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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics


Jul 11, 2008
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Tuesday, 14 October 2008

In his latest appearance, former President Musharraf receives students from LUMS Lahore and NCA Rawalpindi. Here, one of the students, Amyn A. Ghulamali, says the former President was gracious and upbeat. He answered questions about his government but did not blame others where responsibility was his own. According to this student, Mr. Musharraf left his latest visitors with the impression of ‘a simple God fearing patriotic Pakistani.’

We were invited to the Army House on Saturday to have a one-on-one discussion with the Ex-President Pervez Musharraf. What was a half hour discussion between the students of LUMS Lahore and the students of NCA (Rawalpindi Campus) was one of the most fantastic experiences that I have had.

As we drove into the Army House there was immense security all around I thought we would just have a quick formal meeting and then told time was up and then leave. The officials showed us to the Ex President’s residential part of the Army House. We were seated in his sunroom and I noticed that it was very simple and there were no trophies (like pictures of his achievements or meetings with famous people or memorabilia from his army days). It was an elegantly decorated simple room. I had a special feeling, sensing that this could be one of the places where, for eight years, most of the key decisions regarding Pakistan were made.

There was no pomp and ceremony. And after three minutes he simply walked out wearing a trouser and a casual shirt and walked into the breezy, well lit room. He seemed well and in the highest of spirits, casually joking with all the students.

I was amazed to find out that even though he was asked various questions about his government he never put the blame on any one or try to have any political motives. He came across as a very down to earth man who had a pragmatic sense of reality as to what governance was.

The fantastic thing was that the ex-President knew so much about world affairs from an unbiased point of view and was not at all opinionated about many key issues that were brought about by the students of LUMS and NCA.

He did not have an agenda or political motive he was there as a friend and a mentor as someone who had seen life in the hot seat for the past few years and now wanted just to be a normal human being. His simplicity really impressed me and most of all his honesty.

I cannot go into detail but I can say one thing: I have had the honor of meeting many important people in my life when they were in power and even when the chips were down but none of them left a mark on me as this simple God fearing patriotic Pakistani.

The half hour meeting was extended to a lot longer as one could see the twinkle in his eye as he was really enjoying meeting with the young minds of tomorrow. He did make a comment to the fact that we are the youth of today and the government of tomorrow and we should all take ownership of our country in the true sense. I'm sure to each one present it meant something different.

I went to see an Ex-President who was depicted in many forms by our media. I left happy that he was at peace with himself and was a unique superb human being just like so many citizens that we have out there.
Pakistanis will miss Musharraf within few years.He was the best President of Pakistan after Ayub Khan.

no prob yaar if we miss we will bring him back he is here in pakistan withhin 1 hour i think he will be ready for new trem ;)
i don;t understand why he never leave army house its really a place for army chef of pakistan.i think he has right to live any were but not in army house

I though and think the world of Shah e Mardan, Khadim e millat, Pervaiz Musharraf and I miss him being on the scene. I always got the feeling that things were under control with Musharraf being around and that Pakistan's many adversaries were kept at bay and Pakistan prospered. God Bless and keep Pervaiz Musharraf. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Can you guys get his autograph and take a picture with him?. :)
i think now its posible because he is free and we also. when i go to pakistan alo i like to see him i meet him for 5 secends in madinah when he ccome there.he just ask me how are you thats it
Imran Sir Its for his & his families protectiction sir and for his best interest as are far as safety!


Musharraf decides to jump into politics

Saturday, October 18, 2008

By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Former president Pervez Musharraf has decided to jump into full time politics but not until he moves into his new home at Chak Shahzad as he does not want to misuse the Army House.

“I don’t want to make the Army House a hub of political activities because of

its unique nature, but my political headquarter will be my personal residence once I shift there,” Musharraf has told his visitors.

One of them asked him about the political platform on which he would fall back to which the former president posed a counter question: Will the PML-Q not be available to him for the purpose?

To this, the visitor pointed out to him that it would all depend on the Chaudhrys of Gujrat, who were in charge of the PML-Q, to allow him the use of their party’s platform for his politics. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks of his rule his relations with the Chaudhrys had been seriously dented because Musharraf had wanted to dump Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain as the PML-Q president.

The visitor said the Chaudhrys were no more frequent visitors of Musharraf’s residence thinking that he was of no more of any consequence politically. Musharraf was explained what fate has befallen Imran Khan, who had embarked on a solo flight by launching his own party after believing that he was too popular as a former cricketing hero.

Another visitor, who is a former federal minister and worked with Musharraf for five years, said the former president was too optimistic about his “political standing and future” despite the fact that he was “deadwood” now and has no political prospects whatsoever.

However, the visitor said that Musharraf was very disappointed over the performance of the present government and told him that on the request of the previous finance minister (Ishaq Dar) he had talked to China for financial support that had been provided.

He said he wondered what had Musharraf in his pocket to be so confident about himself. He said his state was no different from what it used to be when he was holding the top office. The former minister said Musharraf told him that he was planning to undertake visits to some foreign countries in the near future and his first stop would be Saudi Arabia where he would also perform Umra.

Since the former president’s resignation, the only publicly known high-profile activity organised at the Army House a few days back was when he hosted the recently retired top officers of the armed forces which was also attended by Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

The former minister said some other visitors have told Musharraf that the PML-Q was relevant as a political party only during the time when he was the president of Pakistan. After his exit, it has no political bearing and that’s why it is in the wilderness since his resignation. He added Musharraf was well aware of the plight of the PML-Q where most of its leaders and MPs were following a wait and see policy to decide about their future

wow but i give him advice that he have to wait until all these plears finish there game and sleep down fully.


Musharraf decides to jump into politics


Aap ke muh mai ghee shakar nahi balke ghee shakar ki factory! :enjoy:
Thats the best news I've heard in months.

God bless Pakistan, God bless Musharraf! :pakistan:
Aap ke muh mai ghee shakar nahi balke ghee shakar ki factory! :enjoy:
Thats the best news I've heard in months.

God bless Pakistan, God bless Musharraf! :pakistan:

you wana kill him man with factory:D
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