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1. where can I find my " blinking lightbulb" avatar? Pleeze! I am in the dark man!
2. youtube not connected in old threads
3. how about the Chinese vid connections like "youku'?
4. Chinese characters / words not showing in old threads
5. Similies are cut down!?!
6. all the cumulative " thank received" numbers are gone
7. all the old "thank" with names of members under the comments are gone
8. suggest a darker / clearer separation line between each comment
9. also the poster's comment and his/her "signature" below is not clearly separated
10. seems like the trackings for postings and threads opened are gone

The posting of images, links, photos, fonts, colour ... all options on the BB Code's selection bar are great improvements. You can view them instantly before posting replies. Keep going!
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forum and pages get load faster because of less graphics and images but look boring. Since its in.beta stages so all is fine
change it the original looks ..this look is not user friendly
The news look is good. Just two questions.

What happened to my likes?
What are the points and what is their effect, if any?
Search has not been built, once its built you can scan all threads, posts, even as far as you can remember. :D
I expect this and speed to increase in couple of days.

Design and new features etc to be done in 3-4 days..

Remember the old PDF wasn't built in a week, it took months... years.

I know you will come up with something amazing, its look like you have a lot of surprises to offer ....

BTW Allampanah could you restore my hard earn 5200+ thanks, in three years ....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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The news look is good. Just two questions.

What happened to my likes?
What are the points and what is their effect, if any?

can you please post the image how it looks like? because at my end it looks childish and not professional just like a blog layout
Now the Ranks should be atleast custom i.e. Army , navy , airforce

:what: but then apart from few professionals, others will like lizards (land), crows (air) and toads (water).

this is mine :

14676%987%123%!@#!#!% ....... feeling linguistically abused o_O :D

@Alpha1 do u have any suggestion for this one :p

That is funny ...... I get my mother tongue which is a regional language in India but Persian is still not supported ... :D
can you please post the image how it looks like? because at my end it looks childish and not professional just like a blog layout

I like it any ways here is the pic of the part of the view:

It will be changed soon,currently the data transfer and other adjustments are taking place,I like it's customization options now,just browse it...you will love it.

Being an IT guy, I have used XenForo before so I am pretty much used to its functionality. I was talking about sudden change and that lovely green+white look.. ;)
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