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Tennis' 'huge' $1 billion Peng Shuai boycott

Since this Steve Simon refuse to talk via email to Peng, but just issue press statement via WTA.

I guess one way for Peng if she is willing to give up her professional career with WTA.

She can hire a professional lawyer preferably an international one and issue a statement that categorically bar WTA to issue statement on her behalf, especially that she make a "sexual assault" allegation.

And bill the lawyer fee to WTA.
Since this Steve Simon refuse to talk via email to Peng, but just issue press statement via WTA.

I guess one way for Peng if she is willing to give up her professional career with WTA.

She can hire a professional lawyer preferably an international one and issue a statement that categorically bar WTA to issue statement on her behalf, especially that she make a "sexual assault" allegation.

And bill the lawyer fee to WTA.

Targeting the WTA sponsors will cause far greater problems for the WTA.
Yes, I think he is mad at China prior to Peng Shuai. Because he is acting really strangely.

Peng Shuai send him email on the 17th asking for privacy and copy to 4 other people in WTA that she usually has contact with (one named Flora), since Peng is an active member of WTA. And this Steve Simon said he tried repeatedly to contact her and receive no reply. That is obviously a lie.

He appears to be a half-wit; cannot even appropriately conspire. His leash-holders should be furious at him.

UK and US are protector of human rights and angels on earth?

Abu Ghuraib had no female prisoner and the wedding convoys in Afghanistan only had males. So, yes, the US and UK are angels.
China and Russia are both 2 evils of the same coin and should be punished like this

both kill journalists in very brutal ways and apparently both claim to be superpowers and yet are afraid of painters and decorator's, writers and artists

and now it seems female tennis players too
And America and the west doesn't do that?.
We're you sleeping during the gitmo crisis, Abu gharaib, targeted killing of journalists in Iraq and Syria and Israel. But we get blinkered dont we because of what fox news feeds us
And America and the west doesn't do that?.
We're you sleeping during the gitmo crisis, Abu gharaib, targeted killing of journalists in Iraq and Syria and Israel. But we get blinkered dont we because of what fox news feeds us

I cannot relate to these 2 alien nations

at least US speaks English and allow us to practice our religion in open and free and even become muslims after seeing us

Chinese and Russia and 2 worst countries in the World
Once out of the China market, it will be permanent.

China can apply third party sanctions to WTA sponsors too. Any company that is a sponsor of the WTA will be banned from doing business with China. Choose the WTA or the China market. You will see a mass exodus of the companies sponsoring the WTA. The money for the WTA will dry up.

China can cause major problems for the WTA.

it will be good for the world

biggest mistake was allowing China into WTO in 2000 fake and counterfeit goods flooded the world markets

dont worry we will fix that mistake now though
I cannot relate to these 2 alien nations

at least US speaks English and allow us to practice our religion in open and free and even become muslims after seeing us

Chinese and Russia and 2 worst countries in the World

it will be good for the world

biggest mistake was allowing China into WTO in 2000 fake and counterfeit goods flooded the world markets

dont worry we will fix that mistake now though
Have you forgotten the qureash? How they treated Muslims? Be patient. We jump on the bandwagon of Islam quick but only even it suits us.
look how poor girl surrounded by secret service and the photo clearly show her in a secret re-education center in middle of Gobi dessert

One secret service agent is incredibly tall.

One secret service agent is incredibly tall.
Intimidation tactic , just look how he look at her. I'm sure the hand that is behind the secret service agent in front of him carry a switchblade or gun or .....
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