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Pervez Hoodbhoy & Ammar allegedly gave extra marks to PTM supporters 2020

Yet another huge problem for the Pakistani state. Scholars who are hating and destroying Pakistan from within.

If true, there should be some evidence presented. I’m saying that this is seems unlikely given the marking process in universities all over.

You know damned well that fake scholars like Hoodbhoy are an enemy within. Every word that leaves their mouth is meant to hurt and destabalise Pakistan.

Handing out some extra marks to PTM sympathizing students is peanuts for fake scholars.

Pakistani state doesn't have a clue how bad things are in Pak universities. These are breeding grounds.
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You know damned well that fake scholars like Hoodbhoy are an enemy within. Every word that leaves their mouth is meant to hurt and destabalise Pakistan.

Handing out some extra marks to PTM sympathizing students is peanuts for fake scholars.

Pakistani state doesn't have a clue how bad things are in Pak universities. These are breeding grounds.
How is Hoodbhoy a fake scholar? He’s got his credentials from MIT. He’s conducted research with multiple reputable universities.
Atheists are being bred by the elite schools and English medium schools, and the insane number of Christian missionary schools. This has been allowed to go unhindered for 70 years. This will eventually destroy Pakistan.
yeah for last 20 years atheists were blowing themselves in the streets of Pakistan shouting " *** "

Sir clean up also required in Qaudi Azam University, Punjab Uni and International Islamic Uni. Further we should induct Punjabi/Other provinces faculty in Baluch Unis to counter separatists there also.
I remember one example of baloch student buying macbooks every semester on scholarship money most probably for underdeveloped areas and he is now pro PTM supporter
After Shadad fiasco, these 'Scholars' have been given some serious danda. I had been given a heads up last month to get hold of my pop corns because show was about to start....and here we are ...Nida aunti has been handled & now these too.....wait & watch :dance3::pop:

What are you trying to say here? That idiot woman Nida is still at LUMS. Whats the heads up you are talking about?
yeah for last 20 years atheists were blowing themselves in the streets of Pakistan shouting " *** "
1. No real Muslim would do that. Yeah, I mean real Muslim. There is no discussion about that.
2. Atheist countries like North Korea or the Soviet Union are some examples what happens if over-enlightened people start abolishing religion.
3. Humans tend to substitute religion with something else. So there is no irreligious person on this planet.
4. Atheist ideologies like communism killed more people than every mad mullah, crusader, flower warriors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_war) combined.
5. "Woke" Atheist and their degeneration will lead to the decline of the progressive Western states, because Atheists want Socialism mostly as substitute religion.

People teaching in Pakistani universities hating on our religion... they should be removed from that position. If a German professor says something against the constitution of Germany, he is subject to legal process for his removal. This happens in woke-white secular states too. So Pakistan should do the same!
keep confusing people who is real or not at the end of they called themselves real muslims
So if someone says he is a gay woke communist and also claims that he loves to jump outside the window while eating human meat you would automatically assume that he is a real gay woke communist and this behavior is part of being a gay woke communist? Or would you try to find on your own how a gay woke communist is supposed to behave? Yes? Then please have the same fairness for Islam and Muslims. Thanks.
People in Pakistan hate Hoodboy for the same reason people in India hate pravin sawhney. Both are "party poopers", so awam be like:
"What?? We are not Lumber 1 in the world and best in every possible way imaginable?? Traitors!!!! RRREEEEEEEEEE"
This is it exactly. Every country has their holy cows, in India it may literally be a holy cow too. Ours are the kind Hoodbhoy and others go after. You don't have to agree with everything he says, just not cry about it.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that?

These views are widespread and ingrained into our psyche, plenty of intelligent individuals suffer this affliction too.
I've yet to see any examples of highly objectionable material quoted as the basis for bans/removal from the likes of Dr Ammar Ali Jan or PH.
These views are widespread and ingrained into our psyche, plenty of intelligent individuals suffer this affliction too.
I've yet to see any examples of highly objectionable material quoted as the basis for bans/removal from the likes of Dr Ammar Ali Jan or PH.
Let us be thankful that regardless of what @Foxtrot Alpha would have us believe, the establishment cannot go much beyond using its power to make Dr Hoodbhoy's life a little difficult.

What a shame though, to repay with harassment someone who has given his life, for sincerely held beliefs, to education and to promote a scientific culture in our country. I can personally attest to what a gentleman he is. I do not know where people get all this hate for someone they have never even had a conversation with.
Though Pakistan is called "Fort Of Islam" but with due respect I will say that despite ISI and other security apparatus, Pakistan has become the hub of Anti Islam & Anti Pakistan Atheist, Secularists and Liberals etc. who are crippling its foundation and clearing the way for its enemies to invade, militarily, socially, culturally etc.
To counter this pro-Islam & Pro-Pakistan elements need to be in steering seat or it will be too late. Pakistan already in clutches of enemies internally, from eastern and western borders as well as economically, culturally, politically, ethnically.
Let us be thankful that regardless of what @Foxtrot Alpha would have us believe, the establishment cannot go much beyond using its power to make Dr Hoodbhoy's life a little difficult.
What i have to do with this all bro? am not promoting violence against everyone, for stooges like PH & Ammar, such kind of actions are enough.

Btw, please correct yourself there's no harassment in there, FC's administration followed the procedure & refused to extend the contract....?
Btw, please correct yourself there's no harassment in there, FC's administration followed the procedure & refused to extend the contract....?
Is state of Pakistan weak enough that can't tolerate different ideas? And harassing single individuals for it. But spine less in front of people taking arms against the state and people of Pakistan and will tolerate such extremists calling for murder in the name of religion.
Is state of Pakistan weak enough that can't tolerate different ideas? And harassing single individuals for it. But spine less in front of people taking arms against the state and people of Pakistan and will tolerate such extremists calling for murder in the name of religion.
What if I told you that you can be against religious extremists and communist idols at the same time?
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