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People Reject Ram Mandir Politics in Ayodhya!

Touching emotions at display here.The same Hindus who couldn't care any lesser about the hundreds of Hindu temples and other Hindu architectural feats being in an utter state of neglect and decay are adamant on building another ''monument'' which they will forget as soon as it is constructed.Whom are we trying to fool? Muslims or ourselves?

If there's one thing I hate more than retarded Muslims,it's retarded Hindus trying to one-up them.
Touching emotions at display here.The same Hindus who couldn't care any lesser about the hundreds of Hindu temples and other Hindu architectural feats being in an utter state of neglect and decay are adamant on building another ''monument'' which they will forget as soon as it is constructed.Who are we trying to fool? Muslims or ourselves?

If there's one thing I hate more than retarded Muslims,it's retarded Hindus trying to one-up them.

Good that someone has brought this point here, take the example of Varanasi , its one of holiest Hindu cities , also has the notoriety for being one the dirtiest too.

Varanasi: A victim of unplanned development
It's not just the temple card voters rejected.... add to that minority appeasement card played by congress. Voters are clever & are in a position to judge for themselves as what is good for them & what is not so... Things are changing in all front. If anything.. voters are interested more in development than anything else. It's pretty much evident if you go by prervious results in Bihar & the current one in Punjab.
Touching emotions at display here.The same Hindus who couldn't care any lesser about the hundreds of Hindu temples and other Hindu architectural feats being in an utter state of neglect and decay are adamant on building another ''monument'' which they will forget as soon as it is constructed.Who are we trying to fool? Muslims or ourselves?

If there's one thing I hate more than retarded Muslims,it's retarded Hindus trying to one-up them.

Wanting a temple at Ayodhya is not a retarded thing.

It's a logical follow-up of an act of injustice that took place centuries ago.

Follow this:

I come and destroy your home in an act of brazen barbarism and build my palace in its place.

The very next day the regime in the country changes.

The new regime stipulates that I was right and that you have no right to the land where my palace stands.

Now tell me, at the end of all this saga, who ends wronged?

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

Good that someone has brought this point here, take the example of Varanasi , its one of holiest Hindu cities , also has the notoriety for being one the dirtiest too.

Varanasi: A victim of unplanned development

The place is dirty. Does that mean that the people do not respect or they do not have feelings associated with what is housed in that place?


By your logic, Indians should be the most unpatriotic people in the world because we have probably the filthiest towns and cities in the world.

Would you stop loving your mother if she were ugly?
Wanting a temple at Ayodhya is not a retarded thing.

It's a logical follow-up of an act of injustice that took place centuries ago.

Follow this:

I come and destroy your home in an act of brazen barbarism and build my palace in its place.

The very next day the regime in the country changes.

The new regime stipulates that I was right and that you have no right to the land where my palace stands.

Now tell me, at the end of all this saga, who ends wronged?

How come such concern doesn't well up in every Hindu when the papers are practically littered with Hindu temples decaying away till kingdom come? I don't see anyone beating on his or her chest for those sites.So why fake the tears on the ''Mandir idhar hi banega'' rubbish? The truth is nobody cares about the construction of a temple there,it's more about stamping your authority.

As for any political party lending credence to this nonsense,my dignified response would be....har har.I would count the villagers who are paid money and a day's meal for casting their votes with significantly higher intellect than the psuedo Hindus who are swayed by the dog and pony show.
Wanting a temple at Ayodhya is not a retarded thing.

Yes it is not, but demolishing the mosque built over it was, the Somnath example could have been followed here.

It's a logical follow-up of an act of injustice that took place centuries ago.

Then you"ll have myriad follow-ups to do so.

Follow this:

I come and destroy your home in an act of brazen barbarism and build my palace in its place.

The very next day the regime in the country changes.

The new regime stipulates that I was right and that you have no right to the land where my palace stands.

Now tell me, at the end of all this saga, who ends wronged?

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

What is the living memeory will always torment the victim, but this is centuries ago, simple logical decisions can prevail.

The place is dirty. Does that mean that the people do not respect or they do not have feelings associated with what is housed in that place?

When i look at Ganges, Yes!

By your logic, Indians should be the most unpatriotic people in the world because we have probably the filthiest towns and cities in the world.

I would use the word phrase less social conscious

Would you stop loving your mother if she were ugly?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but that is not the case here, you are making your mother ugly by polluting her.
Hindus are but cannot say about the Muslims.They still act as votebanks...explains the massive victory of SP.
Suppose no Hindu voted for SP..........would have they won...........So come out of this Hindu-Muslim vote bank politics
And for those wondering about minorities not voting for BJP if they shed their aggressive identity politics, look at Bihar. The JD(U)-BJP alliance was able to capture 35%of Muslim vote not that far away from the SP 45%.
The congress played the quota card led by Salman Khusheed and his wife came Fourth in that muslim dominated segment. In Azamgarh were crocodiles tear were shed on the Batla house controversy, Congress again drew a blank from the Muslim voters.

In Goa, where hardline Hindutva outfits like Hindu Janajagruti were kept out and Catholics were given BJP tickets, the BJP got a 20% Catholic vote swing in its favor giving its best show in Goa. So voters from all communities have become smarter and matured dramatically. The question is will our pseudo-nationalists online Indians show the maturity that our voters who have no Internet access repeatedly shown on the question of identity politics?
How come...

