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Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star appeared at a youth tennis event in Beijing this morning

fake and staged

get her out of China with all her family members and then ask her question by a independent panel of judges

having your family in a Gulag while you are paraded in front of the cameras is no freedom

and you can tell by the facial expression she is very uncomfortable
LOL, you can never wake up a person who is pretending asleep, he just snores louder. :coffee:
get her out of China with all her family members and then ask her question by a independent panel of judges

having your family in a Gulag while you are paraded in front of the cameras is no freedom

and you can tell by the facial expression she is very uncomfortable
LOl, Who told you that she wants to leave China? western media also claimed that Xi jingping disappeared, should China also geet Xi jingping out of China to receive US investigation?
Bottom line - there is widespread sexual abuse by CCP; of course it is well documented how Mao prefered young girls.

It is amazing how all the eunuch brigade is sanitising the victimisation of a civilian. Thank fully due to pressure they were able to give her some freedom. But she is a fortunate one but they will continue to harass her.

It is really pathetic - noone of the ccp cleaning brigade bothers to really say how his flipping wife was involved in this too.

Personally, reason why they shut her down - there are thousands of such cases which disappear because CCP is too glorious.

and please -- spare me the machismo factor.
well, did her appearance answer your "where is she now?" are you ok with that?
fake and staged

get her out of China with all her family members and then ask her question by a independent panel of judges

having your family in a Gulag while you are paraded in front of the cameras is no freedom

and you can tell by the facial expression she is very uncomfortable
what is next after she got out of china?
she must be interviewed by you personally?
well, did her appearance answer your "where is she now?" are you ok with that?

what is next after she got out of china?
she must be interviewed by you personally?

Still not - why did she disappear? What are her posts taken down? - so much for freedom of citizen. Definitely a staged - man you people are so poor at such attempts it is so blantly visible.

What about thousands of others who have been sexually abused by your glorious party leaders and kept quiet?

hmm.. i see your are another one of the CCP cleaning brigade; so they are recruiting now from malay chinese now or just another false flag.

Kid - seriously - PM me seperately, you are intelligent why dont you find a good education and work for a living vs being a lapdog for these people.
We are not obligated to prove whether she's still alive or dead. Chinese Government need not be so defensive in their approach. If the west zombies are so concerned about her, let them come to China and see for themselves.
fake and staged

get her out of China with all her family members and then ask her question by a independent panel of judges

having your family in a Gulag while you are paraded in front of the cameras is no freedom

and you can tell by the facial expression she is very uncomfortable

I think you're overdosing, Like other Americans.

BTW: Next month, China is about to issue a sanctions 2021 list against American politicians, so first think about how to retaliate against us. Oh, I forgot that the USA has not retaliated against China's sanctions 2020 list against pompeio and others politicians.
We are not obligated to prove whether she's still alive or dead. Chinese Government need not be so defensive in their approach. If the west zombies are so concerned about her, let them come to China and see for themselves.

This is not an issue between the west and China, this is an issue of one Chinese citizen accusing another of raping her.
This is not a foreign policy issue or a national security issue, it's not like regime change would have happened or HK and Tawian would have gone independent if the government/judiciary would have launched an investigation in to Peng's rape allegations (even if it was an investigation which would have said Zhang is not guilty).
Peng is not a a westerner, she is a Chinese citizen, and she didn't post her allegations on NY times or CNN or other western media, she posted it on Chinese media.
And I don't know why some of our fellow members going this far protecting Zhang as if he is president of China, he is not even a current official, he is just a former official. It's not like she accused Xi of raping her, she accused a former politician.

I was glad to see we had at least one Chinese member here who saw that the government's response was flawed but unfortunately all others are just dismissing this as fake western news, again these allegations were not originally posted on CNN, they were posted on Chinese media.

If I was trying to protect the image of the Chinese governmnet then I would have probably said something like "Zhang is just one guy, his actions do not reflect the will and principles of the Chinese people and government, the government's response was a mistake but all governments commit mistakes from time to time" that is what I was hopping our fellow Chinese members would have said yet what I saw was just people saying these are fake allegations, are they trying to imply her account was hacked by the CIA to post these comments or something?

