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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

Any developments regarding Musharrafs role in politics?
God I love that man!
Politics is a dirty game, where everything is fair to get into power and remain there. IMO man for man, Musharraf is better than any other politician active in Pakistan today. However, he spoiled his reputation on the advice of the Chaudhry brothers. A few of his actions were not worthy of him:

1. He went back on his word and did not take off his uniform.
2. He got himself elected by a parliament whose mandate was virtually ended.
3. His action on Nov. 3, 2007 was unjustifiable even by die hard Musharraf supporters.

Musharraf has redeemed himself to some extent by handing over power peacefully. IMO he should remain in the background; he will only spoil whatever reputation he has left if he joins the dirty political game again. Besides, people will only learn, albeit slowly, about whom they should be voting for. Current voting system is ‘Braderi’ based and undemocratic in essence.
GEO Pakistan
Musharraf to deliver inaugural lecture today

Updated at: 1509 PST, Wednesday, January 14, 2009
NEW YORK: Former President Pervaiz Musharraf would deliver his first lecture in US today.:tup::cheers::welcome:

All seats have been reserved in advance for the lecture. Musharraf would deliver the lecture during annual dinner of World Affair Council in Grand Rapids in the U.S. state of Michigan.

According to spokesman of Council, the members are eager to listen Musharraf. He would deliver three lectures in Michigan, California and Pennsylvania.

Musharraf would address the US media after his first lecture; however, Pakistani journalists would not allowed to cover the lecture.
GEO Pakistan
Musharraf to deliver inaugural lecture today

Updated at: 1509 PST, Wednesday, January 14, 2009
NEW YORK: Former President Pervaiz Musharraf would deliver his first lecture in US today.:tup::cheers::welcome:

All seats have been reserved in advance for the lecture. Musharraf would deliver the lecture during annual dinner of World Affair Council in Grand Rapids in the U.S. state of Michigan.

According to spokesman of Council, the members are eager to listen Musharraf. He would deliver three lectures in Michigan, California and Pennsylvania.

Musharraf would address the US media after his first lecture; however, Pakistani journalists would not allowed to cover the lecture.

How come Pakistani journalists are not allowed?
The million dollar question is that how do you judge a Leader.

In my opinion A Leader is judged by the condition of the country he led after he left. And this stand for all the Leaders for all Times.

Let me name some Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Abraham Lincoln
Ayub Khan
King Faisal
King Pehlvi of iran

every name rings a bell and a story.
And those with stories will be remembered as great Leaders who led the Nations to great hieghts and there are those who aplit Nations, or ddestruyed their Nations and their kingship.
The million dollar question is that how do you judge a Leader. In my opinion A Leader is judged by the condition of the country he led after he left. And this stand for all the Leaders for all Times..

Not really. Tell me except handling Indias poletical pressure properly what else you would expect from Zardari???

Mushrraf started the war. He started kargil. He misutilized money as per USA to get more keeper look into pakistan military finance administration and he allowed droons. He kicked supreme court judge...

Leaving zardaris past histry and he is managing the show really good
i will say he is gud with wat he is doin rit now. giving lectures and showing the world a pakistani perspective. without doubtin his love for the country, i would not really lik to see him back in politics. he really screwed few things up which are threatning our national integrity today.
Not really. Tell me except handling Indias poletical pressure properly what else you would expect from Zardari???

Mushrraf started the war. He started kargil. He misutilized money as per USA to get more keeper look into pakistan military finance administration and he allowed droons. He kicked supreme court judge...

Leaving zardaris past histry and he is managing the show really good

Kargil was an excellent reply to Indian Siachen adventure. India which talks all peace but up to now is has not returned this Pakistani land nor even accepted up to now the peace moves to make this area "no mans land". Hence, Gen. Musharaff rightly did the kargil & the whole country is with him on this.

Misutilized money from USA ? What we do with the money from our services provided to USA is our issue & has nothing to do with USA or India. If you don't like us making money out of fuel, water & supplies .. than stop the importation of products from Pakistan. We are not insisting that USA buys it's supplies through us !

Supreme court judges were involved in disturbing the peace, I mean in 2 weeks they could take out decisions on traffic problems in Pakistan, why Lal mosque was painted yellow, etc .. whereas other normal non politicial cases average life in Pakistani supreme court is 15 years !

