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PDF Color Scheme

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I can't find the option to change my signature.

The Chinese characters did not transfer over correctly, and I need to fix them.
Use the old version of good
New version of how long it takes perfect enough, defence.pk is my daily visit the website of the most important projects
will take time to get used to this..... gettin old for change
For the love of mother god, please change the font! Change

"Times New Roman" to Arial or similar san script type.

Also web color contrast is horrible. I understand simplicity but blue-ish and white is bad combination.

I'm a technologist and web guru. If you need help designing the web, please speak up.
For the love of mother god, please change the font! Change

"Times New Roman" to Arial or similar san script type.

Also web color contrast is horrible. I understand simplicity but blue-ish and white is bad combination.

I'm a technologist and web guru. If you need help designing the web, please speak up.

This is just the base and as such a beta as has been repeatedly said.This is a newer version of the underlying software The old look will be brought back but it takes time to port from the older version.
If you have suggestions on how that could be done faster, please add here.
Please post ideas and things you guys want. So we can implement them in the new version. :)

Thinking of an award/medal system of sort. How could we use military medals/awards for the forum system? Give your ideas.
@WebMaster kindly guide where is the option to access "your opened threads'' as I am unable to locate some of my previous threads ......


Search has not been built, once its built you can scan all threads, posts, even as far as you can remember. :D
I expect this and speed to increase in couple of days.

Design and new features etc to be done in 3-4 days..

Remember the old PDF wasn't built in a week, it took months... years.
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Please post ideas and things you guys want. So we can implement them in the new version. :)

Thinking of an award/medal system of sort. How could we use military medals/awards for the forum system? Give your ideas.
ALLAH da wasta hai bhai - please change the color scheme at first priority its killing my eyes after browsing for few mins
ALLAH da wasta hai bhai - please change the color scheme at first priority its killing my eyes after browsing for few mins

I will come up with something better for temporary.
Can you please ttell us what was the reason to switch so suddenly when a upgrade site could have been prepared with at least some basic stuff and then ported to the Production?

This is very confusing to a software guy :confused:
May be there are added features but so far this new look does not appeal.
  • MODS please distinguish the colors of sticky and normal threads.
  • The country of origin and current location are not visible.
  • What happened with the designations?
  • The fonts at the main forum page are too small; and hey i don't use/need glasses.
Now the Ranks should be atleast custom i.e. Army , navy , airforce
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