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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Qadri's statements keep on changing every hour, St. Louis weather is more reliable than this fellow..

he is ready for everyone, check this out! hourable sheikh rashid!
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i don't understand what irked Imran Khan and his activists.
because of the loss, QADRI shb has done to thier fake & un-practible slogan of change & un-marchable attitude against muk-muka mafia, is genrating the jealousy!

There is so much propaganda coming out against Dr. Qadri that it seems some organization is at his arse.

People are willing to ignore his demands and speech but are looking into his older videos and catching words!

Are we for real?

I have noticed that commentators are so prejudice, that they would not like to address Dr. Qadri from his title.

One thing is sure, he did irked iftikhar chaudary as he challenged his fake petrol receipts, in his speech.

He also challenged the Iftikhar ch. as he is deliberately ignoring the violation of law and stealing by the Zardari tola.

One thing, i don't understand what irked Imran Khan and his activists.

I ask one genuine question.. had the critiques like Imran Khan and his activists ever listen to the speech of Dr. Qadri?

no sir some good peoples still out there!
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Nothing wrong in demands of Dr. Qadri. All is constitutional.

I love his speech.

He did criticized every one incl. Iftikhar chaudary's corruption.. this is way he criticized all foreign puppets in Pakistan.
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contitution says a lot, i mean fake degree holders, croupters, political convicts like in asghar khan case & so on & on , how much muk-muka mafia follows constitution , the whole nation knows very well?
so keep your bubble, in you dam pocket, & stop defending muk-muka mafia!

he for sure can vote just like native non-Muslims who can vote but can never become head of the state.
just check your ill-perception that you created against dual national pakistanis that you compare fellow pakistanis with non-muslims, if just today they stop sending money , where your stupid & croupt energy less economy will stands???

Ill-perception? Not at all.... Well, I just have drawn an analogy to make my point there's nothing in it to get offend of. Nowhere I have disgraced overseas Pakistanis, don't lament like a baby..

Now how the heck this remittance part is related to what I have cited? What all I have stated is, according to the law of the land, a foreigner (dual national) can neither become a parliamentarian/head of the state nor can head a political party, in short can't participate in any political activity...
Nothing wrong in demands of Dr. Qadri. All is constitutional.

I love his speech.

He did criticized every one incl. Iftikhar chaudary's corruption.. this is way he criticized all foreign puppets in Pakistan.

Are you sure about the bolded part? I have a question - How come constitutionally Army and judiciary can be consulted for interim setup?
Ill-perception? Not at all.... Well, I just have drawn an analogy to make my point there's nothing in it to get offend of. Nowhere I have disgraced overseas Pakistanis, don't lament like a baby..

Now how the heck this remittance part is related to what I have cited? What all I have stated is, according to the law of the land, a foreigner (dual national) can neither become a parliamentarian/head of the state nor can head a political party, in short can't participate in any political activity...

& you find only one law to be implemented on a person who telling & showing the real faces of thugs?
keep it up as long as you want, but this muk-muka mafia isnt going to survive!
don't lament like a baby..
stop being a widow of 2 husbands in house!
& you find only one law to be implemented on a person who telling & showing the real faces of thugs?
keep it up as long as you want, but this muk-muka mafia isnt going to survive!
don't lament like a baby..
stop being a widow of 2 husbands in house!

Once again epic failure at satire! Widow, huh!

Problem with you is that you don't read previous posts, you don't deem the context..

Here, in post number 5, I made a remark but you failed to spot that..

People at Tahrir square gave their blood for the change and it took months to happen! Peaceful literally means no march, people in Islo would be more than happy if they host a peaceful Tahrir square. Mr. Qadri your docket may be substantially good but the way you want to implement it is not good, you yourself are offending the very constitution you are fighting for.

Post number 9..

Answer lies in the highlighted part, it could be a basic right of every Pakistani but not at all a right of an individual who is not a Pakistani, long ago Mr. Qadri preferred to reside in Canada. Moreover you are misunderstood between a constitution and a law, to cope with terrorism you need to legislate or amend already existing laws, you absolutely don't need to cease or amend constitution for it's just a framework. To get rid of Muk-Mukka you want to finish constitution! I hope you said so being sarcastic, in west you would have been charged and sent to the prison if you had said that there, unfortunately in Pakistan every dick and harry can reprobate constitution openly. I don't see any flaw in the constitution of the state as it maintains everything a state needs, mind you it took us 26 years to build a constitution acceptable to everyone and you want to cease it and replace it with one which would take another 2 decades to formulate! Btw what will you be operating whilst; 1935 act, 1956, Layalpur ghanta ghar or Mushi's LFO?

