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PDM Govt Plans to arrest Imran Khan

Common man is ready for any misadventure by anyone. No one is above law,

Common men & women in their millions sacrificed all they had to form this country & then took body blows after body blows not only for their own freedom but also for their brothers & sisters in Kashmir & Afghanistan.

After 1947, Common men & women’s only cardinal sin, was not to recognise the Murtad or Mulhid o Munafiq East India company sepoys and loyalists for being the Murtad o Munafiq o Mulhid that they were & letting them create & entrench themselves in a new form of colonialist project.
Does that eventuality include uprooting the rot at its helm?
Or preventing your mortal enemy from slicing you up in two pieces or preventing Salala attack or Mehran base attack or Abbottabad raid or ongoing slaughter of soldiers by TTP or BLA?
I concur and my assessment is that Zardari is using PML(N) as the proverbial qubani ka bakra but in this case, it's a wild boar :D

Yes this is what I think too.

PPP's biggest enemy is PMLN. PPP doesn't consider PTI an enemy on the historical scale of PMLN and what PMLN has done to PPP.

Zardari claimed Sharif brothers kidnapped him.

Zardari fetched the kursi of PM to PMLN and they grabbed it and took the bait.

Only reason why Zardari is worried about Imran's arrest is because is popularity will end up spilling over in Sindh which threatens his fortress.
I dont think neutrals are dumb enough to arrest IK. If they did intent to, they would do it without giving notice. They and PDM are simply testing the waters.

Having said that, I also would not be surprised if they did arrest IK or have him taken out. They showed they miscalculations when overthrowing IK. They are too consumed with power and believe they can do as they please and are answerable to no one.. But IK has opened the peoples eyes, at this point Bajwa and establishment are digging their one grave.

Ironically IK being arrested and or killed is exaclty what needs to happen to finally break establishments hold on Pakistan. IK is too much of pacifist to anything on his own accord.
They have the script that was given to Sissy which called for far extreme and violent actions with fully international cover and support. Arresting IK is a Sunday picnic in comparison.

Man... These neutrals are destroying the whatever support left for pdm.

pmln has been hit the hardest. Establishment be like "hum tou doobay hain sanam tum ko bhi lay doobaingay".

they have to kill the man to survive. But even then they won't survive after that.

Maryam wants her father back, if not, she wants to visit him, but she is not allowed to leave the country. Shahbaz is not trusting Maryam, Maryam is not trusting Shahbaz. Nawaz is not trusting neutrals and doesn't want to come back. He wants Imran Khan arrested and a free run in the elections, and a guarantee that he won't be arrested. But no one is giving him this guarantee. Even his own brother is not sure. They wanted to send ishaq dar to test the waters but ishaq doesn't want to become a guinea pig.

It's a hilarious situation. On the other hand Khan sahib is ready to visit police station. He has even changed into casual clothes.

Lol seriously what is going on in Pakistan.
Plot twist : It has always been an elaborate plan to screw over PMLN for good.
They have the script that was given to Sissy which called for far extreme and violent actions with fully international cover and support. Arresting IK is a Sunday picnic in comparison.

Morsi didn't have support in Egypt the way Imran Khan does in Pakistan.
Plot twist : It has always been an elaborate plan to screw over PMLN for good.

It does look like that at times. It started from General Musharaff time when he said we need a 3rd force in politics, then slowly IK, Dr TQ started their movements, slowly they grew, changing people mindset and calling for a change, reforms, then IK won KPK and then 5 years later the government. Since his removal its been going backwards to 1990s, one change is Establishment and PDM have become naked in front of the nation.

Morsi didn't have support in Egypt the way Imran Khan does in Pakistan.

Morsi had bigger support than IK. The Muslim Brotherhood has million of members and billion of funds, plus state level support from Turkey and Qatar. The downfall was when MB came to power, they started to have disagreements with rival political parties, secularists, the elite, judiciary, military, police, just about anyone. Then the military used that against them and crushed them. If free and fair elections MB would win in Egypt.
Thread title updated by Agnostic Muslim. I take full responsibility. This is no time to hide and not call out the treason and dictatorship imposed upon Pakistan.


He is taking Bajwa and Co head on …
... or exactly according to traditional planning. No one should be surprised, dare I say.

Everyone should be surprised.

The ruling coalition and estab has already been surprised very much, that after 3 months they are still scratching their heads why the original plan did not go as smooth as they hoped.

The reaction of the people was not what they expected, and frankly, not what I had expected either. Everyone thought IK would go, people would be fed up with him, and we'll be back to normal. But that hasn't been the case.

I think Nawaz Sharif's ouster gave a lot of false hope to some, jaisay woh gaya tha yeh bhi chala jaye ga.
Yes this is what I think too.

PPP's biggest enemy is PMLN. PPP doesn't consider PTI an enemy on the historical scale of PMLN and what PMLN has done to PPP.

Zardari claimed Sharif brothers kidnapped him.

Zardari fetched the kursi of PM to PMLN and they grabbed it and took the bait.

Only reason why Zardari is worried about Imran's arrest is because is popularity will end up spilling over in Sindh which threatens his fortress.
IK could even say he is repeating the example of ZA Bhutto by standing up for the nation In his appeal to the people of Sindh. IK in jail is definitely more of a threat to the PPP’s underdog appeal then IK just in Bani gala.
Everyone should be surprised.

The ruling coalition and estab has already been surprised very much, that after 3 months they are still scratching their heads why the original plan did not go as smooth as they hoped.

The reaction of the people was not what they expected, and frankly, not what I had expected either. Everyone thought IK would go, people would be fed up with him, and we'll be back to normal. But that hasn't been the case.

I think Nawaz Sharif's ouster gave a lot of false hope to some, jaisay woh gaya tha yeh bhi chala jaye ga.

For one, I am not at all surprised, as I have said here many times. Let us see how things proceed with the next elections and what happens after they are done with a new setup in place. That is the important stuff, not what is happening right now, in my view.
Everyone should be surprised.

The ruling coalition and estab has already been surprised very much, that after 3 months they are still scratching their heads why the original plan did not go as smooth as they hoped.

The reaction of the people was not what they expected, and frankly, not what I had expected either. Everyone thought IK would go, people would be fed up with him, and we'll be back to normal. But that hasn't been the case.

I think Nawaz Sharif's ouster gave a lot of false hope to some, jaisay woh gaya tha yeh bhi chala jaye ga.

If you spoke to ppp and Pmln supporters, they all said IK is hated by all, people had enough of him, maybe this is what made them think we could remove IK and it would be game over for him. Certainly a big miscalculation.

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