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China's Share of Reserves in U.S. Dollar Is Reduced - WSJ.com

Chinese dollar reserves are half of what they used to be according to this.

I've known it's useless as a weapon since I bothered to look into it years back, it is the 'CHINA STRONG!!!1!'ers and fearmongerers that have tried to characterize it as a weapon that China could use with no domestic ill effects. I'm not sure/doubt that China's government believed the propaganda, but that half of it is gone should put to rest any half knowledgeable speculation from either side that it could be used as a viable one.

as i thought u dont even understand what the video is trying to say and you accused others of propaganda and not understanding the issue.

china did not release half of its dollar reserves into the market, this never happened(except in your diluted mind), what happen rather, was that while the reserves continued to increase, less of the new reserves was in dollar.

to make it simple for you, china was and is continuing to buy dollars(with minor exceptions here and there), at a lesser rate but buying none the less. the rest of that video talks about how the US could cope with a china that buys less. NOT about what happens if china all the suddenly dumped over a trillion dollars into the market, which imo, would lead to serious financial meltdowns across the world.

The Sinodependency Index: Chindependence | The Economist


Corporations with the biggest exposure to China.

The loosers of any sort of confrontation that would lead to a shooting war. Their assets would most likely get nationalized.

China also cannot flood the market with US $. It is a guarantee of some sorts.

as you say, the corporations assets disappears not to mention billions in profits and maybe a shooting war starts that costs millions of lives, now explain why those corporations would want that to happen? some one said its easy to convince them to leave china and by doing so, defeat china with this "soft power" and that somehow the US would be unhurt if china dumped 1 trillion dollars into the world market tomorrow. i remain unconvinved that this is "easy" to do.

An accurate description imho:


In other words, nothing can happen to that foreign exchange reserve. And the ever rising gold reserve too.

Anyhow, try to take this as debate, not as me wishing you starve to death. Thanks.

i m not taking this personal at all and dont not think u wish for me to starve, relax, that said, i remain unconvinced by the arguments presented by certain members which is:

us can basically defeat china(or stop its economy rise and turn it back into a basket case) by convincing US and US-allied investors and corporations to stop entering the Chinese market. and that this would be easy.

if the Chinese suddenly dumped over a trillion dollars into the market(for instance if it was clear the US is activity attempting to destroy the Chinese by financial means and china hits back), the US would be financially fine.

my counter argument is that,

it would not be easy, not in the least to drive investor away from china without some serious repercussions. the companies have no good reason to leave and indeed demanding that they leave would break all kinds of law including everything the WTO stands for.

dumping dollars would be disastrous for everyone and no the world could not ajust right away and no, everyone will not be alright, but this would only be an option, if say, the US does demand everyone pull out of china.

Oh YeS !

LMAO......... :rofl:
Humm.. Well I'm all in for US to take down China. :usflag: :P People here might argue that after China, India will be next.. But I think we will manage to keep the relation with US to the level somewhat Russia share right now with US.. more like business rival but that would be it.. We don't have any real interest other then business outside south Asia. So US or any other supposed suppa power really don't/won't have to worry about India even if India is hypothetically more strong militarily.
as you say, the corporations assets disappears not to mention billions in profits and maybe a shooting war starts that costs millions of lives, now explain why those corporations would want that to happen? some one said its easy to convince them to leave china and by doing so, defeat china with this "soft power" and that somehow the US would be unhurt if china dumped 1 trillion dollars into the world market tomorrow. i remain unconvinved that this is "easy" to do.

i m not taking this personal at all and dont not think u wish for me to starve, relax, that said, i remain unconvinced by the arguments presented by certain members which is:

us can basically defeat china(or stop its economy rise and turn it back into a basket case) by convincing US and US-allied investors and corporations to stop entering the Chinese market. and that this would be easy.

if the Chinese suddenly dumped over a trillion dollars into the market(for instance if it was clear the US is activity attempting to destroy the Chinese by financial means and china hits back), the US would be financially fine.

my counter argument is that,

it would not be easy, not in the least to drive investor away from china without some serious repercussions. the companies have no good reason to leave and indeed demanding that they leave would break all kinds of law including everything the WTO stands for.

dumping dollars would be disastrous for everyone and no the world could not ajust right away and no, everyone will not be alright, but this would only be an option, if say, the US does demand everyone pull out of china.

