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Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star appeared at a youth tennis event in Beijing this morning


Nov 4, 2011
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Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star whose welfare has been the focus of intense international concern, appeared at a youth tennis event in Beijing on Sunday morning. Peng was standing at the sidelines of the Fila Kids Junior Tennis Challenger Finals.Video of Peng at the event was also shared on Twitter by several state media reporters earlier on Sunday morning.


Couples of months ago, coverage of Jack Ma's " disappearacne" was all over western media channels, they only found out later than Jack Ma was in Hong kong vacationing, last year they even reported Xi's disappearance and kim jong un's possible death... lol..
Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star whose welfare has been the focus of intense international concern, appeared at a youth tennis event in Beijing on Sunday morning. Peng was standing at the sidelines of the Fila Kids Junior Tennis Challenger Finals.Video of Peng at the event was also shared on Twitter by several state media reporters earlier on Sunday morning.

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Couples of months ago, coverage of Jack Ma's " disappearacne" was all over western media channels, they only found out later than Jack Ma was in Hong kong vacationing, last year they even reported Xi's disappearance and kim jong un's possible death... lol..

It's a coordinated media campaign targeting the Beijing Olympics from the very start.
She's obviously a robot, like the Terminator. We can call her T2021. :azn:
Someone who have been in position of wealth and power knows girls attracted to you like crazy. They give you free fcuk and wet dream you will divorce your wife. Girls rather give these old man fcuk than marry good guys next door.

This is a romantic event. It is quite acceptable if the guy is a business man or rock star. When he is a CPC member, it become not acceptable not just for US, but for china also.
Lots of people disappear in the US due to police violence. They literally disappear. Yet the US media weeps over rich and/or famous people in foreign countries. They even weep over individual foreign dogs.

No weeping over US human loss. That's elite hatred of its own lower castes.
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In China, extramarital affairs are not illegal, but it is a serious violation of discipline. If Peng Shuai has any photos or videos in his hand, Zhang Gaoli is likely to be punished by CCDI. Although retired, Zhang Gaoli is likely to be deprived of Party membership and public office. This directly affects his retirement treatment.
Zhang Gaoli is old and ugly, and he has some stutters, and his voice is very hoarse. If he runs for election, he is sure to lose. But Chinese don't care about his ugliness and lack of eloquence. We like competent officials. We don't need talk show talent.
Zhang Gaoli once served as secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party committee (1997-2001), under his leadership, Shenzhen began to develop rapidly.
From 2013 to 2018, he was the Vice Premier in charge of economic work. Everyone can see his achievements, we won the trade war.
An official like Zhang Gaoli Can succeed in a country only like China, and his political achievements also have lived up to the position given to him by China.
Zhang Gaoli's position was obtained through his political achievements and efforts. If he is deprived of his achievements in his life because of an extramarital affair, I think it is unfair to him.
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Affairs is very bad for communist party organization, especially if they couple belongs to the same organization. In Vietnam, the party discipline is vigilant on sexual relationship even at the cadre children level. The public servant will be deprive on any promotion on the even the minor ground that his children divorced.

One can interpret this as unfair or too strict, but it really rein a lot of party members and enforce discipline. I am not saying CPV members are moral but at the very least, it make sure that the elites got to pay a lot of monies to the lovers on breaking off. This solve a lot of grievances.
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