Well, my home shook like hell. All the three explosions were terrifying, 1st one was the worst, 2nd less worse and 3rd one was least powerful of all. First two were car explosions and 3rd one was some anti tank mine one.
It was a very well thought plan, and this time they had planned for maximum damage, which we may have not seen in the history of this war so far.
2 teams, with one (1st) going after the PAF assets, and those would be the JF-717s, but that team got killed at the very start.
2nd team made the attempt nearly 1 - 1.5Km away just meters away from where the PA aviation assets, mostly MI-17s, Provincial Govt assets are stationed. This time seems to have met heavy counter fire and could not go into the base thus they ran away and took refuge not far away from the airport boundary wall location where they attacked.
Had they been successful, they might not had only destroyed PAF assets, but also PA Aviation assets, causing hundreds of millions of dollars / rupees loss with many men being lost too.
It seems good luck was this time on our side, plus we can not discard the bravery and timely responsiveness of the PA formation deployed at the airport, plus later on the reaction of police formations.
But this attack should be taken as a very serious concern by the security forces as this was something which was new and shows the militants are evolving to more dangerous level.
Also, it seems someone was in mood for revenge
And, one of the PAF asset flew for more then 4-5 hours to coordinate the operation during night time