It's none of anybody's business; neither your nor mine. Fact is, that people want a temple to be built in Ayodhya and people, hence, should get a temple in Ayodhya.

An act of grave injustice was committed by an army of looters and pillagers centuries ago.

It won't be entirely misplaced if that act is reversed now, peacefully, though, I must emphasize.

As per your assertion that people do not want the temple there. You are plain wrong.

Most people I have met in my life want a temple at the site.

It's only that their desire to have a temple in Ayodhya is very low down their priority list.

That doesn't imply that the desire doesn't exist.

BJP, once upon a time, claimed that it would build the temple there and people voted for it in huge numbers.

That's a testimony to the fact that the people do want the temple to be bult there.

It is another issue that BJP turned out to be a non-performer as far as temple issue is concerned.

However, this is also true that even today is people see a sincere effort, be it in the form of a political party, to build the temple in Ayodhya, they will who-heartedly support it.

The desire is there.

Only the instrument to execute that desire is missing.
BJP wants Hindu/Sikh vote and Congress wants to ride on Muslim vote,thats what i feel.
Congress tried to woo muslims by putting up the reservation matter and directly indicting Election Commission.
Both failed in UP,parties should know that people are over with the caste politics.
But BJP did pretty well when compared to congress in other states.
Please leave the conspiracy theories aside, there was never a muslim en bloc vote. It has been proven time and time again that it is a myth. Even now SP got 45% of Muslim vote compared to 78% of Yadav votes according to surveys. It was the Upper caste and OBCs that went to SP that gave them such a commanding victory.

Suppose no Hindu voted for SP..........would have they won...........So come out of this Hindu-Muslim vote bank politics

However hard one deny, the 18% reservation for Muslims promised by SP played a great part in Muslims voting for SP.

SP a clear winner in fight for Muslim votes - Indian Express

In the all-out battle between the SP and the Congress to corner the crucial Muslim votes in UP, Mulayam Singh Yadav has emerged the clear winner.
Although it is not possible to conclusively determine where the majority of Muslim votes have been cast, a clear trend emerges when one looks at the numbers in the 21 minority concentrated districts — identified as those where at least 25 per cent of the population comprises minorities — of the state which account for 133 seats.

The SP has a clear edge over all other parties as it cornered 65 out of this 133. The Congress finished with just 10. Significantly, it was not the SP alone which found success in minority-concentrated districts. The BSP bagged 30, while the BJP got 22 and the RLD three. These seats can be an indicator of the Muslim voting pattern.
How come such concern doesn't well up in every Hindu when the papers are practically littered with Hindu temples decaying away till kingdom come? I don't see anyone beating on his or her chest for those sites.So why fake the tears on the ''Mandir idhar hi banega'' rubbish? The truth is nobody cares about the construction of a temple there,it's more about stamping your authority.

As for any political party lending credence to this nonsense,my dignified response would be....har har.I would count the villagers who are paid money and a day's meal for casting their votes with significantly more intellect than the psuedo Hindus who are swayed by the dog and pony show.

It May be Rubbish for u ... But Not for Me & Many Hindus... I Will Rather Stop Preaching Secularism if it Costs the Ayodhya Ram Janma Bhoomi...

Ram Madir is Still a Valued Topic For Hindus... But it Doesnt Mean that we Hindus will Vote For any Tom, Dick & Harry Who would Give us Fake Promise of Building the Temple... I Must Admit that BJP has Failed here Completely & Hindus Have lost Faith in BJP on the Mandir Issue ...

So If BJP thinks that they Can Win Hindus Votes By Constantly Ranting on Mandir issue then they r Wrong...

Its a Another Thing that The HC didnt accept Any Petition on Ram Mandir Issue on religious Ground... Hindus where left with no options ... After the Demolition the HC accepted the Case...Babri Masjid was a Sign of Injustice Done on Hindus By the Mughals ...we had to erase it at any cost ... We Have No regret in that part...

If Muslims r So sensitive about the Hindu Demand they would have Kept there word of accepting the Ruling of HC which they Gave Before the Verdict ... But after the Verdict they went against there Promise the Very Next Day by appealing in SC...

If Giving 20% reservation to Muslims on Religious Basis which is Against our own Constitution can become a Election issue then why cant Mandir Issue be a Election issue ...
On the Ram Mandir Issue,The Ram Janmabhoomi is Like "Mecca" for us Hindus, A temple need's to come up their and infact all Political parties in U.P Should Support the cause. :tup:
Not surprising at all. Both the BJP and the Cong got it backwards this time. They are pursuing strategies which worked two or three decades ago. As far as Hindus at large today, the Mandir issue is all crap, mandirs don't feed people nor do they give employment to the youth or improve roads, water supply or electric supply. These are the issues of the hour. The Cong got it wrong as the Muslims rejected their minority reservation promises. Both Hindus and Muslims want development, employment, better living standards as do people of other religions as well. Uma Bharti as choice of CM was all wrong. Her time has come and gone. Fresh young faces full of energy which do not symbolise hatered, violence or obsolete exclusivist theology but are progressive, and stand for development and properity were what were needed. Hope these lessons are learnt and applied in 2014.
On the Ram Mandir Issue,The Ram Janmabhoomi is Like "Mecca" for us Hindus, A temple need's to come up their and infact all Political parties in U.P Should Support the cause. :tup:

As far as I know there are no Mecca for Hindus. Every temple is sacred.
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