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Pastor plans to burn effigy of Prophet of Islam

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Good to see none of the Chinese or Pakistani posters treat him as a Chinese.

I wonder why he still keeps that Chinese flag in his profile anyway.
Remember what I have just written? I am not ask a particular muslim country only but in muslim world in general?

How are non-muslims treated in muslim world in general compared with how muslims are treated in non-muslim world in general?

Who are given better rights???

A lot actually here in Pakistan. I don't think there are any laws regarding not building churches. They are also often renovated.
Unless I see muslim world dramatically changes its practice, shut down terrorism and show great tolerance, I have no interest touching it.

Why don't you give it a try and then see the magic happen,you Hypocrite.
Good to see none of the Chinese or Pakistani posters treat him as a Chinese.

I wonder why he still keeps that Chinese flag in his profile anyway.

Who the heck are you to decide my nationality? Appeasement towards bad/brutal practices in muslim world are much worse compared with offering criticism towards such bad/brutal practices.

If you equal criticism towards such bad/brutal practices in muslim world to anti-islam or islamophobia, I think it is better to ask the moderators to change this forum into anti-India, anti-Jewish, every-post-must-praise-islam forum and label that clearly.

I am not sure whether that is the moderators' intention, though I do not know for sure as well.
Who the heck are you to decide my nationality? Appeasement towards bad/brutal practices in muslim world are much worse compared with offering criticism towards such bad/brutal practices.

If you equal criticism towards such bad/brutal practices in muslim world to anti-islam or islamophobia, I think it is better to ask the moderators to change this forum into anti-India, anti-Jewish, every-post-must-praise-islam forum and label that clearly.

I am not sure whether that is the moderators' intention, though I do not know for sure as well.

If you hate Islam, then you shouldn't even belong to here.

Just like you think you would be welcomed in a Chinese forum if you constantly post the Anti-China propaganda?

And when is this forum Anti-India? If so, there wouldn't have any Indian members here.

You tactics of spreading the hatred among people is so obvious.
Bush also said, even without WMD, getting rid of Sadam only has served the purposed of invading Iraq.

Carrying water now for GWB on the "meritorious" War On Iraq? That's a new low even for Citizen Chan.

Is your H1-B visa about to expire?

Did they not inform you that you are in the "land of the free" now ... there is no need to suck that hard.

As far as for Bin Laden, you should blame him who brings the disaster to Afghanistan. In addition, you should blame Taliban to harbor them. U.S. has asked Taliban to give him up but Taliban was so stupid then. Well, they get what they deserved and lived in those shxt holes now.

So who trained this Bin Laden and encouraged him to kill "infidels"? And if I were a "peasant intellectual" like your highness, I wouldn't be too quick to pronounce who is fit for which "sh!t" hole.

About innocent people died, well, war has its collateral damages. I did not see you get that emotional when several thousand people died in U.S. as result of the 9/11 attack. I did not see you denounced Bin Laden and his associates. Those bastards deserved to rot in hell.

More flakiness from e-phony. Who brought up 9/11 btw? You served up that straw argument that has nothing to do with this "pastor". As far as I remember from my Saturday night drive-bys to this forum, I don't recall you denouncing the drug lords of Mexico, who have caused/are causing thousands of deaths every month to your beloved "fellow Americans".

From what you have written, you are really NOT that far from the minds of those terrorists. I hope CIA, Mossad are taking notes.

I took notes the day when you said "America has too much human rights" and "US Army should commit more atrocities" (I paraphrase slightly but the gist remains).

Don't be so sure the FBI did not take notes, Citizen Cohn ... I mean Citizen Chan.

If you happen to be in the west, get out quickly and go back to your shxt hole. Otherwise, you probably will be in that gizmo prison quite soon. Well, there is no need to bring your holy book since those guards do not give a damn about your book. In case you blow yourself up somewhere as a suicide bomber, enjoy your time burning in hell.

