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Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China

Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China​


The U.S. military has begun a staged, five-year process that will see each of its three main stealth warplane types deployed to bases near China. When the deployments are complete in 2017, Air Force F-22s and B-2s and Marine Corps F-35s could all be within striking range of America’s biggest economic rival at the same time. With Beijing now testing its own radar-evading jet fighters — two different models, to be exact — the clock is counting down to a stealth warplane showdown over the Western Pacific.

The gradual creation of the U.S. stealth strike force is an extension of the Pentagon’s much-touted “strategic pivot” to the Pacific region, and echoes the much faster formation, earlier this year, of a similar (but only partially stealthy) aerial armada in the Persian Gulf. That team of F-22s, non-stealthy F-15s and specialized “Bacon” radio-translator planes was clearly meant to deter a belligerent Iran, although the Pentagon denied it.

The announcements of new Pacific deployments of F-22s, F-35s and B-2s have come like a drumbeat in recent weeks. Early last month, 8th Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Stephen Wilson, who controls the Air Force’s 20-strong B-2 fleet normally based in Missouri, said “small numbers” of his multi-billion-dollar batwing bombers would begin rotating into the Pacific and other regions starting next year. The rotations would last “for a few weeks, a couple of times a year,” Wilson told Air Force magazine.

For the B-2s, which are being heavily upgraded with new radars and communications, the planned deployments represent a return to form. Beginning in the early 2000s, B-2s frequently deployed to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, occasionally accompanied by stealthy F-22s. But the Pacific rotations were tough on the tiny B-2 force. In 2008 one of the bombers crashed and burned at Andersen; two years later another B-2 suffered a serious engine fire at the remote island base that nearly destroyed the plane.

The Air Force suppressed news of the second incident and quietly pulled the B-2s from the Pacific front line, replacing them with older B-52s. After a period of rest, the stealth bomber fleet is now ready to get back into the habit of operating overseas. “We’re going to put them into the ‘new normal,’” Wilson said.

F-22s, normally based in Florida, Virginia, Alaska and Hawaii, are already regular visitors to Andersen and, more frequently, the Pentagon’s Kadena mega-base in Japan’s Okinawa prefecture. But problems with the pricey, high-flying jet’s oxygen systems resulted in crippling flight restrictions for much of this year. The Air Force believes it has finally figured out how to minimize the choking risk to its (occasionally mutinous) stealth pilots. And in a speech at the National Press Club last week, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said there would be “new deployments of F-22s … to Japan.”

In the same speech, Panetta announced the first planned overseas basing of the still-in-development F-35. The Defense Department is “laying the groundwork” for F-35s to deploy to Iwakuni, Japan, in 2017, Panetta said. Though he did not specify, it’s likely Panetta was referring to the Marines’ vertical-landing F-35B version of the troubled, delayed stealth attack jet, as the B version will be the first of three F-35 models to be cleared for combat — and since Iwakuni traditionally hosts Marine fighters.

To be fair, the B-2s, F-22s and F-35s aren’t expected to fight alone. Besides the existing Pacific force structure of F-15s, F-16s, A-10s and other warplanes, drones and support aircraft, the Pentagon is planning on sending in the Navy’s new P-8 patrol plane and, eventually, the Air Force’s still-unbuilt KC-46 tanker.

Still, it’s possible that all three radar-evading planes could be flying together over the blue waters of the Pacific as early as five years from now. By that time China might have built and deployed combat-ready versions of its own J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters. That doesn’t mean the two aerial armadas will be fighting each other, of course. Conventional war with China is, and will likely remain, unnecessary and unlikely.

For both sides the planned stealth strike forces are all about showing off, and impressing your rival so much that actually fighting him seems unthinkable. And that’s a good thing.

Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China | Danger Room | Wired.com

If this is out and public knowledge, then US has this already ready and US DOD would actually be working on to the next big thing... US DOD doesn't have leaks... period!
So let me Get this Straight....

War is Between US & China....

India And pakistan are no party to war....

China start loosing the war ...

Pakistan as a precautionary measure Will nuke India


I think India did right by changing "No first use Policy" to "No first use Against Non nuclear state"

And seriously :lol:

Thats is what i love about pakistanis..hum to doobange sanam tumko bi le doobange attitude:cheers:

You know us toooooo well :D

Rather a hammerhead shark.

