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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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Please Take ur Unholy $hit from here i dont even Care If India Becomes a Muslims Country... But U dont Know the Strength of Hindus in India... its not 1970... Hindus have enough Money & if Needed Arms...

---------- Post added at 04:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 AM ----------

As i Said Plzz Come to India i am Eager to persecute Some Syrian Christians ...

LOL now your just posting BS, kick out your christians if you feel that way.

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

Stay strong Christian brother. The unity of Christians worldwide is the only solution to put pressure on countries like India to treat Christians fairly. If you have been noticing the attitude of these people is biased towards the Pastor.

They are justifying the brutality committed against the poor man this day, as if it was his fault. Even if he was converting people in a secular country you are supposed to have that right. Do you know how many Christians the RSS has forcefully converted? Its fair for Hindutva terrorist outfits to target christians and spread their literature anywhere but noooo... how can a Christian do it?

I am sickened today by the biased treatment the Indians want for their minorities. I always did not have much faith for India's model of secularism (I want a secular constitution for Pakistan too) but today my faith has been utterly shaken. They simply cannot give Christians rights. They are justifying Goghra and Orissa murders!

Thank you friend good to hear that.
Yea, Indians are more concerned about Hindus in Pakistan than how the minorities are terrorised in their own front yard.
At least we have the morals to regret any such incident on our soil.

windjammer bhaiy , don't waste your precious time for making these indians reallize/accept/admit the inhumane conditions of their minorities (which they call indians) in india ; qun kay wo kehtay hena kay : " kuttay kay saamnay been bajaanay ka kya faiyda " ... :azn:
All the whining does not change the fact Indians are converting to Christianity and getting attacked by hindus. there are 2 billion christians in the world feel free to kill them all. :lol: Christians are spreading through india peacefully if you have a problem your can feel free to attack them

---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

You need even more to prove christians are persecuted in india :fie: why not go with the local hindu nationalist and see for yourself.

Sorry the links you haven given do not constitute proof, you now need to stop trolling this thread.. you dont have the first idead about india but the net which can show what one is looking for...google on boy..
So now you are trying to get strength in number by calling blooboy, let me tell you some thing, he is a true cristian who belives that coverting is not good for the nation as it will cause unnecessary friection between Hindus and Christians, even he dispices the panthacost sect of christians who are bringing bad name to Christianity.

Any true Christian will never believe such a thing. In his heart he is happy when a Hindu converts because in his heart he knows if that man converts of his free will it is nothing wrong. He would even be happy if a Christian converted to Hinduism which mind you many Christians are being converted. That is true secularism.
A reality Check for Christians... u wanna Gain Roadway into India... But ur Losing the Soil under ur feet in Europe...

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Sorry the links you haven given do not constitute proof, you now need to stop trolling this thread.. you dont have the first idead about india but the net which can show what one is looking for...google on boy..

Believe what you like.
However it shows the persecution. anyway good thing more christian missionaries are going to India. :tup:
your right they will turn the other cheek to Hindu Extremists.

Christian in India are growing I'm not talking of the world, as for religious violence they is hardly few Christians have committed today. Russia is seeing Orthodoxy coming again, In china Christians are growing same with India.

Ok since you seem convinced in your own press let me give you the truth.

It is true Chrsitianity was growing in the recent years due to conversions among the Dalits and no Hindu org doing anything about it. Right now it is changing..the missionaries have already almost exhausted the potential converts - Dalits..because even the remaining Dalits have become aware of this chicanery, the educated middle class Hindus are more aware of the dangers of conversion and Hindu orgs have started countering the works of these missionaries.

So no, India will remain a Hindu majority
Hungary ...

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Ok since you seem convinced in your own press let me give you the truth.

It is true Chrsitianity was growing in the recent years due to conversions among the Dalits and no Hindu org doing anything about it. Right now it is changing..the missionaries have already almost exhausted the potential converts - Dalits..because even the remaining Dalits have become aware of this chicanery, the educated middle class Hindus are more aware of the dangers of conversion and Hindu orgs have started countering the works of these missionaries.

So no, India will remain a Hindu majority

Whatever you say, never said anything about Christians being the majority just growing.
Yes Lets Convert all those Muslims & Christians of India... after that Lets Go for Pakisthan Then Bangdadesh then Saudi... Lets Fcuking Convert the Whole World into Hinduism...

But first what to do with the Pastor. What is the Indian, secular way to treat the Pastor
a) Rape his wife.
b) Hang the pastor
c) Send the Pastor to Pakistan
d) Nuke Chatisgarh
e) Make a bollywood movie where the hero blows up Christians
f) I forgot... you decide.
Here Goes Turkey

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& here We reach ur Holy City .... Italy

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