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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

who many days remaing from 1 week tour of mushi ?i think his 1 week is over .

or his one week may be like shukat aziz one week.:enjoy: shaukat aziz say i go for 1 week visit and now 1000 weeks he don't wana come back even we need his help for answer were is $$$$$$$$$$$ but he refuse to help us :D
I hope he does come back. This is a great opportunity to prove his critics wrong.

It will also improve his political standing and people will see the difference between him and NS.

BTW, he has not said a thing about Mumbai issue yet.
who many days remaing from 1 week tour of mushi ?i think his 1 week is over .

or his one week may be like shukat aziz one week.:enjoy: shaukat aziz say i go for 1 week visit and now 1000 weeks he don't wana come back even we need his help for answer were is $$$$$$$$$$$ but he refuse to help us :D

imran khan;dear sir
plz keep in mind ,he is not shukat aziz , BB, NS OR YOUR BELOVED president asif ali zardari! he is fromer president of pakistan retd .gen PERVAIZ MUSHARAF, & he is still a sole entity of PAKISTAN ARMY!
he never was , & never will be charged of any thing, so it is crazy to think that he will not going to comeback pakistan.:enjoy:;)
perhaps, ppl like u well informed, well educated and totally mature, struggle for some good, rise ur conscience, maybe u can make better and safe future of pakistan, thts all i have to say

tum loog kaum ke maimaar ho
kaum ke mustakbil ka faisla tum he se hai!!
perhaps, ppl like u well informed, well educated and totally mature, struggle for some good, rise ur conscience, maybe u can make better and safe future of pakistan, thts all i have to say

ppl's of pakistan, fools , thats all i can say!:enjoy:
Musharraf is a true patriot... I hope he is back soon.
Islamabad: Former President Pervez Musharraf has blamed Pakistan's current administration for the tensions in ties with India in the wake of the Mumbai Terror attacks, saying it should have made it clear how strong it is about fighting terrorism.

"Well, you know if you don't fight terror and make sure everybody knows how strong you feel about it, you may have problems with other countries like America. And yes - now the situation with India," the former military ruler said in an interview in London, where he is on a private visit.

Asked if the tension between India and Pakistan would not have occurred if the current Pakistani administration had made it clear how strong it is about fighting terrorism, Musharraf told interviewer Daphne Barak: "You said it."

He said the situation with India had become ‘very complicated’ because of the government's stance. "This is what terror is all about. By now - it has become a very complicated situation," he remarked.

Musharaf said the ‘kind of violence’ now witnessed in Pakistan had ‘never happened during my time’.

He said, "I made up my mind early on that I was going with America against terrorism. I have done anything in my power to block terrorists and fundamentalists.”

"There is only one way to deal with terrorists – to fight them," said Musharraf, who quit in August to avoid impeachment by the Pakistan People's Party-led government.

Musharraf said Pakistan is his home and he would not leave it even though he may face threats to his life there, the interview that appeared in ‘The News’, said.

"I would not leave Pakistan. It is my home. Am I safe there completely? Of course not. If there are risks but it is not new for me to live with risk. The army is protecting me. But of course - everything is possible," Musharraf said.

Pakistan is in a "very bad shape", he said. "I brought foreign investments. I built roads. Nobody invests there anymore."

When the interviewer pointed out that he was first Pakistani ruler who had not been executed, jailed or exiled, Musharraf said even the interviewer was getting emails ‘from people who would like to have me back’.

Musharraf said he did not miss the ‘good old days’ when he was in power. "I have found time to spend with my family and friends. But I do care about Pakistan. It is obvious that I keep watching what is going on," he said.

" I hope he come back to Power and help Pakistan to get back on its feets Insh Allah"
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i think one week is finished now alreay 2 weeks until now i think mushi gone
i think one week is finished now alreay 2 weeks until now i think mushi gone

If its up to me then I will personally drive him to the airport and ensure that he has a boarding pass:)

We need this guy back in Pakistan!
He shouldn't jump into politics without ensuring his personal safety. There are many groups and individual who want him dead. The first name that comes to my mind is Mr. Zardari ;)

I think Mr. Mush has far better security than we can comprehend, I am sure he is safe for life.
USA pushing again...

Pakistan snubs India over terrorist 'suspects'
• Zardari's comments pile pressure on Delhi to act
• US tries to ease tension between nuclear powers

Vikram Dodd in New Delhi
The Guardian, Thursday December 4 2008
Article history
Pakistan's president yesterday rebuffed India's key demand that he hand over 20 alleged terrorists, as the US intensified its efforts to ease tensions between the two nuclear powers in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Speaking from Delhi, the visiting US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, told Pakistan it had a "special responsibility" to help India's investigation into the terrorist attacks. Washington also sent its most senior military official to Islamabad to hammer home the same message.

Western powers, led by the US, are trying to stop tensions between the two countries spilling over after last week's attacks in Mumbai, which killed more than 170 people. India and Pakistan have fought three wars and had numerous skirmishes in the past 60 years.

India has demanded that Pakistan stop providing sanctuary to 20 people it alleges are linked to violence against it. But Pakistan's president, Asif Ali Zardari, yesterday appeared to reject this demand, saying the 20 would be tried in Pakistan if there was evidence to charge them.

Zardari's comments are likely to anger India's government, which is under sustained pressure from its people to take strong action in the wake of the attacks.

Delhi says all 10 terrorists in Mumbai were Pakistani, and had received training there for a terrorist plot controlled from Pakistan that subjected India to a four-day national nightmare.

Zardari told CNN: "If we had the proof, we would try them in our courts and we would sentence them." He said he doubted that the only terrorist captured alive was a Pakistani citizen, as India alleges. "We have not been given any tangible proof that he is definitely a Pakistani."

Yesterday Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, arrived in Pakistan. Mullen urged Pakistan to "investigate aggressively any and all possible ties to groups in Pakistan" and "take more and more concerted action against militant extremists in the country".

Most analysts, though, believe the eight-month-old Zardari presidency has limited room for manoeuvre, even if it wants to help India's investigation. Zardari's civilian government faces pressure from hardline groups not only to resist Indian demands, but over the help provided to the west's war against al-Qaida and Taliban elements in its border region with Afghanistan.

But in Delhi, Rice said: "This is the time for everybody to cooperate and do so transparently ... Pakistan needs to act with resolve and urgency. That message has been delivered to Pakistan."

In Mumbai, public confidence in India's authorities suffered another blow after it emerged that bombs lay undiscovered for a week at the city's main rail station attacked by terrorists last Wednesday. Police found explosives hidden in a bag among abandoned luggage.
i think one week is finished now alreay 2 weeks until now i think mushi gone

No military deal over cross-border attacks: Musharraf
Updated at: 1057 PST, Saturday, January 10, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Former President Pervaiz Musharraf has rubbished do more rhetoric from US and said there is no secret understanding over cross-border attacks. Pakistan has done more than anyone else in war against terror.:tup:

Talking to media before his departure to US for lectures, Musharraf said India should stop talking about surgical strikes, as Pakistan is ready to cope up any adventure with full force. ;):tup:
Replying to a question, Musharraf said Mumbai attacks created war hysteria in India and Pakistan.

He said said root causes of terrorism needed to be address and this is the time to resolve Kashmir and Palestine issue. He declined to comment on government’s performance. :tup::pakistan::tup:

so my dear friend , he was in islamabad! for your info!:D;)
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