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Tennis' 'huge' $1 billion Peng Shuai boycott

Politically motivated lmfao, as if public opinion impacts politicians in China.

Yes, that's what they convinced her in the re-education camp. That she lied.

The entire thing was a complete fraud. But lying and manipulation to the zog news networks is like water to fish, nothing new.

BTW, China's govt is very sensitive about public opinion, they just have a different system, but they have many outlets to collect data including apps which citizens use to launch complaints. They are much more pro-active about addressing issues people are pissed about than most democratically elected governments, how do you think they've made so much progress in such a short time?

Not that you care anyways, like you're just here to spread propaganda so it's pointless having this conversation.
Western MSM takes their readers as stupid idiots. Apparently, they have a good scientific basis to this conviction.
They aren't wrong.
so are you proud that CCP official raped female tennis star and you are saying its ok?

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
First of all, none of the allegations of rape were proven and even Peng Huai herself admitted that she was misquoted.

2nd, the intimate relationship between them has lasted for 7 years.

So the whole affair sounds both illogical and incoherent to folks like us.

Of course it won't apply to those who are trolling. They like to believe it is true.
It is bizarred to imagine that the Western News Media could continue to harp on her being presecuted by the Chinese Government in their reports despite her continuous denials and now in body.

What has happens to real journalism?

That is how the US Psyop works.
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