Wow, we really are going to out-suck the xxxxxxs, aren't we? Hey btw what happened to the Pakistani color you were wearing? Swapped it out for Uncle's? Just like changing underwear ... I mean thongs, uh?

BTW, what's this "burning in hell" you are talking about? And what do you know about hell anyway? Are you going to toss in the virgins as well just because that's what they tell you?
It's shocking that Christianity is more extremist than Islam.

Well, I shouldn't say shocking...
Carrying water now for GWB on the "meritorious" War On Iraq? That's a new low even for Citizen Chan.

Is your H1-B visa about to expire?

Did they not inform you that you are in the "land of the free" now ... there is no need to suck that hard.

So who trained this Bin Laden and encouraged him to kill "infidels"? And if I were a "peasant intellectual" like your highness, I wouldn't be too quick to pronounce who is fit for which "sh!t" hole.

More flakiness from e-phony. Who brought up 9/11 btw? You served up that straw argument that has nothing to do with this "pastor". As far as I remember from my Saturday night drive-bys to this forum, I don't recall you denouncing the drug lords of Mexico, who have caused/are causing thousands of deaths every month to your beloved "fellow Americans".

I took notes the day when you said "America has too much human rights" and "US Army should commit more atrocities" (I paraphrase slightly but the gist remains).

Don't be so sure the FBI did not take notes, Citizen Cohn ... I mean Citizen Chan.

Wow, we really are going to out-suck the xxxxxxs, aren't we? Hey btw what happened to the Pakistani color you were wearing? Swapped it out for Uncle's? Just like changing underwear ... I mean thongs, uh?

BTW, what's this "burning in hell" you are talking about? And what do you know about hell anyway? Are you going to toss in the virgins as well just because that's what they tell you?

Lol, never thought that you would defend Islam.
Idiots like you equal a simple criticism to hate.

As I have said, why don't you ask the moderators change this forum into islam-praise-only forum???

In that way, no criticism would ever appear any more.

About anti-India, well, why don't you ask India members here.

If you hate Islam, then you shouldn't even belong to here.

Just like you think you would be welcomed in a Chinese forum if you constantly post the Anti-China propaganda?

And when is this forum Anti-India? If so, there wouldn't have any Indian members here.

You tactics of spreading the hatred among people is so obvious.
Well, it seems that you are also in the west. Why don't you defend Sadam and Bin Laden in public??? I would love to see you do that. You will become such a chicken then since the minute you defend them, you will be thrown out of Canada.

This is a public forum. I have no intention sucking up to anyone or any government at all. Otherwise, I will notify them before I do so, don't I?

On the contrary, I have seen waves of muslim members show such intolerance and a lot of Chinese members here jumping out to attack me to appease those muslim members as if I am the anti-islam enemy number one.

As far as for what you said that I have said:

""America has too much human rights" and "US Army should commit more atrocities" (I paraphrase slightly but the gist remains)."

Why don't you find exactly what I have said, not the gist? You idiot read what I have written again and see whether that is the meaning. You can put a link to that particular posts so that everyone can see clearly what is written.

About Pakistan flag, I used to have a much better respect for that country due to the cozy relation between China and Pakistan. So I put it there even though my residential country is always U.S. However, if all people in Pakistan are as intolerant as members here, I have already lost my respect.

About denouncing drug lords in Mexico, is this the forum for that? If it is, I have no problem denouncing them. However, this is a forums between muslim world and secular world. Even as a country within secular world, Mexico plays little role in any topics we have mentioned here. You weird thinking makes me wonder what the heck you are trying to say.

BTW, fix your broken English. It is really pathetic.

In the end, why don't you tell me who brought up 9/11???

Carrying water now for GWB on the "meritorious" War On Iraq? That's a new low even for Citizen Chan.

Is your H1-B visa about to expire?

Did they not inform you that you are in the "land of the free" now ... there is no need to suck that


So who trained this Bin Laden and encouraged him to kill "infidels"? And if I were a "peasant intellectual" like your highness, I wouldn't be too quick to pronounce who is fit for which "sh!t" hole.