Although he brought the NRO but he also brought all the parties back in Pakistan including him going 2 times to Saudi arabia to bring NS on normal mode, unfortunately our population went for 50% reduction in Atta & Electricity promises & lots of fairly tales of the own relatives ! So the result is in front of you. NRO was the single most biggest point of demcoracy which was given to Pakistan, but the people could not distinguish between people who love Pakistan & their own corrupt relatives !
Mr. roopesh. I did not mean to support Mushraraf but the opposite. Mr Musharraf had left Pakistan in trouble as he did not ask for money from U.S. for fighting the war for them initially when they asked as if he is with them or against them.

Billion of dollars that Pakistan has spent so far is far from paid by U.S. even if they have given us some money. The money that they gave us they took it back by selling us those military equipment they deemed necessary, we on the other hand spend our resources to fight and spent billions without any respect or financial backup. We could have charged for everything we did like renting the base for billions like charging fees for transporting their supplies to Afghanistan borders, by sending bills for all the wages of the manpower and equipment used to fight this war, not to mention thousands of shaheeds who sacrificed their lives for this cause.

Pakistani leaders ship is not really aware of the power of our Army, but we proved it in 1965. In 1970 India being the nasty neighbor as it is interfered in Pakistani affairs by training Mukiti buhini for years long before the Pakistani elections, so India had redesigned the separation of East Pakistan by involving in the Pakistani internal affairs, what a shame, even today India is talking from both sides of their mouth as it on one hand discusses the peace process but on the other hand brings in Israel to help it carry out atrocities as India want to learn from the best about how to commit atrocities.

Those so called groups who are fighting India for its atrocities in Kashmir should not have attacked Bombay instead should have gone into Kashmir and fight the bully of the south east Asia. But Musharraf stopped them from helping their fellow relatives and Muslims to please India the aggressor and human right abuser. when would India see the light and come clean to respect human right and allow amnesty international to investigate Indian atrocities in Kashmir

Like I said India has to stop being a bully and behave like a civilized nation, look at the situation in Sri lanka, why India keeps on Arming the groups who are fighting against legitimately elected govt. of sri laka, it looks that India have two face policy, claims to be the biggest Democracy of the World, but does not want Democracy flourish in its neighborhood.

It keep 500,000 armed personal in Kashmir and calls itself a world class Democracy, If India is a worlds class Democracy than let free and fair plebiscite take place under U.N. supervision as India is signatory to the U.N. charter and to the resolutions passed about Kashmir.

Kargil and siachan is another story of India's bullyness as it belong to Pakistan and instead of returning it, India chose to fight on it for nothing but to be bully. It has cost both countries enormously in the way of cost and human life and yet India is in its design to bully continuing this foolish episode without a second thought. the damage it is doing to decency and to the psyche of Pakistani people, now they hate India due to its bully tactics more than ever.

So let me say here, let us be both as neighborly countries be reasonable and respectful and decide about the outstanding problems between us by being good neighbors and with acceptable and respectable manners.

May the great power like Ram or Balram help India to see the light.
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Those so called groups who are fighting India for its atrocities in Kashmir should not have attacked Bombay instead should have gone into Kashmir and fight the bully of the south east Asia. But Musharraf stopped them from helping their fellow relatives and Muslims to please India the aggressor and human right abuser. when would India see the light and come clean to respect human right and allow amnesty international to investigate Indian atrocities in Kashmir

The mistake which Gen. Musharaff did was the same mistake which Ayub Khan had done during the 1965 war ! He could have continued the war and not returned any Indian land and than sit on the negotiating table.

Even if the Indian PM had died, who cares during the war we too had many Jawans dead at the hands of the Indian army ... We should not have returned to international boundaries.

The same thing happened with General Musharaff, he stopped the infiltration on false promises of USA & India .. and the CBM has not even got us back Siachen.

While we can say this today after 8 years of peace efforts with India, however, at that time it is very difficult to know the outcome as peace is always given a chance even if it is with India. I think in the end people get tired of continously fighting ! but slow down on such national issues also means that the anger & hate volcano keeps charging & getting filled emotionally and it can explode at any moment !
Israeli aggression to help militants: Musharraf
By Anwar Iqbal
Friday, 16 Jan, 2009

