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PDF Color Scheme

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Xenforo is better than vbulletin.
I hope more themes will be added for user choice.
With Xenforo IMO the final look will be a lot better than what V bulletin can ever offer
Webby, New member registration should be blocked till site is out of beta.
This new look is awesome
Wow!! PDF is not green anymore, it's BLUE!! :D
As so many people including our friends from neighbouring countries have pointed out that PDF is no more green or words to that effect, Iwould be worth while considering a shade of Pakistan green colour as theme.
Complete new look, may be after modification things will be more clearer but at the moment it does look blank and empty. Looks are sober at the moment
@WebMaster can you at a link that we can transmission between the mobile version and full site. Because I mostly use mobile with full site. We definetly need that
@WebMaster can you at a link that we can transmission between the mobile version and full site. Because I mostly use mobile with full site. We definetly need that
Everything will be there soon

Don't worry Neptune
What has happened to this place? Feels like I'm in an unfamiliar territory. Not liking it a bit. Get all that features back asap.
Very smooth. Very Nice and very FAST !!!!

But no display of country Flag !!! And no auto check for Threads that have already been created.
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