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Pentagon paying China for data band width.

You claimed the governor of California pursued Chinese train technology. This isn't true China made the offer and lobbied the state of California in 2010, the crash occurred in 2011 and California lost interest in the Chinese offer. Thanks but the US isn't interested in seriously flawed designs :laughcry:


NOOOOOOOOO, don't post this story!! It'll make me look even more desperate since it's a year earlier than the last one.
Very impressed, China finally have what we in the US take for granted for nearly a century. Also GM helped make China the worlds largest auto maker..yay!:china:

Just curious, is it DBC or Mr. DBC posting here these days?
Very impressed, China finally have what we in the US take for granted for nearly a century. Also GM helped make China the worlds largest auto maker..yay!:china:

A century? Widespread car ownership and migration to the suburbs in the US could not have happened without the US Interstate System, which was initiated in 1956 under Eisenhower and wasn't completed until 1992 (the original portion).

In any case, get used to being number two.:yay:

Obviously , it a hard pill difficult to swallow for hardcore American fans like jhungary.. Does Pentagon complain about British Satelite, French, South Korea and Israel military equipment or satelite causing possible leaking of classify data or spying? No....

But its obvious , Pentagon claim China is possible doing espionage of US therefore banning any US satelite launched by Chinese rocket and even blaming Huawei equipment involved in spying for PLA and banning them involved in any business ventured in USA...

Now after so much hooha of Chinese company or equipment spying or stealing US military data. The ironic is US is eating humble pie and using a Chinese satelite for MILITARY BANDWIDTH.. If you think there is no problem. Obviously, you have no answer for US double standard or just admit even Pentagon needs China help. So ask your Pentagon to shout the up about China spying or stealing US classify data or eat back the words since you are using Chinese bandwidth.

I think you have low to no understanding of the Espionage......

I used to work as an Military Intel Liason, There are more "Friendly Spy" then "Unfriendly Spy" in US At anytime. That translate to there are more British, French, South Korean Spy in US at any time than there are Chinese, North Korean or Russian spy.

This is because it's a lot easier to say, allow a British Spy into our country, than to say, allowing a Chinese Spy into the US.

So, the very notion of

"Does Pentagon complain about British Satelite, French, South Korea and Israel military equipment or satelite causing possible leaking of classify data or spying? No...."

is simply incorrect

Australia smashes South Korean spy ring: report - The West Australian

Refreshing News: Australia 'cracked top-secret US jet fighter codes'

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Is South Korea an ally to Australia?

Is Australia an allied to the US?

Is US an Allied to the Australian??

Spying within friendly and trusted country DO EXIST, and Pentagon DO COMPLAINT ABOUT IT. You just don't usually hear about them because both country try very hard to bury those news so that this will not damage the rep of both country. You don't hear about them often does not mean they do not happens.

What's more, can you guess which country have the most spies in the US? Up until I was in the Military Intel office, it was the French.

Going back to the satellite things, you can say what you want but I honestly does not see what is the big deal out of it. We need bandwidth, you guys have the satellite, plus your rent is cheap. This is an oblivious move that we rent your satellite.

If you are talking about the information security, then let me ask you one thing, is there are any Chinese Citizen currently in US who had Computer Access? If there are, it's a lot easier to crack the code inside the US rather to intercept the same piece of message in your own satellite. Both Computer in US end and the satellite used the same DOD 256 bit SSI encryption. Everyone have a computer inside US soil can potentially hack in to the Pentagon Mainframe and hack all the data, instead of just hacking the satellite for the COM-LINK in Africa.

We are more carefully to Chinese Citizens who work in Telecommunication sector than you lot trying to figure out Soldier communication in Africa. Hence we do not allow Chinese firm to bid the US COMS infrastructure.

Your post does not make sense, it do make sense if we see them as a chest thumping post lol

@ The rest of you

Should not talk about train, this is not about public transport or train, try not to derail the topic at hand, if Chinese want to discuss the public transport system, open a thread, we can talk there thank you
The US is so f-king stupid. By allowing the Chinese to have close access to such sensitive communication via Sat's, we have just allowed them to up their game and pick up what stage we are at. We have single handedly, allowed China to know where we stand and this will push them to steer their research and capabilities towards this way.
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