‘These are words which are welcomed by the masses in the Muslim world,’ said the retired general while referring to the latest Israeli aggression in Gaza in which more than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed so far.:tup:
In a speech at the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan on Wednesday night, Musharraf maintained the long-term fight against bin Laden or other terrorists will not be won by military means.
‘I draw a similarity with a tree. When you are dealing with the terrorists and killing any number of them, you are plucking the leaves, shedding the leaves off the tree.
‘And more leaves will grow. When you destroy an organization, you chop off one branch of the tree. But the roots remain.’
He advocated a ‘multi-pronged approach’ to dealing with the roots of terrorism in Pakistan, including political, social and economic development.
The former president said that a lack of understanding prevents people in the United States from appreciating the key role Pakistan is playing in the war against terror.
‘Pakistan is doing all that it can,’ he said. ‘Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and that is what needs to be understood. We are a victim.’
In a brief news conference and later in his speech, Musharraf reminded his American audience that Pakistan had a key role in the fight against terrorism because it’s located in a region deemed central to the outcome of that battle.
‘Pakistan has confronted terrorism and extremism for more than two decades now,’ he said. ‘We are together in the fight against terrorism.’
His speech at the council marked his first US appearance since he left office last year, as he embarks on a speaking tour across the United States.
The former president said that those who say that Osama bin Laden and other top al-Qaeda leaders were hiding in Pakistan’s tribal areas were only speculating.
He also rejected the suggestion that Fata has become a base for al-Qaeda operations.
Although he acknowledged that some al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are hiding in Fata, there is no safe haven for the militants in Pakistan. He said the militants are not safe anywhere in Pakistan because the Pakistani military is after them.
‘I am not sure,’ he said of Osama bin Laden's whereabouts. ‘It is just conjecture. He is in the mountains somewhere on either side of the border. A lot of people keep asking me where he is. I don't know.’
He rejected the criticism that Pakistan had wasted billions of dollars in US aid, or that its military was not up to the task, reminding the audience that all major arrests of al-Qaida leaders were arrested in Pakistani by Pakistani security forces.
‘We killed about 700 of them,’ he said.
The Pakistani army, he said, was ‘fighting terrorism to the best of its ability.’
But he said progress in Fata does not hinge on military might alone.
Over the long term, he said, social and economic progress will have to win the day.
‘It is essential, because the people are poor and jobless.’
The former president said despite the current tensions between India and Pakistan; he believed both nations could move toward peace. ‘We've come a long way, I think. We've fought three wars and a number skirmishes.’:tup::tup::tup:
You are right Must7, but the problem is that Leaders on both sides specially in India are so over confidant that they think that they can walk in Pakistan any time and example is that of 1965 war in which India stole a Bus from Pakistan border and filmed it in Amritsar and sent to BBC by fool hardy thinking that they have taken Lahore, But the fact is different and proved to be a grave yard for India soldiers. They than attacked Sialkot with a force of three divisions and 500 tanks with foolis designs that they will take the Sialkot city as there was no BRB(hurdle) in their way, but our Jawans bloodied their face and did not allow them to come more than few kilometers leaving Indian Army licking its wounds.

Their Leaders are a class act themselves, remember the report by Tehlka .com for their defense minister taking bribe on camera. Than this strangest of all is Bal thakrey, he is on record saying that his ideal is Hitler and he is also on record saying that the he is the one who initiated riots against Muslims in Bombay.

It is strange that most Leaders in India think them selves to be gods gift for Indian and they think they are legends,
only in their own minds. I would say

Now speech by Musharraf did not elaborate the facts, only barely he touched about our sacrifices in the way of money and manpower. He should have explained about the coming of the Taliban after the exodus of Russian when Afghanistan fell into anarchy and Pakistan was requested by west to see if any thing can be done, Pakistan offered those Student movement of Afghan's exiled in Pakistan who willingly took over the task of bringing Afghanistan under one umbrella and they did, during their rule they asked for western help, European consortium visited Afghanistan and offered help to repair statue of Buddha which really angered Taliban who in turn said that they will destroy these statues as it not statues but living people need help, but European were not interested and so they destroyed the statues in anger over indifference of Europeans. these Buddha statue were the heritage of Afghanistan and shouldn't have been destroyed, i would also say here that Taliban should have asked for help from our rich Arab brothers than Europeans. I am in no way in agreement with what Taliban are doing today, they should follow Islam and not their whims about Islam, Islam does not agree with their acts of destroying girl schools or statues or punishing people as long as they themselves do not follow the rule of Islam to set an example for their acts, which they do not.

Now I am just stating the facts of History as it transpired, but Mr. Musharraf had a center stage and should have brought all the facts about how the terrorism started in Afghanistan. He failed. And another chance was lost by our Leader as usual. they always fail to capitalize on the opportunity. U.S. is willing to help if our Leader are eloquent to put the point across, but they fail every time.
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