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Pervez Musharraf concedes he has 'Indian blood', hence for peace with India

Let us not forget that this is the man who started the Kargil incursion.Was that Pakistani part in him talking?

The Kargil incursion was a futile attempt on the part of Pakistan that led in to the death of thousands of men,who would have otherwise led a good and peaceful life.Pakistan gained nothing on ground,it only worsened its situation on the International platform.Was that the complete fcking fool inside him talking?

It was the probably the brigadier in him who lost miserably in the battle of Siachen and wanted to even the score.. But made it 2-0
He was born in British india, and indian blood is misleading, what does a Jatt like me, have in common with a Tamil, blood wise - absolutely nothing.

Jatts are not the only ethnic group in Pakistan nor are Tamils the only ethnic group in India.

Though I would broadly agree with you ...Indian Blood is the sole "amanat" of Patriotic Indians .Sacred and not to be soiled ever by any associations with foreigners. Don't even wanna hear mention of it from Musharraf types.
Our leaders (whether x ministers or current) don't take assayalam in foreign countries and make startling comments against Pakistan.
We don't function like that.

two choices : either they get Killed/ hanged or they run off to UK. it's quite sad how the post " leader " job's resume reads . and now even judges are added to the mix.
It is misleading - I look nothing like a Tamil, they also speak a different language, and have a different culture, I have more in common with a Frenchman than a Tamil.
Is Tamil people the only race that you find different in this planet or what?
why is this caste and creed take place where ever, this is a point where trolling starts.
He was born in British india, and indian blood is misleading, what does a Jatt like me, have in common with a Tamil, blood wise - absolutely nothing.

British ruled India you might want to say - for there never was British India.
As is the case for the USA, which was also ruled by Britain.
And we have never heard British USA so far.

Suffice it to say that Pakistanis have Indian roots - no escape from here...

India always was India, and will be...
Is Tamil people the only race that you find different in this planet or what?
why is this caste and creed take place where ever, this is a point where trolling starts.

but they better than those US A$$holes ;)
Well, by a certain logic every Indian and Pakistani has same blood... Before partition India and Pakistan were one, people of both the sides then were called British Indians.
Well, by a certain logic every Indian and Pakistani has same blood... Before partition India and Pakistan were one, people of both the sides then were called British Indians.

Indians not british Indians.. this is not christopher columbus's adventure, although you would like to call it like one.

people make a country not vice versa.

A country by any other name does not have a change in heritage.
Yes you have!! except some of members on PDF from your country whose ancestors directly came from mars on space ship!

Soon your statement will be debunked by them!

Watch out! Martians are coming :)

he he ......never heard zaid hamid saying that pakistani's had ruled mars for 1000 years .....
DRAMA......... Mullah's and people of pakistan won't let him live alive in pakistan....
Indians not british Indians.. this is not christopher columbus's adventure, although you would like to call it like one.

Do you want to open another discussion here? British Indians because Indians were being ruled by Britain at that time, moreover if you read between the lines of history you'll find the word British India instead of only India. Before that Era, yes, Indians. In fact I have no problem whatsoever with term Indian, British Indian or Indian, no issue for me.
It is misleading - I look nothing like a Tamil, they also speak a different language, and have a different culture, I have more in common with a Frenchman than a Tamil.

As someone said earlier,the term indian includes many ethnicities ranging from tamils in the extreme south to rajputs/jats in west,kashmiris in north to nagas in west.And you have more in common with an indian jat/rajput than any frenchmen..
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