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PDF Color Scheme

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Then believe it or not....i reported a member's comment against another member on the thread called "which Indian empire was the best" in the morning.And by afternoon it was gone.
I dont know which mod deleted it....but it was quick.:dance3:
Sometime reported posts do not require action so we leave it... Sometimes only reported post is deleted and quoted posts do not require action or we miss it. Sometimes mods are too busy so it is bit late... But mostly appropriate action is taken
Why all of our avatars are coming out as "blurreddd" ?

Fix it guys... :)
Why all of our avatars are coming out as "blurreddd" ?

Fix it guys... :)

Users can upload high resolution avatars soon. We want to increase exposure to the users to give them more popularity throughout the net.
The 'Like' 'Reply' and navigation buttons on the bottom right corner(Page numbers) are very small.Is ther any way to make them bigger!

Two problems.

1: The Avatars are very large in width - please reduce the width a little bit.
2: I can only see 2 and half posts/page... please try to rectify this too.
Impressive look... Nice changes.... Welldone PDF
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For example?

On the forum page, you just had to scroll to the bottom to see the active thread, but in the new system you have to click the new post (can you add that too the new look please), plus the older design was way nicer with the colour theme, this one is way too bright.
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