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PDF Project: Case study of IRAQ-IRAN WAR

@BATMAN @al-Hasani
This thread is only to induct volunteers. This is not a discussion, if you want that then create your own thread and do so as you please.

Now, kindly, leave this thread and stop harrassing the few members on thie forum who actually want to do something.

What are you talking about? Nobody is harassing anybody. The individual I replayed to, after he attacked me and quoted me out of nowhere, is a well-known troll. I already wrote two constructive posts in this thread and gave my opinion about this project.
Deciding pattern:
Trilogy style-check

okey @jaibi @Slav Defence can u tell us how is the pattern then ?

we already started article gathering with no pattern in hand .

how should we start ? is this project just military aspect oriented or it has a historical approach too ?
@BATMAN @al-Hasani
This thread is only to induct volunteers. This is not a discussion, if you want that then create your own thread and do so as you please.

Now, kindly, leave this thread and stop harrassing the few members on thie forum who actually want to do something.

In other words only the people from your clan.
Rest assure, there will always be tit for tat reply, to any one resorting to personal attacks and abusing Pakistan.

And Annunakis and Martians and the Church of Flying Spagetti Monster as well . Even Aliens are scared that the shiny green lands of Pakistan are meant to rule the whole multi-verse so are conspiring against it .

Oh so a favorite Indian is allowed to troll. Glaring example of bias.
Remember your words when you and your loyalists level baseless allegations.
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okey @jaibi @Slav Defence can u tell us how is the pattern then ?

we already started article gathering with no pattern in hand .

how should we start ? is this project just military aspect oriented or it has a historical approach too ?
Initiate your work from gathering such factors due to which this war took place,find out:
-what are the reasons due to which this war broke out?
So,your pattern will be like this:
Historical background such as:
-Change in Iranian government
-Change in Iraqi government
-political clashes between two
regimes of different countries
-Operations that took place during war
-compare armies Iran-Iraq,such as their position,their power,their weapons etc

@Cherokee......you tooo,quit making off-topic posts

And quit trolling

Focus of the study 'e.g. battle/politics/history and so on'
Methodology (whom have you considered, why, why not, why is it best)
Results (what happened: history of the engagement, narrative, date by date)
Discussion (critical evaluation)

Check out @AUSTERLITZ 's posts for a good idea of how it's done.

okey @jaibi @Slav Defence can u tell us how is the pattern then ?

we already started article gathering with no pattern in hand .

how should we start ? is this project just military aspect oriented or it has a historical approach too ?

@Aeronaut can you please clear this up?

intro -

The Iran–Iraq War, also known as the First Persian Gulf War, was an armed conflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq lasting from September 1980 to August 1988, making it the 20th century's longest conventional war .

The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran via air and land on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was motivated by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency among Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority as well as Iraq's desire to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state.

the war had 100,000+ civilians killed on both sides (not including 182,000 civilians killed in the Al-Anfal Campaign) Total: 1,250,000 killed

With more than a million casualties in the war from both sides, it was also one of the bloodiest wars of the last century.

Iraq envisioned that its invasion of Iran in September 1980 would lead to a swift victory, given the recent revolution in Iran and the large-scale desertions from the army following the revolution, which were estimated at 60 percent. Iraq quickly occupied the port city of Khorramshahr in September 1980. Despite its weakened army and untrained forces, the Iranian forces were able to fight off Iraq’s attempt to take the city of Abadan, where the largest oil refinery of Middle East at the time was housed. It took two years for Iran to free the city of Khorramshahr (1982), at which point the Islamic Republic decided to turn on the offensive and attack Iraqi territory.

The war continued for another six years, and when both sides finally signed the ceasefire, no territorial changes had taken place during the war.

The war cost both sides in economic damage: half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers are believed to have died, with many more injured; however, the war brought neither reparations nor changes in borders. The conflict has been compared to World War I in terms of the tactics used, including large-scale trench warfare with barbed wire stretched across trenches, manned machine-gun posts, bayonet charges, human wave attacks across a no-man's land, and extensive use of chemical weapons such as mustard gas by the Iraqi government against Iranian troops, civilians, and Iraqi Kurds. At the time of the conflict, the U.N. Security Council issued statements that "chemical weapons had been used in the war." U.N. statements never clarified that only Iraq was using chemical weapons, and according to retrospective authors "the international community remained silent as Iraq used weapons of mass destruction against Iranian as well as Iraqi Kurds

in this article u will explore the interesting but unfortunate turn of events in iran-iraq war from historical and military aspects .


source : Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran-Iraq War - The Skin That Burns

Iran-Iraq War -- Encyclopedia Britannica


@Slav Defence @Joe Shearer

modification and comment please !

From para 1-2 mark it for introduction,and look for more material to modify it.

Don't forget to add citations,at the end with references-
That was a bad intro.:tsk:You don't give away the results and gist of the whole war in the first small post itself.

