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PDF Project: Case study of IRAQ-IRAN WAR

@jaibi, Is pattern decided then?

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Iraqis were a mess despite the whole behind them From USSR To USA they lost + Chemical weapons + Iraqs whole Army & AF bieng relnished from time to time

Vs a Iran whose Armed forces specially the AF was crippled by Americans + the Ayathollas purged a lot of experienced Officers from Army & airforce

How the hell Iraqis lost I simply Understand:pop:

This seriously requires a case study
All the best for it
They didn't lose nobody won the war only america and israel won that war if wasn't to that war things will be deferent today
For this project to be taken serious you need to have users that are completely neutral and likewise sources. So including those two nationalities in this supposed work is not being serious enough.

Lastly it was a stalemate. 1 Arab country (Iraq) out of 22 Arab countries that is 3 times smaller and had/has a population nearly 2.5 times smaller was not conquered or defeated despite being ruled by a dictator who only had the support of a minority of the country and despite being flat land.

Iraq also faced a Kurdish rebellion in the North at the same time, Israeli air attacks and most of the Iraqi front was in the South (a majority Shia part of Iraq that Saddam neglected and that was very much anti-Saddam and anti-Ba'athi).

So if anything it is astonishing that Iran could not defeat or conquer more Iraqi land even for short periods.
Nice try ask the Baathists and the republican gaurd commanders without USA Iraq would have been iranian colony and don't tell me iraq faced rebellion that was in the 1970 only talabani and barzani were on iran side as for shia 70% of iraqi army were shia if the shia were on iranian side Iraq would be invaded by iran and on iranian side armed forced was not organized even the dawa party was more organized and you nejdi don't have any ties to Iraq or Iraqis
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Nice try ask the Baathists and the republican gaurd commanders without USA Iraq would have been iranian colony
Iran got heavily armed in the 70’s, Iraq had to get to that level after 1980 thus Iraq receiving more help to get to the same level.

and don't tell me iraq faced rebellion that was in the 1970 only talabani and barzani were on iran side as for shia 70% of iraqi army were shia if the shia were on iranian side Iraq would be invaded by iran and on iranian side armed forced was not organized even the dawa party was more organized and you nejdi don't have any ties to Iraq or Iraqis

And Iran has more people, more land, more money, better weaponry ( F14 with AIM 54 ), best bird in the air during that time, todays F15’s would have issues with the F14. None of us wish to be a puppet so you don’t win any support by saying that. Let’s just stay to topic instead, the war ended a long time ago what are people still angry at ?
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I'm posting you as the lead of this project. I shall give you access to the guide on how to write. Get a team together of the people willing to be with you.

@notorious_eagle @Joe Shearer

This might be of interest to you as well.

@Alpha1 can help us with the maps but only when we're done with the complete outline

It is.

I am reading up on it.
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Those are kidnapped kids by warlords of Afghanistan and undercover alliance of Iran, India, Israel and US.
Brain washing of the kids is done in Iran and they are smuggled to Afghanistan and from there they are labeled as Taliban and sent to Pakistan.
Where as Iran loyalists in Pakistan are helping them.

While people like me are kicking a$e$ of your hateful evil agenda.

And Annunakis and Martians and the Church of Flying Spagetti Monster as well . Even Aliens are scared that the shiny green lands of Pakistan are meant to rule the whole multi-verse so are conspiring against it .
@Slav Defence @Alpha1 we can only monitor, sadly, as we would be focused on the Wiki :( though I'd love to have a series like this.

Perhaps @AUSTERLITZ can provide analysis of the campaigns?

@Doritos11 you in too?
Don't worry,we will do it very easily,I am working on wiki as well as I am upto other projects too,we need to give direction to this project which we can do atleast!:)

Can you elaborate? What i'll have to do with missiles?
I will let you know,soon:D
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Sir je, I've found some reports on the naval action but none solely to the air action, might be that you can critique it professionally. Once we assort it.
I will gladly help, although I have to admit my contributions will be based on the material I can find online. I do have a unique perspective based on the fact that in the late 60's and early 70's we were Pakistan Air Force was training Pilots from many Middle Eastern Countries including Iranian and Iraqi Air Force Pilots. Iranian Pilots performed far better than the Iraqis. Some Iranian pilots were also being trained by USAF and after the last batch that graduated with my course in late October, Iran started sending all the future batches to the US.
We're still going for it, ignore batman. I'm a bit busy in this week why don't you and the team involved start with the outline we created with the help of @AUSTERLITZ if you need any help hit @Slav Defence @Aeronaut up and ingore the troll @RescueRanger is with you as well.
so this thread is under attack basically !!! :D

anyhow i think the project is dead for now isnt it @jaibi @Slav Defence @Alpha1

@BATMAN @al-Hasani
This thread is only to induct volunteers. This is not a discussion, if you want that then create your own thread and do so as you please.

Now, kindly, leave this thread and stop harrassing the few members on thie forum who actually want to do something.
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