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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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I think you must be living in a different India then.
The one in reality sends minorities to jail for simply eating beef.

Also, it's pathetic that you are condoning this disgusting act by simply saying "well, some place else does something bad too"

Anybody who eats beef in India will go to jail irrespective of religion . You see that is the difference between India and Pak . similarly anyone who insults muhammed will also be booked in india This is equality . Btw this law has not been passed in many states yet .

I am also not condoning anything . You need to improve your comprehension skills . I was just reiterating what superkaif said .
Whatever you say, never said anything about Christians being the majority just growing.

Thats what I'm saying..their growth through conversions went unnoticed till recently...now Hindu orgs haven taken a note and preventive measures are being taken to prevent coerced conversions. So now their growth has more or less run into a wall.
not true.... have enjoyed steaks in delhi restaurants many a times.

It is not banned everyhwere . it is just banned in a few states . Pakistanis always ignore these facts though just so that they can somehow prove India is worse than Pakistan in extremism even though most of the sane world recognises otherwises

Even in those states where it is banned , you can get beef through other underground channels .
if jamatis were worse than both

USA would have taken care of them long time ago



But the thing is Jamatis are cowards and will not fight against superior forces. They only commit treason against their own people
But the thing is Jamatis are cowards and will not fight against superior forces. They only commit treason against their own people,a$$hat.

what treason u r talking about :undecided:
There are extremist in every country, but they also don't make up nor do they represent the whole nation.
There is a battle raging in the poverty stricken tribal belts of India. The battle has been raging for hundreds of years. since the coming of Baptist Christian missionaries to the tribal forest lands in 1800 AD during the British rule.
*The spoils of this battle are :- The souls of hundreds of thousands of tribal people which would be 'saved and delivered unto the bosom of Jesus'. The addition of hundreds of thousands of new Christians to the ever growing world Christian population.
*The modus operandi :- To convince the tribal people to abandon the faith and the ways of their forefathers in order to avail of financial and material incentives on offer.
*The finances :- Financial assistance for this scheme is routed in millions of dollars from the west to various missions and charities deployed in the tribal land.
* Fringe benefits :- The added benefit to the priests/church workers embarking on this proselytising effort is the belief that a spot in heaven would surely be reserved for them for having brought so many errant and lost sheep into the waiting arms of the Shepherd. Personal advancement within the Church hierarchy. Salvation and champagne all round.

None of the above justifies violence against the missionaries busy converting Hindus in the tribal belt.

However, it should be realised that conversions in India can not go on for ever, without repercussions. We have suffered conversions for thousands of years, this has to stop. No one is stopping the missionaries from doing charity and poverty alleviation work.The problem is that conversion is being shown as the ultimate solution to all the problems of these poor and destitute people.

When a middle class Indian converts, no one bothers. He has exercised his right to pursue the religion of his choice. There are lakhs of them all around us, they are our friends and colleagues and even relatives. But when a man so poor that he will agree to anything for a loaf of bread converts, eyebrows are raised and rightly so. When he is asked to part with his soul in exchange for the loaf of bread, how fair is that?
The main reason that Christian Missionaries give for the Hindu Dalit's conversion to Christianity is that they are sick and tired of the Hindu caste system..but even after conversion they are referred to as Dalit Christians and get the appropriate sops and reservations from Govt. It shows that caste system is alive and kicking even inside Christianity and even Islam in India.
but even after conversion they are referred to as Dalit Christians and get the appropriate sops and reservations from Govt.

The dalit christians are not covered under Scheduled caste reservation quotas but I have seen some of them not declare their religion to get the benefits.
The dalit christians are not covered under Scheduled caste reservation quotas but I have seen some of them not declare their religion to get the benefits.

Not some of them. Most of them.

Officially they still maintain they are Hindus to avail all the benefits of reservation while in reality they are christians. Some true faith that is.
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