Blockade of Malacca straits would lead to energy shortage. Factories would not be able to work, goods would not be transported to the ports, in which ships would be without fuel.
When factories would not be able to work, lay-offs would inevitably start, both would lead to less taxation revenue. Less revenue and an foreign investment drought would expose the weaknesses in the banking system.
Gov would have to intervene with that foreign currency stash to do some stimulus and to cover the costs of defaulting banks who have bad credits (bad credits from companies that are out of business by now and individuals who cannot repay their credit due to losing their job)
Investors running would happen long before that. As soon as some trouble would be on the horizon, probably. I'd wager 90% of investors are pretty wary of putting their money where a shooting war can erupt.

Ofcourse it is not "easy", sacrifices would have to be made everywhere and the initial shock of loosing the factory of the world would be great, but it is not so impossible.
Ofcourse it is not "easy", sacrifices would have to be made everywhere and the initial shock of loosing the factory of the world would be great, but it is not so impossible.

if u had bother read my posts i had never argued that its impossible to serious hamper china economic-wise. what i made an argument for was that its not easy as was claimed by some members and that the US itself would take a crippling hit. ie: like a nuke only the truly mad would even consider it, especially since nothing warrants such an action.

you seem to agree with me that its not easy, not in the least.

that said, doing so could very possibly lead to the greatest world financial meltdown ever, far worst than even the great depression. and of course the danger of war, a nuclear one at that.

Anyhow, it seems the wheels are already turning. Another member posted

China's Economic Cold War on the United States - Economic Intelligence (usnews.com)

which contains:

China got a hand on the steering wheel: It turned the rules of global business in its favor. We woke up to find a hijacking of our free-market system. China was manipulating its currency, subsidizing its firms, undermining nascent U.S. firms, erecting trade barriers, and stealing intellectual property. China was using its firms as instruments of state capitalism—it even coordinated them to monopolize critical resources such as steel and rare earths.

The Sinovel turbine appeared to be running a stolen version of AMSC’s software. Worse, the software revealed Beijing-based Sinovel had complete access to AMSC’s proprietary source code. In short, Sinovel didn’t really need AMSC anymore.
Three days after that expedition in the Gobi, Daniel McGahn, AMSC’s chief executive officer, got the news on his mobile phone while he was traveling in Russia.
He had been trying for months to save the relationship with Sinovel and was making almost no progress. By the time he ended the call from his Austrian team, he knew why.

from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-15/china-corporate-espionage-boom-knocks-wind-out-of-u-s-companies.html
^^remainder of this article is also very interesting

Because of things like this, shit will start.
If you are tempted to use the "largest market in the world" argument and why it would be dumb to attack:

It would be dumber to let it cheat like it does. Would hurt lots more in the long run too like that CEO from the above article found out in a hard way. I hope the China containment policy makes more sense to you now. It sure does to me.
:rofl: :rofl:
God you Indians have no idea do you ? once America has finish its business with China they will turn their aggression on India , America shares its supremacy with no one. Israel is an exception.

USA had and has limited interest in South Asia because of South Asia irrelevance to Americans global strategic interests.
Do you think the American and the West will let India darkies rival them.

Don't know about , but certainly sure they won't see from the color perspective.

India best better know their place as slaves in the white man's hierarchy.

You better get your nationality/ethnicity and flags right:lol:

What China did to India in that short border war is nothing to compared to what the British did to the Indian's mentality and society.

Maybe! But the British/West never assisted Pakistan in acquisition of nuclear weapons.

The fact that all the India are so anti-Chinese

Its an attribute of recent memory and absence of historical threats.

and so pro-sucking-white-man's-dick is

You need to stop watching ****, and interpreting global geopolitics from a pornographic angle. :laugh:

just a manifestation of century of colonial brainwashing.

Maybe, it made us more aware of imperialists and imperialist wannabes.

That's why no one respect India.

And who are you again to quantify or issue certificates of respect to a particular nation?

Let me make it more simple, what do you define as respect for a nation?

China can be proud of her achievements.

Very nice for China.

What has India done?
Not earned herself a vulgar, slavish, false-flag boot licking lackey.