My knowledge about marine life is limited. So i'll agree with you. Hammerhead shark it is!
You know us toooooo well :D

lets make a safety plan in event of any war in asia ...
1) India & Allies will nuke china
2)Pakistan Nuke India
3)Israel Nukes Pakistan
4)Iran nukes Israel and middle east
5)US Nukes Iran
6)Russia Nukes US
7)Nato Nukes Russia and itself gets nuked by Russia

So in case of war i must move to Africa to be Safe:devil:

And why the hell is nobody nuking BD & SL..Seriously WTF
another wet dream , even if china throws away half of its aircraft in the wide blue sea still US doesnot have balls to attack china ...

many reasons but two major

1- US economy can't afford another war specially with a major country like china ...

2- Nukes, with this number of nuclear weapons china can nuke the hell out of US and the allies

Baffled to see how many people here including the ones with so many post counts are having wet dreams just to satisfy their ego and remove frustration against china ....

how can even so basic things sometimes are so hard to understand and make even mature ones to fly in dream world.

If you wana wage a ww3 and want many countries to disappear from the face of the earth hell try waging a war !!! have balls go ahead
lets make a safety plan in event of any war in asia ...
1) India & Allies will nuke china
2)Pakistan Nuke India
3)Israel Nukes Pakistan
4)Iran nukes Israel and middle east
5)US Nukes Iran
6)Russia Nukes US
7)Nato Nukes Russia and itself gets nuked by Russia

So in case of war i must move to Africa to be Safe:devil:

And why the hell is nobody nuking BD & SL..Seriously WTF

hahahaha nice plan. Lets book a plane to Madagascar!... I like to move it move it, you like to... :D
hahahaha nice plan. Lets book a plane to Madagascar!... I like to move it move it, you like to... :D

Only on one condition we won't book ticket on Air penguin....those penguins cannot fly the plane ....lets set the ball rolling

Ontopic :-
US economy can't afford another war specially with a major country like china ...

US owes china a trillion dollar in treasury reimbursement....Attacking China will wipe this debt out...As it make two provision...
1) US can default on provision coz of war
2) US can print as much as a dollar as it want in with Congress approval in event of war...

U forget....US is a war machine...War is the stimulus its need to revive its economy..

Lets see In case of War 2 thing rises one thing falls
1)Gold }
2)Oil } Rises


on which all three US has monopoly and maximum ownership too...

This is just a peak into something much larger....i can't disclose rest ......TC:cheers:
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If China goes, India will soon follow. Do you think when China is falling, Pakistan would sit idly by and watch it fall so that India could dominate this region? Hell No! We will nuke India before any such thing happens. :D :sniper:

another wet dream , even if china throws away half of its aircraft in the wide blue sea still US doesnot have balls to attack china ...

many reasons but two major

1- US economy can't afford another war specially with a major country like china ...

2- Nukes, with this number of nuclear weapons china can nuke the hell out of US and the allies

Baffled to see how many people here including the ones with so many post counts are having wet dreams just to satisfy their ego and remove frustration against china ....

how can even so basic things sometimes are so hard to understand and make even mature ones to fly in dream world.

If you wana wage a ww3 and want many countries to disappear from the face of the earth hell try waging a war !!! have balls go ahead

U.S engaged USSR :coffee:

and why u ppl bring nukes every where ..seems nukes are part of dinner of every pakistani :rofl:

and U.S is even generations ahead of chinese and even chinese cudnt leave russians :) baaki teri marji ..

u can keep boosting ur ego n overestimating chinese ....

just compare US navy with entire chinese force :wave:
Pivot towards asia is a pivot towards asia,not China alone. Yanks have made it clear,so don't cry when they come after more asian countries after China is dealt with.
Pivot towards asia is a pivot towards asia,not China alone. Yanks have made it clear,so don't cry when they come after more asian countries after China is dealt with.

Thats why india needs to always remain behind china and it will keep both west and chinese to be with india :D
good work by the usa.:usflag:
this will keep a check on china.

and after china turn of india comes..u think americans let us grow more than them??they do not leave any nation which have an independent foreign policy if they challenge their supremacy..after 2 decades india will be in a position of todays china..and they will have the same strategy against us too..
They will take us,out one by one to fulfill the dream of an American century. Be careful,who you support.
India's not going to be taken out. It is diplomatically unaligned and poses no immediate threat to the American mainland. The US can't mess with Russia directly.
That only leaves China who will possibly be unable to mount a significant counter-attack in case of war.

Pakistan's bureaucracy is too pro-US for them to attack us full on. So we're not getting hit either (except by drones :angry:)
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