war and socio-political injustice and use them for nefarious acts.

It (is) the responsibility of the state leadership to reform a society.

Secularists of this nation are among the greatest hypocrites actually. They are enemies of Islam and Muslims in-disguise. Pakistan had been founded on religious grounds, not for secularism. I find your anti-Islamic demeanor perplexing. When a nation deviates from the principles of its founding fathers, it eventually descends into chaos and/or becomes a failed state.

Once again, the menace of terrorism is an outcome of strategic blunders of several nations in history.
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Does anyone think the Army is not going to do much to fight against ttp?

I had a feeling it going to back to same old.. and very SLOOOOW commitment.
That is unfortunately the case that at the end the money trail or leads will end somewhere. Whether sanctioned at a state level or not, there is a very high possibility that the attack was perpetrated by people on another soil with the tacit "approval" or "looking the other way" of the other state.

The same goes for the root cause of terror in Pakistan and otherwise.

So Saudi Arabia while supporting Pakistan politically and military on every level and venue in the world it is also supporting a rouge gang inside it to destabilize it? This is the kind of logic that is the hight of stupidity on every level. The one I can imagine coming from the apes in the movie Planet of the Apes alone (Which is a good movie). The money trail leads back to Indian, Malaysian and Indonesian hacker, spam and con offices as it has been for years now.

Good luck getting a single cent to Pakistan for any reason without disappearing without a trace in Saudi Arabia. But I feel no need to defend myself or Saudi Arabia, all I want is proof that proves this without any doubt, if you can not prove then stop your accusations and cease and dissect immediately, and no, articles on the internet are not proof.
the question is how you remove them. The issue of poverty and illiteracy were not mentioned by me either because they are not really solutions to proxy wars. The issue was how to deal with the roots, we have killed alot of the leadership but how to stop it from regrowing is what i asked. As far as ur kill 1000s was concerned that is why i said returned

The solution lies in a counter ideology whose proof of success lies well entrenched in our history. An ideology that is from the same core element that this rabid one is, but is more suited to the land, more adaptable and more accommodating. It is not uniform and yet is coherent enough to let its various flavours coexist in peace. It can be seen with the Ziarat Kakasahib in the northwest to dusty bowls of Bhit. It has suffered at the hands of wilfull ignorance by the state and establishment in their love affair for the imported virus that now plagues our society.
I have deep sympathy with Pakistan... But supporting Pakistan in anti terror fight is a risky decision to make. Because PA is itself unaware about the TTP sympathisers in their institution. The modus operandi of ISI using these groups and giving them logistics for operations in neighbouring countries still be questioned. Neither it is possible for ISI to eliminate them otherwise a lot of ongoing operations might come to halt. And that could be a major security threat for Pakistani Army. The situation has become more like LTTE vs India. But there was just one group here there are multiple groups operating and getting funds from unknown sources. Pakistan needs to develop a new strategy supported by change in it's foreign policy and conventional military doctrine towards India and Afghanistan to carry on with SuCCessful anti terror operation. Otherwise this can linger on for another decade.
Not slurs at all -
It all seems to be medical aid which Israel provides to Syrians regardless of political affiliation and contacts with border guards regardless of their political loyalties. You could more justly smear the U.S. for providing food aid to both sides than to somehow think Israel supports the rebels' removal of Assad.
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