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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

You are right Must7, but the problem is that Leaders on both sides specially in India are so over confidant that they think that they can walk in Pakistan any time and example is that of 1965 war in which India stole a Bus from Pakistan border and filmed it in Amritsar and sent to BBC by fool hardy thinking that they take Lahore, But the fact is different and proved to be a grave yard for India soldiers. They than attacked Sialkot with a force of three divisions and 500 tanks thinking that they will take the city as there was no BRB(hurdle) in their way, but our Jawans bloodied their face and did not allow them to come more than few kilometers leaving so called Indian Army licking wounds.

Their Leaders are a class act themselves, remember the report by Tehlka .com for their defance minister taking bribe on camera. Than this strangest of all is Bal thakrey, he is on record saying that his ideal is Hitler and he is also on record saying that the he is the one who initiated riots against Muslims in Bombay.

i would say that most Leaders in India think them selves to be gods gift for Indian and they think they are legend,
only in their own minds. i would say

Now speech by Musharraf did not elaborate the facts, only barely he touched about our sacrifices in the way of money and manpower. He should have explained about the coming of the Taliban after the exodus of Russian when Afghanistan fell into anarchy and Pakistan was requested by west to see if any thing can be done, Pakistan offered those Student movement of Afghan's exiled in Pakistan who willingly took over the task of bringing Afghanistan under one umbrella and they did, during their rule they asked for western help, European consortium visited Afghanistan anf offered help to repair statue of Buddha which really angered Taliban who in turn said that they will destroy these statues as it not statues but living people need help, but European were not interested ao they destroyed the statues in anger over indifference of Europeans.

Now I am just stating the facts of History as it transpired, but Mr. Musharraf had a center stage and he should have brought all the facts about how the terrorism started in Afghanistan. He failed.

why you think that think tanks in west dont know about the facts?

about the coming of the Taliban after the exodus of Russian when Afghanistan fell into anarchy and Pakistan was requested by west to see if any thing can be done, Pakistan offered those Student movement of Afghan's exiled in Pakistan who willingly took over the task of bringing Afghanistan under one umbrella and they did, during their rule they asked for western help, European consortium visited Afghanistan anf offered help to repair statue of Buddha which really angered Taliban who in turn said that they will destroy these statues as it not statues but living people need help, but European were not interested ao they destroyed the statues in anger over indifference of Europeans.

i guss , Europeans used thier emotions, & thier anger towards thier intersts, thts the hypocrcy by the west when they need you , they accept everything , even baddest from you, but when they dont want you, they didnt accept your best?:azn:
i really agree to the fact that , mr, MUSHARF shouldnt , had trusted to much on them, but its thier technic?:)
i guss he is , going to get more expirince...thn he could be ready... to march in !;)
Those who blame their adversaries are doomed, and those who learn from it will see success.
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