More flakiness from e-phony. Who brought up 9/11 btw? You served up that straw argument that has nothing to do with this "pastor". As far as I remember from my Saturday night drive-bys to this forum, I don't recall you denouncing the drug lords of Mexico, who have caused/are causing thousands of deaths every month to your beloved "fellow Americans".

I took notes the day when you said "America has too much human rights" and "US Army should commit more atrocities" (I paraphrase slightly but the gist remains).

Don't be so sure the FBI did not take notes, Citizen Cohn ... I mean Citizen Chan.

Wow, we really are going to out-suck the xxxxxxs, aren't we? Hey btw what happened to the Pakistani color you were wearing? Swapped it out for Uncle's? Just like changing underwear ... I mean thongs, uh?

BTW, what's this "burning in hell" you are talking about? And what do you know about hell anyway? Are you going to toss in the virgins as well just because that's what they tell you?
Well, it seems that you are also in the west. Why don't you defend Sadam and Bin Laden in public??? I would love to see you do that. You will become such a chicken then since the minute you defend them, you will be thrown out of Canada.

Stupid is as stupid does. If you still think Sadam is the face of "Islam", then Mao must be the ambassador for Confucius to you.

By noble Forrest Gump, you are stoopid alright.

If you think speaking out against the War On Iraq means "defending" Bin Laden, then you need to get a refund from your 工农兵大学 ...

Yes, you should worry about "being thrown out" ... Mr. "GIs need to commit more war crimes".

This is a public forum. I have no intention sucking up to anyone or any government at all. Otherwise, I will notify them before I do so, don't I?

Notify? Before you suck? :azn:

Look what's that gooey stuff dripping down the side of your mouth?

O saliva you say ... never mind.

Do "notify the authorities" when you develop the "intention" ... There are schools and programs to help you so you won't have to turn these tricks ...

On the contrary, I have seen waves of muslim members show such intolerance and a lot of Chinese members here jumping out to attack me to appease those muslim members as if I am the anti-islam enemy number one.

Context - does that mean anything to you? Method - does that mean anything to you? You don't think people here know more than you about the history and present of the Muslim world, glory and warts and all? If you can't sing carols, stay home during Christmas. Not everyday is the season for you to canvas the neighborhood and remind people about The Inquisition.

As far as for what you said that I have said:

""America has too much human rights" and "US Army should commit more atrocities" (I paraphrase slightly but the gist remains)."

Why don't you find exactly what I have said, not the gist? You idiot read what I have written again and see whether that is the meaning. You can put a link to that particular posts so that everyone can see clearly what is written.

As you wish, in living colour.

What's the matter, did you not say that America could not "win" the War On Iraq because it "court-martialed soldiers for crimes"? Wait, are you telling me that Citizen Chan does not have faith in Democracy? He does not have faith in the "rule of law"? Or could it be that he is a closet "defeatist", "Commie" 5th columnist who is against "American Values"?

O my my, what is he doing then in the land of the free?

Wait, don't tell me. Tell the FBI, fool.

About Pakistan flag, I used to have a much better respect for that country due to the cozy relation between China and Pakistan. So I put it there even though my residential country is always U.S. However, if all people in Pakistan are as intolerant as members here, I have already lost my respect.

You know nothing about Pakistan. That's all. It's shameful to pretend otherwise. You knew nothing when you came to this forum, and you know nothing now.

You care not to learn. But you think you are fit to preach.

... You weird thinking (sic) makes me wonder what the heck you are trying to say.

BTW, fix your broken English. It is really pathetic.

:what: Okaaaay ... or is that "weird"? Funny in high school nobody minded my Chinglish. But can I apologize for offending Mr. Secular Scholar? What can I say, I nearly flunked out of ESL back in the days ...

I know nothing about colloquial, idiomatic, everyday English next to the Peasant Intellectual.

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