Be the part of electoral process if you are really well-wisher of Pakistan, make it to the parliament with 2/3rd majority and legislate what indeed is needed and get rid of Muk-mukka for once and for all. No need to reenact Tehrir square, there's hell of the difference between two situations. Tehrir square was staged against something overt, but here nobody knows whom against this stage is going to set. There's no point paving way for establishment to intervene and take the charge. People like him will go back to their respective countries by next available flight as parole makes them absolutely immune, it's only we Pakistanis who would pay the price and see more destruction and chaos..
Are you sure about the bolded part? I have a question - How come constitutionally Army and judiciary can be consulted for interim setup?

How Pakistan Almost Blew Up
David Ignatius - How Pakistan Almost Blew Up

By David Ignatius
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A month ago, Pakistan came close to a political breakdown that could have triggered a military coup. How that crisis developed -- and how it was ultimately defused -- illuminates the larger story of a country whose frontier region President Obama recently described as "the most dangerous place in the world."

A detailed account of the March political confrontation emerged last week during a visit to Islamabad by Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and Adm. Mike Mullen. As described by U.S. and Pakistani officials, it's a story of political brinkmanship and, ultimately, of a settlement brokered by the Obama administration.

At stake was the survival of Pakistani democracy. Allies of President Asif Ali Zardari attempted to cripple his political rival, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif. The opposition leader took to the streets in response, joining a "long march" to Islamabad to demand the reinstatement of Pakistan's deposed chief justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry. The march threatened a violent street battle that could have forced Gen. Ashfaq Kiyani, the army chief of staff, to intervene.

The confrontation demonstrated the fragility of Pakistani politics. But it also showed that after some initial mistakes, the three key players -- Zardari, Sharif and Kiyani -- were able to defuse the crisis. The lesson for nervous Pakistan-watchers is that however enfeebled the country's elite may be, it isn't suicidal.

"I think Pakistan's politicians are growing up. They are realizing that you have to meet the people's needs or you get kicked out," says Shuja Nawaz, the author of "Crossed Swords," a study of the Pakistani military.

For the Obama administration, the Pakistani crisis posed the first big diplomatic test. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, joined by Holbrooke and Mullen, helped coax the Pakistani officials back from the brink. This intervention was deftly handled, but it deepened America's involvement in Pakistani politics -- a process that is creating a dangerous anti-American backlash.

The crisis began in late February when the Zardari-backed Supreme Court ruled that Sharif and his brother Shahbaz, the chief minister of Punjab, could not hold office. The governor of Punjab, also a Zardari loyalist, then seized control of that powerful province -- in what Pakistani commentators saw as a putsch by the president against his chief rival.

The lawyers' movement began its march on March 12, pledging to occupy Islamabad until the government restored Chaudhry to his post. Zardari sent a police force known as the Rangers into the streets of Lahore, apparently hoping to intimidate Sharif and the marchers. But Sharif evaded the police and joined the protesters as they headed north toward Islamabad.

Kiyani then faced the moment of decision. According to U.S. and Pakistani sources, Zardari asked the army chief to stop the march and protect Islamabad. Kiyani refused, after discussing the dilemma with his friend Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Meanwhile, Kiyani called Sharif and told him to return home to Lahore, according to one source. And he called the leader of the lawyers' movement, Aitzaz Ahsan, and told him to halt in the city of Gujranwala and wait for a government announcement.

Pressure on Zardari was also building within his People's Party. According to a U.S. official, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani told the president on the night of March 15 that he would resign if Chaudhry wasn't reinstated. (Zardari's camp says it was only a rumor of resignation.) In any event, Gillani went on television at 5 the next morning to announce that the former chief justice would return. The crisis was over.

Pressure for compromise came from Clinton and Holbrooke, in phone calls to Zardari and Sharif. According to Pakistani sources, the American officials signaled to Sharif that they wouldn't object to his becoming president or prime minister some day. Another key intermediary was David Miliband, the British foreign secretary, who urged dialogue with Sharif.

Last week's visit by Holbrooke and Mullen reinforced the deal. They saw the key players and came away hoping that the three could form a united front against the Taliban insurgency in the western frontier areas, rather than continuing their political squabbling. Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to Washington, praised Holbrooke's diplomacy. "He brings hope that complex problems will be resolved."