And it's not like the Chinese governmnet never punished corrupt politicians before so what's so special about Zhang that made them go this far for his sake?
What do you honetsly think? Do you think that Peng was lying or what?

And if Zhang (along with possibly his wife) was indeed guilty of raping a young woman then do you honestly think a guy like him has morals or cares about things such as regaining Taiwan or rejuvination etc..?
This is not an issue between the west and China, this is an issue of one Chinese citizen accusing another of raping her.
This is not a foreign policy issue or a national security issue, it's not like regime change would have happened or HK and Tawian would have gone independent if the government/judiciary would have launched an investigation in to Peng's rape allegations (even if it was an investigation which would have said Zhang is not guilty).
Peng is not a a westerner, she is a Chinese citizen, and she didn't post her allegations on NY times or CNN or other western media, she posted it on Chinese media.
And I don't know why some of our fellow members going this far protecting Zhang as if he is president of China, he is not even a current official, he is just a former official. It's not like she accused Xi of raping her, she accused a former politician.

I was glad to see we had at least one Chinese member here who saw that the government's response was flawed but unfortunately all others are just dismissing this as fake western news, again these allegations were not originally posted on CNN, they were posted on Chinese media.

If I was trying to protect the image of the Chinese governmnet then I would have probably said something like "Zhang is just one guy, his actions do not reflect the will and principles of the Chinese people and government, the government's response was a mistake but all governments commit mistakes from time to time" that is what I was hopping our fellow Chinese members would have said yet what I saw was just people saying these are fake allegations, are they trying to imply her account was hacked by the CIA to post these comments or something?

And it's not like the Chinese governmnet never punished corrupt politicians before so what's so special about Zhang that made them go this far for his sake?
What do you honetsly think? Do you think that Peng was lying or what?

And if Zhang (along with possibly his wife) was indeed guilty of raping a young woman then do you honestly think a guy like him has morals or cares about things such as regaining Taiwan or rejuvination etc..?
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This is the screenshot of PengShuai's blog. You can use the translation software to view it.
It clearly means having an affair, not rape. The only difference between Clinton and him is. Hillary wasn't outside the door.
CNN lied.
Peng Shuai's blog said she had an affair with Zhang Gaoli, but CNN changed to rape.
It's a long term affair. over 7 years. Peng herself said she's ashamed of being a home wrecker and couldn't get along with Gao's wife. Gao said to her that he felt very lonely but he can't divorce his wife because of his high government position. Peng also said she loved him. Where did the western media get the info that she was raped?
Peng herself said she's ashamed of being a home wrecker and couldn't get along with Gao's wife.
Would you mind pointing out exactly where in her original post (in Chinese) did she say the part that I quoted from you? Along with the english translation because Google translate can't get it right.
It's a long term affair. over 7 years. Peng herself said she's ashamed of being a home wrecker and couldn't get along with Gao's wife. Gao said to her that he felt very lonely but he can't divorce his wife because of his high government position. Peng also said she loved him. Where did the western media get the info that she was raped?

Peng Shuai said on her microblog: Three years ago (2018), she met Zhang Gaoli again in Beijing. Zhang Gaoli told Peng Shuai that she had never forgotten her, and then they had a relationship again (when the relationship happened, his wife was outside the door). But Zhang Gaoli cheated her, and then he cut off all contact with Peng Shuai. Peng Shuai felt very sad and angry.

According to Swedish law, sexual intercourse through deception is rape. Although the BBC is not Swedish media and Peng Shuai and Zhang Gaoli are not Swedish, I believe the BBC will interpret it with Swedish law.
Would you mind pointing out exactly where in her original post (in Chinese) did she say the part that I quoted from you? Along with the english translation because Google translate can't get it right.

You can copy these words directly and translate them. It's easy to understand them:





BTW: Let me remind you. The real victim of this incident is Zhang Gaoli's wife. Zhang Gaoli and Peng Shuai are both wrong people.
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