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PDF Color Scheme

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I am sure new setup will have more and better features. Colour scheme is soft more appealing to eyes. As I am still used to looking at the old format, i guess it will take a while for me to get used to. PDF team all best for this new look.

Yes,I hope too..the best part is that website is not working slow...and is not hanging continuously...and most important,it's Inbox is much comfortable.
Please bring back the old one, it was easier we can see the thanks, the people quoting us...

It's not the first time i see a forum becoming worse with the new version, it's really tiring.
Its not new forum its just for some time @WebMaster is working on the new look and also others so hope and pray they get better look and better speed
It's ok i've noticed that the alert section works.

But i think the new forum is bad for my eyes as it's to clear. But it works definitely faster & is more reliable
The basic look is great. Here's hoping the entire migration is smooth. (It never is)
We don't have blog section such as 'slav's blog' or 'aeronaut's blog' on our profile page.
I hope that after one week I am gonna view same beautiful light blue colour of jrtt,dark blue of that of TTs and a lot more....:(
Wow!! PDF is not green anymore, it's BLUE!! :D
@WebMaster @Zakii @jaibi @Oscar @nuclearpak and others

The present layout is great. But one major point that usually escapes attention is that this is optimized for 4:3 resolutions. For widescreen monitors, there is too much vacant space. For example, the Like and Reply buttons appears great in a squarish monitor, but on widescreens it looks completely out of place. Consider moving the links to the left of Report and it should be fine. The responsive UI rocks btw. :cool:

Also, I kinda miss the smileys. With a few simple plugins, hopefully you can get them back. :D

At this point of time this is equivalent to Windows Vista. (That is an insult, sorry :()
But with minor changes this has the potential to be Windows Seven ;)
Best Wishes!
This doesn't look like DEFENCE.PK :p
I hope it GETS WELL SOON...

Working fast however.
Xenforo is better than vbulletin.
I hope more themes will be added for user choice.
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