On the political scorecard, Zardari came out a loser and Sharif and Gillani as winners. But the decisive actor was Kiyani, who managed to defuse the crisis without bringing the army into the streets.

The writer is co-host of PostGlobal, an online discussion of international issues. His e-mail address is davidignatius@washpost.com.

cause he dont want this happens again!
Things were much simpler when 111 Brigade was functional and operational.

Gen. Zia produced Naraz Sharif. Ittefaq Mosque produced Tahirul Al Canadvi. The irony is unmistakeable.
Reference id aka Wikileaks id #196813  ? 
Subject Latest Efforts At Reconciliation
Origin Embassy Islamabad (Pakistan)
Cable time Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:14 UTC
Classification CONFIDENTIAL
Source Cable Viewer
Referenced by 09ISLAMABAD547, 09LAHORE50
Time unknown: Original unredacted version, leaked to Wikileaks
Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:24: Original unredacted version published, with HTML goodies
DE RUEHIL #0541/01 0721514
O 131514Z MAR 09
Hide header


E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/04/2018
TAGS: PREL [External Political Relations], PTER [Terrorists and Terrorism], PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], PK [Pakistan]

Classified By: Anne W. Patterson, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

¶1. (C) Summary and Comment. Pakistani media is reporting
late March 13 that Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Kayani
met today with President Zardari and PM Gilani, and that
Zardari had invited Shahbaz Sharif to a late night meeting to
discuss reconciliation. When Ambassador sees PM Gilani
tonight, we will confirm; Ambassador will see Kayani
tomorrow. Pakistan Muslim League (PML) leader Chaudhry
Shujaat Hussain proposed to Ambassador the idea of a unity
government in Punjab composed of the PML, the Pakistan
People's Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz
(PML-N), with the PML holding the post of Chief Minister.
Zardari told UK Foreign Secretary Miliband March 12 that the
current situation "was the last thing he needed;" he was
ready to make the first move in the form of requesting an
appeal of the Sharifs' disqualification. UK High
Commissioner Brinkley met March 12 with Kayani, who he
described as worried the Army would have to step in to
restore law and order in Punjab. Kayani said he had met with
Zardari and Gilani "to offer advice, not coercion," and he
warmly endorsed the UK attempt at mediation. Brinkley will
see Zardari on March 14.

¶2. (C) It does appear that international and local pressure
on Zardari is building, and he may now be ready to take the
first step; it will be equally important that Nawaz respond
positively--if he senses the lawyers' march may fizzle, he
will be more willing to deal. See septel for an update on
today's demonstrations, which remained peaceful despite
continued arrests/detentions. End Summary.

Punjab Unity Government?

¶3. (C) Ambassador and Polcouns met March 13 with Pakistan
Muslim League (PML) leaders Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and
Pervaiz Elahi. Shujaat confirmed that the Pakistan People's
Party (PPP) had backed off a proposed deal in which Shujaat
would be elected Senate leader in exchange for PML's
participation with the PPP in a coalition government in
Punjab. Still on the table was a PPP offer to give the PML
the slot of Chief Minister of Punjab if they joined in a
coalition. Shujaat was particularly displeased at the way
the PPP had dealt with negotiations--the Prime Minister did
not call to inform him the deal was off until it was public
knowledge. This further reduced the PML's trust in Zardari,
so Shujaat was very suspicious that the PPP would live up to
its commitments on the latest offer. Any coalition with the
PPP, he worried, would not be stable. Shujaat was seriously
considering just staying neutral to let the PPP and the
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) sort out their

¶4. (C) Shujaat did offer an intriguing solution to end
governor's rule in Punjab. He floated the idea of a unity
government in Punjab composed of the PPP, PML, and PML-N; as
the deciding vote, the PML-N would receive the post of Chief
Minister. PML still wants a guarantor, or two, and suggested
that both the U.S. and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General
Kayani act as guarantors for this deal. In Shujaat's view,
this unity arrangement would be much more stable than either
a PPP/PML-N or PML/PML-N coalition.

¶5. (C) Finance Advisor Shaukat Tarin told Ambassador
separately on March 13 that Zardari was "overreaching" and
had backed the Sharif brothers into a corner. Tarin said he
had told Zardari that he could not stabilize the economy in
the middle of a political crisis. Obviously frustrated,
Tarin said that Zardari simply "does not listen" and believes
the President is being badly advised. When asked if Gilani
could play a helpful role, Tarin responded that the Prime
Minister had lost the trust of the President - before he was
on Zardari's side and now he is seen as being neutral.