On a serious note, We Indians are proud of our own achievements.
Anyhow, it seems the wheels are already turning. Another member posted

China's Economic Cold War on the United States - Economic Intelligence (usnews.com)

which contains:

from China Corporate Espionage Boom Knocks Wind Out of U.S. Companies - Bloomberg
^^remainder of this article is also very interesting

Because of things like this, shit will start.
If you are tempted to use the "largest market in the world" argument and why it would be dumb to attack:

It would be dumber to let it cheat like it does. Would hurt lots more in the long run too like that CEO from the above article found out in a hard way. I hope the China containment policy makes more sense to you now. It sure does to me.

the usnews article is an opinion piece and one with a clear agenda at that, things that it lists,

"China was manipulating its currency, subsidizing its firms, undermining nascent U.S. firms, erecting trade barriers, and stealing intellectual property. China was using its firms as instruments of state capitalism—it even coordinated them to monopolize critical resources such as steel and rare earths."

i can find examples of each in the US as well and multiple things it bans from exporting to china, the most visible being high tech items(even thing with no military use), which all falls under national security. but if you put it that way "critical resources" are important to national security as well. and funny how difficult it is for chinese companies to invest in america, for example. huawei was accused of being connected to the government and being a security flaw. NO EVIDENT was ever found as such, nor any actions they did that would violate us law, no incidence of any collaboration between them and the government was ever documented. they even offered full access to all hardware production, firmware design and at one point offered to produce their products in the us using us citizens who have been background checked, yet was told by the US government, no, they cant do busines here, why? because their chinese thats why. see its a 2 ways game.

now of course the Chinese companies has a much more government push than the American ones but that does not constitute a "economic cold war" on the USA, china has generally gone through with its WTO obligations, as much as any other country.

and you know what, all that is happening now has precedence in the past. the US itself went through the same phase except even more blatantly, stealing all the british know-how that it can, erecting trade barriers, as far as im concern the companies themselves knew what they were getting into, its not a secret that china wants the underlying tech more than the finished product. and the relevant laws are not hidden, they chose to go in, no one put a gun to the ceo's head and demanded they invest and do business.

and you speak of "containment policy" what exactly do you mean by that? stop doing business? military containment? either way the world is interconnected now you dont just stop and walk away. it doesnt even have anything to do with the "large consumer base" you assume china would sit that and twiddle its thumbs while you strangle its trades.
India, and the world in general including China, needs another 15-20 years of high growth. We especially need to grow in 8-10 % range next 20 years to remove poverty and give a good living standards to our people. So to all those, including Indians, wishing for US to take down China should know that if China goes down so goes down the global economy with it. Unlike previous world wars the global economy is too entangled (thanks to globalization) and China is a very important piece in it. So if China goes down everyone goes down with it.

Anyways if US indeed takes down China India should just sit out and enjoy the show :pop:
The current leadership of China is too aggressive and I just feel is digging its own grave. It has unresolved territorial issues with almost every country in Southeast Asia and South Asia. By flexing its muscle all around it has given a pretty big opening to the US.
lets make a safety plan in event of any war in asia ...
1) India & Allies will nuke china
2)Pakistan Nuke India
3)Israel Nukes Pakistan
4)Iran nukes Israel and middle east
5)US Nukes Iran
6)Russia Nukes US
7)Nato Nukes Russia and itself gets nuked by Russia

So in case of war i must move to Africa to be Safe:devil:

And why the hell is nobody nuking BD & SL..Seriously WTF

NewZealand fit hey udar chaltay hain :cheesy:
Anyways if US indeed takes down China India should just sit out and enjoy the show :pop:

Takes down china. You make it sound like chinas some dum little state that has nothing to defend itself, would lie back and let uncle sam march to beijing.
A nuke war would be inevitable. The fear of japan being involved (due to american bases) would widen the war.
North Korea would unlikely sit still.
This would be world war 3.
So stop fantasising about take downs, and viewing global catastrophe as a t.v show.
Instead petition your goverment to crack down on indias gang rape culture that has led delhi to being the rape capital of the world.
Typical example of quoting out of context and cheerleading . So out of my entire post of 10 lines you only saw this line. Why getting so angry. Take Chill Pill or you did suddenly remembered you haven't done your daily quota of cheerleading :D

Takes down china. You make it sound like chinas some dum little state that has nothing to defend itself, would lie back and let uncle sam march to beijing.
A nuke war would be inevitable. The fear of japan being involved (due to american bases) would widen the war.
North Korea would unlikely sit still.
This would be world war 3.

Thats exactly the reason why we must sit out.

And if Rape doesn't happen in the land of pure :blah:
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