First give a idea of the political situation in the area before the war.[with a map]Then explore factors that led to the conflict.[saddam's role,economic factors,sectarian divide].In this wikipedia offers a easy source for a compressed gist.
Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also watch this documentary,this is part 1 .Watch all 3 parts to get a better idea of what ur writing about.
Then before starting into operations make a comparative analysis of the armies involved,their tactics,equipment,strength and weaknesses and how they would change over the course of the war.
study of battle of the iraq iran war - Google Search
This link is a google search,the 6th search result which is a pdf file termed lessons of modern war chapter 12 will help u in this armies analysis section.Complement it with pictures from the net of weapons and armies which are available in abundance in google images.
Now start the operations themselves,even if u can't expand each battle and every move made its all right,[people here are not students of military academies] go methodically and chronologically .Divide the war into several phases.[wikipedia is very good and large in this regard].For the general progress of the war wiki is quite good given the limited info avaialble on net,particular battles count not only on wikipedia but also seperate net searches for expanded info.
For air war search this site.
Fire in the Hills: Iranian and Iraqi Battles of Autumn 1982
And do one thing,don't write a monotonous page after page .Insert photos to make it easy on the eye.
Then finally give results and your view and evaluation of the strategy of both sides and mistakes.And use wiki as ur standard link supplemented by other specialized sources.

Most of all go slow and let it be lengthy,and be patient-don't try to do it in few posts and some links.
It may take a week and even a month to gte whole of it done,but conc on quality-thats all i can say.GL.:tup:
intro -

The Iran–Iraq War, also known as the First Persian Gulf War, was an armed conflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq lasting from September 1980 to August 1988, making it the 20th century's longest conventional war .

The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran via air and land on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was motivated by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency among Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority as well as Iraq's desire to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state.

the war had 100,000+ civilians killed on both sides (not including 182,000 civilians killed in the Al-Anfal Campaign) Total: 1,250,000 killed

With more than a million casualties in the war from both sides, it was also one of the bloodiest wars of the last century.

Iraq envisioned that its invasion of Iran in September 1980 would lead to a swift victory, given the recent revolution in Iran and the large-scale desertions from the army following the revolution, which were estimated at 60 percent. Iraq quickly occupied the port city of Khorramshahr in September 1980. Despite its weakened army and untrained forces, the Iranian forces were able to fight off Iraq’s attempt to take the city of Abadan, where the largest oil refinery of Middle East at the time was housed. It took two years for Iran to free the city of Khorramshahr (1982), at which point the Islamic Republic decided to turn on the offensive and attack Iraqi territory.

The war continued for another six years, and when both sides finally signed the ceasefire, no territorial changes had taken place during the war.

The war cost both sides in economic damage: half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers are believed to have died, with many more injured; however, the war brought neither reparations nor changes in borders. The conflict has been compared to World War I in terms of the tactics used, including large-scale trench warfare with barbed wire stretched across trenches, manned machine-gun posts, bayonet charges, human wave attacks across a no-man's land, and extensive use of chemical weapons such as mustard gas by the Iraqi government against Iranian troops, civilians, and Iraqi Kurds. At the time of the conflict, the U.N. Security Council issued statements that "chemical weapons had been used in the war." U.N. statements never clarified that only Iraq was using chemical weapons, and according to retrospective authors "the international community remained silent as Iraq used weapons of mass destruction against Iranian as well as Iraqi Kurds

in this article u will explore the interesting but unfortunate turn of events in iran-iraq war from historical and military aspects .


source : Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran-Iraq War - The Skin That Burns

Iran-Iraq War -- Encyclopedia Britannica


@Slav Defence @Joe Shearer

modification and comment please !

Sorry, I need time, Mondays and Tuesdays are filled with meetings.
Iran got heavily armed in the 70’s, Iraq had to get to that level after 1980 thus Iraq receiving more help to get to the same level.

And Iran has more people, more land, more money, better weaponry ( F14 with AIM 54 ), best bird in the air during that time, todays F15’s would have issues with the F14. None of us wish to be a puppet so you don’t win any support by saying that. Let’s just stay to topic instead, the war ended a long time ago what are people still angry at ?
well its right that iran get armed better at the 60 start of 70 but guys usually forget that before revolution also iraq and iran had one skirimish with each other and after that saddam heavily started to upgrade its armed force .

also iran government after revolution cancelled all of its arm contract and lost the deal over f16 and more than half of the F14 fleet also we lost the contract over modernizing our navy . and also our yanks were a little outdated compared to iraq .
@jaibi @Slav Defence Another project , seriously ? :what: We are still short of members for the Wiki project and this war has nothing to do with Pakistan military affairs .
@jaibi @Slav Defence Another project , seriously ? :what: We are still short of members for the Wiki project and this war has nothing to do with Pakistan military affairs .
Let us explain before 'murdering us' (as jaibi said) :laugh:
I think that such attempt is made to find out that how many members are eager to work with us?see we got haman10,we can use him for future,plus a guy who has shown interest to support by 'coral graphing' I remember about @SOHEIL, too...who is good with designing airplane blue prints,we can use him for WIKI airforce or missile system.
Plus,this project will help us to find answers of various questions.
Secur,mine and jaibi's guns are blazing at wiki,meanwhile we must not leave rest members idle too,how about giving them some interesting project and observe their skills and capabilities?:D
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