UK Mediation Efforts

¶6. (C) The UK Embassy briefed post on Foreign Secretary
Miliband's call to Zardari on March 12. Miliband warned
Zardari that the situation was becoming dangerous, and it was
more important than ever to find a way towards political
reconciliation with the Sharifs. Zardari said the current
situation was "the last thing he needed" and indicated he was

ISLAMABAD 00000541 002 OF 002

willing to make the first move in the form of filing an
appeal of the Sharifs disqualification. Miliband is calling
Nawaz on March 13.

¶7. (C) UK High Commissioner Brinkley met yesterday with
Chief of Army Staff Kayani and Awami National Party leader
Asfundyar Wali Khan; he is scheduled to see Zardari the
morning of March 14. Brinkley described Kayani as worried
about the political situation and concerned the Army might be
called in to restore order in Lahore. Kayani said the
decision to impose governor's rule in Punjab was "a bad
decision," welcomed UK mediation efforts, and endorsed
Brinkley's idea of using the Charter of Democracy as a
possible solution to the judiciary issue. Kayani said he had
met with Zardari and PM Gilani to offer "advice, not
coercion." Kayani had instructed his spokesman not to
comment on misleading media speculation about the Army's role
in the crisis.

¶8. (C) Comment: Ambassador will see PM Gilani tonight and
Kayani again tomorrow. We hope to confirm if PPP and PML-N
have the outlines of a deal. Certainly, Zardari is feeling
international and local (internal PPP especially) pressure to
find a way out of the situation he provoked. As for Nawaz,
it appears so far that the government is shutting down
lawyers' efforts to mass on Islamabad so he, too, may be
ready for reconciliation. In all likelihood, a last-minute
deal will not stop the march, so the possibility of violence
still exists.


Cable reference id: #09ISLAMABAD541
How Pakistan Almost Blew Up
David Ignatius - How Pakistan Almost Blew Up

By David Ignatius
Thursday, April 16, 2009
On the political scorecard, Zardari came out a loser and Sharif and Gillani as winners. But the decisive actor was Kiyani, who managed to defuse the crisis without bringing the army into the streets.
IMHO, Kiyani has been the most impotent and the most indecisive Army Chief ever in PA. He has been one of the principal reasons why Drones have become the National Bird of Pakistan blowing up their own citizens and wantonly massacring them now and then ; Again not a single whimper came out when OBL was put down like a rabid dog right under his own military's nose. On the military front, waves and waves of Talibunnies have been beheading his soldiers out there in WaziriLand. He hasn't been able to make a single decision in the National interest for fear of being cut off from US Aid Money due to the KLB bill insinuations. In other words, the COAS has become something like a scarecrow for external forces, whether it may be ISAF or the Taliban.
keep it up , it may make your LASHKAR-E-JHANGVI mind frame happier?:rofl::lol:

hey batmannow if lashkar-e-jhangvi is against shia's and they say shia's are kafirs. but if i post a video of Qadri with same fatwa then??? what would you say about Qadri :D
IMHO, Kiyani has been the most impotent and the most indecisive Army Chief ever in PA. He has been one of the principal reasons why Drones have become the National Bird of Pakistan blowing up their own citizens and wantonly massacring them now and then ; Again not a single whimper came out when OBL was put down like a rabid dog right under his own military's nose. On the military front, waves and waves of Talibunnies have been beheading his soldiers out there in WaziriLand. He hasn't been able to make a single decision in the National interest for fear of being cut off from US Aid Money due to the KLB bill insinuations. In other words, the COAS has become something like a scarecrow for external forces, whether it may be ISAF or the Taliban.

stay away from PA bashing, supreme commander is a nut job, & topic isnt what are you heading for, & in the end its not the dam indian politics in which your , comments are needed!

Things were much simpler when 111 Brigade was functional and operational.

Gen. Zia produced Naraz Sharif. Ittefaq Mosque produced Tahirul Al Canadvi. The irony is unmistakeable.

may make it correct?
FM ayub khan produced ZAB, Gen. Zia produced Naraz Sharif, but the perception against dr, qadri was wrong , pushed by sharifs, if not plz put a link to prove DR, qadri was the imam at Ittefaq Mosque
Things were much simpler when 111 Brigade was functional and operational.

Gen. Zia produced Naraz Sharif. Ittefaq Mosque produced Tahirul Al Canadvi. The irony is unmistakeable.

wrong perception against dr, qadri he wasnt was a imam in Ittefaq Mosque , if you can prove it plz file a link here?

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