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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

The Media?

Last week on a Pakistani TV talk show the anchor was showing some NICOP cards of some personalities proving they are dual citizenship holders. Well, NICOP is issued to all Pakistanis residing outside Pakistan. The holder might be having second or third nationality or permanent residency depending on where the person is residing or might not even have either one of them. But if a person is in USA or European countries or Australia no one would say no to get a passport there.

But the funny part is in the news bar the channel was showing some names and saying they have UAE nationalities based on their NICOPs.

In gulf countries dual citizenship is not allowed. If “somehow” you do manage to get a gulf passport you are not allowed to use the first passport, and even vice versa. Infact you have to denounce it as this is one of the condition.

In this case if you denounce Pakistani nationality, the NICOP will be automatically cancelled.

My friend these are filthy rich pigs they can settle with arabs/european anything.
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Last year TUQ said neither he nor his family members want to stand in elections he only wants implementation of the articles relating to eligibility to stand in elections and to be appointed as minister, PM or president. But still people doubted his intentions

Those who say that he is holding Canadian and Pakistani nationality or his funded by someone? What do they say about:

  • PM and President the outgoing and the current ones having the other passports
  • The party leader who is residing overseas since decades and did not renew his Paksitani passport all these years nor had a NICOP.
  • Chicken (Bilawal) who spent almost all his life outside and speaks Urdu in English accent.
  • MPA, MNAs Mps, politicians who have at least 1 additional passport and I am definitely sure that some have 2 or 3 or even more so as to have a place to go if the nation decides to kick them out

MPA, MNAs Mps, politicians having another nationality (particularly USA) will definitely do what that country will ask them to do and they will do it without hesitation as for them the other passport is more dear than the nation they run. If they are sincere they can announce that they denounce their other nationalities and provide copies to the relevant authorities for records.

Remember closed door session after the OBL raid? The complete session was being watched in video and audio by the US embassy live. How is it possible? Just one call to those politicians to “remind them” about their oath when they acquired their USA passport is enough.
Two events are not related.

If TuQ is serious, he needs to be on the ground with Awaam unless he wants to become like Altaf Hussain.
sorry , i dont want to go into who is best?
but he was on the ground when he went to take head on to zardari govt, & thats a recorded fact?
which cant be denied ?
not only that , he went to SC aginst illegal constitution of EC.?
it takes a whole lot of heart to do that?
cause none of the so called politicians , had heart or will power to do that till now?
sure when he is going to give the final call for the destruction of the fake damocrazy, you ill find him in the crowds ?

TuQ is no different than mqm, cries and than sits with the same people.

However there is something media/other political parties makes fun of him about being in Canada don't we know zardari/family has UK, France, US, U.A.E citizenships, so nawaz family are also holders of UK/Arab citizenships. 75% sindhi politicians have UK/Canada citizenships.
i think we , should stop praying angels like IMRAN, cause he isnt the only one , who is going to secure pakistan, & change the croupt system?
its a time for PTI to understand & let otger political parties join the cause against the croupt nooracrcy?
i know it feels not good, for young PTIANS to see, TUQ stnading also agimst the croupt system?
ut if PTI wants make a difference then they should realize that, they shouldnt be axting like PMLn , whixh never recognise other political powers & thier , abilities?
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They(mofos) are trying to divide the PTI and TUQ supports, evidence of which is as follows:

They(mofos) are trying to divide the PTI and TUQ supports, evidence of which is as follows:

IK was all over the media and almost no coverage for TUQ at night because he was no physically present here.
@ahstpk Some points are good but the Govt. will not be able to achieve them at all because of unlimited corruption, corrupt politicians, corrupt judges & so on.
@ahstpk Some points are good but the Govt. will not be able to achieve them at all because of unlimited corruption, corrupt politicians, corrupt judges & so on.
TUQ is well versed teacher, recognized all over the world, his points do have , all tne rquried plans, how to achive all that?
instead he is the only, one with a full road map?

what is this?

1. its not as easy as it looks. homeless (of kachi basits) have been given homes/land many times but instead they sell those homes and continue to live where they live for various benefits.
2. fair enough.
3. Average wage earning per month was 10,000 rupees in 2011 according to ILO global wage database. ILO global wage report (2012-13) says that more than 50% of employees (those getting monthly salary) in Pakistan were poor. according to the same report, around 57% of wage earners were living under 2$ a day (as per 2005 data). So this means that on average 1 out of two employed people will be paying 'half the real amount on flour, rice, milk, cooking oil, sugar, and plain clothes.' this is totally absurd.
4. look at point 3. on average half of the Pakistan is lower middle class. meaning almost half of pakistan will be paying 'half of the exact amount of these utilities.' Again, this is absurd.
5. fair enough.
6. fair enough.
7. fair enough.
8. What are peace centres and why do we need to teach 'peace' to people via training centres? i fail to conceive the idea of training centres for peace. establishing and running 10,000 'peace training centres' is a waste of resources. and why will the religious seminaries revise their syllabus on your call?
9. law have been amended. Its a matter of implementing them and developing a culture which does not harass women. Anyway, Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri sbs role has been constructive through out when it comes to respecting women. Deserves the appreciation.
10. I dont agree that the disparity should be minimized. Poor should be supported via social spending and targeted subsidies rather than cutting/restricting the income of high skilled work force. Income disparity is too less in the govt institutions. a lower scale person in the govt institution earns more than his/her private sector contemporary while a high scale person earns less than his/her private sector contemporary.

there is hardly any economic consideration in these policy statements. huge amount of subsidies are mentioned which can no way be sustained. Either the person who made this picture was mistaken to only show these populist policies or otherwise PAT doesnt know what they are saying.
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